How do I flag sections as being valid for different ranges of versions?

I can only see how to say something like "greater than 3.4". I need to be able to declare that something is valid in both python2 and python3, and some members of the community are claiming it isn't valid to just say "greater than 2.5" to imply that python3 is also covered. this is how you start version blocks for both flavors of python:

<!-- if version <Python 2.x> [gte 2.3] --> 
<!-- if version <Python 3.x> [gte 3.0] -->

But how would I specify that something is valid after both python 2.5 and python 3.0?

Is this a feature that can be added?


1 Answer 1


As a workaround, you can nest multiple version blocks:

<!-- if version <Python 2.x> [gte 2.3] --> 
<!-- if version <Python 3.x> [gte 3.0] -->
<!-- end version if -->
<!-- end version if -->

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