[Note: I'm a Server Fault moderator, and this post should be read in that light. In particular, I'm *not* a Stack Overflow moderator.]
Welcome to topic overlap.
Since you've referred to one of my answers elsewhere on mSO, I guess I have to do some more clarifying.
First, the ways that Docker is used by developers and by system administrators often differs. It can be used by a developer or team to take code all the way from the developer's keyboard to production, with not much being required from IT beyond providing the bare metal (or even virtual machine) to run Docker on.
Thus, as sysadmins, we're usually more focused on making sure that Docker is installed and running properly, that there is enough disk space for containers and images, etc. Sysadmins don't usually do that much with your code, Dockerfiles, etc., though we may on occasion create base images.
This particular question is about the architecture of a deployed web application, which is a complete gray area. This is done by developers sometimes, by sysadmins sometimes. Ideally this in particular is something that sysadmins and developers should be collaborating on closely, in the true spirit of DevOps, as it requires both management of resources that sysadmins provide as well as designing and programming the application to take advantage of it.
Had the referenced question been asked on Server Fault originally, I would have just answered it. SF has had many similar questions, though they are often too broad and get into the realm of "design my app's infrastructure for me" which, if you ask me that, you'd better be writing a large check to go along with it. This one is specific enough to be answerable, and I do not quite understand the mass of downvotes that it collected.
As a general rule, I would say that most questions about Docker that a programmer is likely to come up with in the course of programming should be fine on Stack Overflow. Those that involve administering Docker itself in a production environment (not your workstation!) should be fine on Server Fault. When the question falls into a gray area such as the one referenced here, well, make your best guess and bring your hazmat suits.