other-user-1: These broad questions can often end up being very usefull for beginners that are new to web development.
other-user-2: Exactly - how are people supposed to learn about modern web design if they have no idea what to even Google or how things work? The only place to start is with a broad question. Instead of making StackOverflow a welcoming place for a new user, they got 5 down votes and their question locked.
me: "how are people supposed to learn about <subject>" - elsewhere, via any means they like. This isn't a beginners, or basics, site: it's a site for 'professional and enthusiasts.
other-user-2: you have seen the front page right? People get help for all kinds of basic questions. Looking at your history, half of the questions you asked when you were starting out could be classified as beginners questions. If you had gotten all of those closed and down voted instead of answered - would you have stuck around?
me: there's that, certainly; and I was lucky enough to get here when the criteria was different, and those answering were perhaps more tolerant. But this question remains, I think, too open-ended (rather than simply 'basic' or 'beginner') to be objectively answered.
other-user-2: but it was objectively answered. There are tool chains that modern front end developers use and this was the answer that was provided and it was helpful to the person that asked. This is a prime example why so many people have stopped answering questions - we try and help and then get told that the question wasn't good enough to deserve an answer. It's just gotten ridiculous and your first comment is everything that is wrong with the StackOverflow mod squad, you don't even know what this site is for anymore.
###How do web designers do complicated CSS coding?
How do web designers do complicated CSS coding?
I am new to web designing.I am in a habbit of viewing the source code of web pages by clicking right click>view page source and what i see is CSS files flooded with vast and complicated CSS code.I have learnt CSS and CSS 3. But i often think that How could designers code such vast CSS files? How much time it takes? Do they do all the coding by typing themselves or generate the code with the help of some program. Plz do reply me.