I can't remember seeing any announcement for this change, which for me is quite worrying. It sends a signal that the community:
- Isn't part of the decision process.
- Opinions may be heard after the fact (if meta counts at all).
I'm left to wonder why this change was even made, and these are the only three reasons I could think of:
- Make users aware that they can edit their own Questions.
- Make everyone aware that they can edit closed Questions.
- Make a very easy way for quick automatic re-opening.
Unless changes are made to when a closed Question is pushed into the re-open queue, the first two of the above reasons are likely to turn out undesirable. The third is just plain undesirable!
1. Make users aware that they can edit their own Questions
If a user is unaware that they can edit their own Question, they probably haven't read anything in the help center at all. They didn't even read the tour! I very highly doubt that putting this huge button on their close banner is going to make them more inclined to understand how Stack Overflow works.
2. Make everyone aware that they can edit closed Questions.
As anyone else in this Question is pointing out, the result of the big edit button is clearly going to make the Question increasingly difficult for the author to re-open their own Question. So unless all >2K reputation users stops making cosmetic edits and no such edits from anyone else is approved, the problem that's already here, will just be magnified. A Question gets one entry-by-edit into the re-open queue and that's it.
3. Make way for quick automatic re-opening.
While this just seems like a joke, I'm very concerned that it's on the table. It will effectively invalidate curators decision to close a Question. They'd have to monitor the Question and hope that after the re-opening, three other curators will re-close it. This makes it 6 votes to close, instead of just 3. The other more permanent result would be this scenario:
Close vote → Closed → Delete vote → Deleted! Over! → Ask a new Question.
A band aid could, of course, be a big edit button on the banner of a deleted Question. Then a user could edit it and vote to un-delete it, but there is no un-delete queue. Worse even would be automatic un-deletion!
In all honestly, the huge edit button on closed Question is making me very worried about the direction this could be headed.
I've previously tried to point out that easy access to information is the best option for any solution of how to make users get acquainted with and feel welcomed on Stack Overflow. I'd ask Stack Overflow to please focus on that, and not on big buttons. This change should be reverted as soon as possible.