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Jul 1, 2014 at 21:15 comment added NoDataDumpNoContribution @MichaelPetrie As mentioned above there is a Portuguese SO and there might be a French one soon and maybe a Japanese/Chinese/Arabic one in due time. Only they are not under one umbrella which is good. Your suggestions with language tags is interesting but has a flaw. I imagine that everyone can select a range of languages and then only sees questions of these languages. But it would be a tough job for moderators or voters because they must be polyglot. And flagging for duplicates across languages.. From an efficiency point of view we better just all speak only one language whatever it will be.
Jun 30, 2014 at 23:24 comment added Michael J Petrie @deceze Agreed :) Extremely tough, but if that functionality was there I don't see how it would hurt. The Japanese equivalents to SO (, for example) are abysmal in comparison. SO is such a great platform for sharing knowledge, it seems like such a shame that it should be limited to English only.
Jun 30, 2014 at 20:12 comment added drs I don't see how avoiding the scenario outlined here is more valuable than the understanding that comes from communicating in your native language, as long as the post is edited with the results of the communication in English.
Jun 30, 2014 at 16:01 comment added ninjalj @Bart: well, my point was that at this stage Michael's proposal would involve lots of confusion and retagging. Separate sites would be saner (at least than that proposal, I'm not arguing whether having separate sites by native language would be sane).
Jun 30, 2014 at 15:54 comment added Bart Those questions still primarily have to be written in English though @ninjalj. That the subject matter is Arabic text and all issues surrounding it doesn't change that.
Jun 30, 2014 at 15:53 comment added ninjalj @MichaelPetrie: besides, some language tags are already taken for questions working with that language, e.g. [arabic] is used to tag questions dealing with BiDi, positional forms, mirroring, and other issues that crop up when dealing with arabic UIs.
Jun 30, 2014 at 12:48 comment added deceze Mod @Michael That's worth a whole 'nother discussion... :) But, having worked exactly with this kind of thing, community driven, multilingual sites, I can tell you that this is an extremely tough proposition. People will "ghettoise" themselves anyway in that system based on their language barriers, so we might as well explicitly create that ghetto from the beginning on the right basis (Area 51 site creation process) instead of letting it grow out of control naturally and making it unmaintainable in the process.
Jun 30, 2014 at 4:36 comment added wribit Thanks @Cupcake, I'm checking that out now :)
Jun 30, 2014 at 2:10 comment added Michael J Petrie As a native English speaker and Japanese learner, am I the only one that yearns for multi language support with SO? If posts were tagged with their respective language and then filtered if different from users preferential language(s), I don't see how this how this would be a problem.
Jun 29, 2014 at 18:48 comment added user456814 @wribit there's currently a proposal in Area 51 for Stack Overflow in French.
Jun 29, 2014 at 13:06 comment added Bart No worries @wribit. I've spent a fair bit of time here so I know what to look for and (in the case of MSO content remaining on MSE) know where to look for it.
Jun 29, 2014 at 13:06 comment added Bart Regardless @Deduplicator, if (beyond the occasional minor edits) you need anyone to facilitate your interactions on the site at any point, you might be better off finding a different site. Either that or improve your language skills. And for a developer decent English skills are a good thing to have anyway.
Jun 29, 2014 at 12:50 comment added wribit Thanks for the explanation - all very reasonable. I use SO regularly to find answers to my programming questions, but rarely do I spend the time afforded to me to scour pages upon pages of information about how the site is run. It must be annoying for long time users of the site to have to answer the same thing over and over, but keep in mind some of us are new to it... we don't mean to be pesky. :)
Jun 29, 2014 at 12:45 comment added Deduplicator There's often quite a gap between reading comprehension and ability to formulate your own ideas, so the OP would get the answers even if his english formulation of the question is mediocre. Think of the provided question in his native language only as clarifying hint to editors who can read it (not neccessarily write it).
Jun 29, 2014 at 12:22 history answered Bart CC BY-SA 3.0