Well, I apparently see this very differently than the meta netizens that have participated here (other than George, with whom I agree wholeheartedlyother than George, with whom I agree wholeheartedly).
First, I agree with eis, who statesstates that the viewpoints expressed here may not convey the sentiment of the community at large. Most Stack Overflow participants never come here; they rely on you and I to make sensible decisions about how the site is run. Deletion of an answer solely on the basis that it is "link-only," regardless of the veracity of the information imparted, is not a sensible decision.
The mission of Stack Overflow is to collect useful programming knowledge; if that knowledge is useful, but not in a form that we like, the first thing we should reach for is making that knowledge available to the community in a form that is acceptable to us, not removing the information outright.
Moderators are tasked with getting involved on posts that cannot be handled by the community. Their first priority is the preservation of useful information, not a slavish adherence to the rules. If the first thing you reach for on a high-rep answer that is accepted by the OP as the correct answer is a moderator flag, you have abdicated your role as a member of the community. You've taken your eye off the ball.