The question described below has been put on hold for reasons beyond my understanding. Would someone please kindly explain why? I would like to start discussion on this if possible:
Title of the question:
Why does python use ** instead of ^ to represent exponentiation?
Content of the question:
Who this question is addressed to: People who have significant background in theory of design and implementation of programming languages and therefore have very good intuition on why certain choices in design of programming languages may be favored over others.
why this question is not opinion based: Because just like there is a good reason for why other features of language are structure the way they are. (certain feature of language being based on fortran and c++ and therefore being largely very efficient) similarly this may perhaps be one of those things where efficiency is impacted. or may be not at all. but the question if being dismissed for completely wrong reasons. Below is the question:
what consideration in internal representation made architect of the language to choose ** over ^? or was it a pure having preference for certain kind of notation thing?
for some other future language feature (let's assume xor didn't exist at the time the decision was made). From a language design standpoint it makes sense to use short tokens for common operations and longer tokens for the less common ones. Still, this is just my... opinion ;-)