I've recently custom flagged this answer:
Which is a complete copy of another answer (which funnily enough already consists entirely of a quote and its attribution):
The complete text of my flag was:
Just a repost of a different answer. Directly linked in the post as well... (stackoverflow.com/questions/1164899/ie7-popup-hide-the-url-bar)
The response was:
declined - it's attributed and allowed
I do not understand the decline reason.
Shouldn't answers that copy another answer entirely although using proper attribution be flagged for moderator attention? (Feel free to close as a dupe to that one, although I'd like to know if that stance has changed since that answer was posted, in light of this flag's results).
Maybe my description wasn't complete enough, and I apologize for that, but the decline reason makes me think the mod did read both answers and made their own judgement, so a more accurate flag description wouldn't have made a difference.
Even if I didn't flag for plagiarism, I would argue that the attribution is kinda weak here: The link doesn't point to the answer but to the question, and the attribution should probably go the the primary source, not to the already quoting answer...
Nevertheless, not arguing a plagiarism flag, but would like to know in if either I erred and misinterpreted the guidance in this case or if we should avoid flagging cases like these in the future.
Apparently the question was deleted (likely due the additional meta-scrutiny this question brought), but my point is less about "lets delete this answer" and more about the flag handling and how should we flag these cases.
Even if this was "handled" by the community, a meta post was required, and the community deletion will possibly have to be reviewed by a mod anyway.