Yup, the tag scoring script is struggling to keep up with Stack Overflow's dataset. But when it does successfully run and you reached the threshold for a tag badge, you are at least awarded your badgesawarded your badges.
So why haven't I been awarded a silver tag badge for python-requests? I meet all the criteria:
- There are more than 100 questions tagged python-requests.
- I have a score of exactly 400exactly 400.
- I have 105 non-wiki answers105 non-wiki answers on the tag.
Comparing my tag scorestag scores to the realtime API output (via Awesome Poodles' awesome script) it is clear the tag scores have updated, but what happened to awarding tag badges?
Having scanned all silver badges from .htaccess
up to cxf
all silver badges from .htaccess
up to cxf
I cannot seem to find anyone receiving tag badges more recently than 2 days ago.
A few more examples beyond just me:
- Hans Passant should have earned a bronze badge for icons (2 upvotes yesterday to push him to 100).
- SLaks should have earned a bronze badge for namespaces (qualifying tag score, haven't found yet if a question was retagged or similar to push him over)
- Stephen C should have earned a bronze badge for loops (2 upvotes for a new post yesterday to push him to 101).