- Question is too simple for them.
I think this may occasionally occur but not typically unless it is because it is obvious that the OP hasn't even tried to find the issue on there own with something like a simple Google search.
- Question is too hard for them to understand.
Do you have any evidence of this?
- Poor question grammar.
Unfortunately, this probably does happen from time to time. However, most users who care about the site will not downvote these questions if this is the only problem. This is why we have edits. We typically edit questions into shape when we can if that is all that is wrong.
- Poorly explained question.
Yes, these are and should be downvoted. If the question isn't explained correctly then answering clearly is nearly impossible.
- Possible duplicate.
Again, yes. SE has some pretty good search algorithms and mechanisms to help you remember and know that you have searched for this problem. If you haven't taken the time to do a simple search then you deserve a downvote on your question. We take time out of our busy lives to help you so if you have a question then you should take the time to do a quick search.
- They don't like topic to which question is related to (programming language, library, software, etc.).
I'm sorry, we would need links to examples here. Almost no one is going to downvote for this reason.
- They don't like person who asks the question.
Ah, bullying. That sucks but I don't think it happens on here too often for this reason. Most members have grown out of it.