There seems to be a fair number of tags which despite being quashed often re-appear on the new-tags"new" tags screen as if waiting for the day someone tags a post in which the context give's it's futile existence some actual meaning meaning...
MaybeThis may not be the best example as it will arguably never have any taxonomic value but one that cropped up again today would would be val. It can't be synonymised with value because that get'sgets nuked (rightly so) - and despite being frequently attached to jquery posts it get'sgets rejected as a synonym as it's presuamablypresumably too generic.
This seems to leave a repetitive void in the system where folks are editing questions just to remove the same tagtags time and time again. So would Would it be useful if a tag could be declared a metonym for another so that when used in conjunction one isit gets automatically nullified without impeding on it's usefulness (or "potential"potentially) elsewhere?