The issue with such questions
If a competent coder asks a "spot the bug" question where the answer is non trivial, should it be downvoted?
I wish to challenge the premise. A competent coder by definition cannot ask such a question, except by a deliberate refusal to engage in the process of coding competently.
Competence at coding entails writing code deliberately and with a specific intent in mind, which entails having in mind - or at least being able to come up with one on demand - an expected result and behaviour for each individual step of the code that was written.
When code results in an explicit, unhandled error (rather than simply a wrong result), competence at coding entails an attempt to read and understand the error message, relate it to the code, and thus pinpoint a step with unexpected behaviour (since the actual result is inherently not expected or desirable). It also entails being able to work backwards in order to verify the input and initial state at the point where the error occurs; either it's expected, in which case we have a question about why this input results in an error, or it's unexpected, in which case we actually have an ordinary unexpected-result question about the previous step. (Or, possibly, some step before that; "garbage in, garbage out", after all.)
Spotting the bug is, definitionally, the process of looking through those steps to identify where the result differs from expectation.
A proper "debugging question" for Stack Overflow is one which:
Does not need more focus: i.e., there is a specific step in the process that has been identified to cause a problem (it could be that there is more than one problem in the original code; but the OP is expected to ask one question at a time);
Does not need debugging details: i.e., there is a Minimal Reproducible Example for that step - i.e., short-cutting past previous steps to supply problematic input at the point where it causes a problem, and skipping subsequent steps (otherwise, it "needs debugging details");
Does not need details or clarity: i.e., it explicitly states an expectation for the step (for bonus points, include reasoning for expecting that result, so that any underlying misconception can be addressed head-on); shows what happens instead; and asks why the result differs from expectation (ideally, actually starting with the word "Why" and ending with "?");
is not a duplicate (of course).
In other words: a proper debugging question is not a debugging question any more, because it is not a "where" question - it is a why question, about the unexpected result in the identified and isolated step.
Justifying Stack Overflow's standards
As I re-state at every possible opportunity, Stack Overflow is not a discussion forum. As such, answering questions here is not about helping the person who asked to solve a coding problem, but instead about publishing knowledge in Q&A format for a broad audience.
To communicate knowledge effectively in the Q&A format, the Qs really do need to be as high quality as possible. For questions about code behaviour (i.e., not "how-to" questions), a proper, truly minimal MRE is necessary because:
By focusing on one question, it becomes possible for others (who have done the same work - otherwise, they have no hope of finding anything; if a search engine could debug code for you, there would be no use for Stack Overflow!) to find the question, and ensures that everyone who answers is on the same page, without getting sidetracked by irrelevant details;
By skipping irrelevant steps, it avoids the risk of distracting people who are answering the question (even if there aren't actual problems, it risks turning the site into codereview.SE) and wasting the time of people who search for the question later;
By explicitly stating expected and actual behaviour and asking a question, it becomes possible for others to find the question (i.e., a proper title for the question will make itself obvious) and to recognize the question once found;
By doing all of these things, it becomes considerably easier to recognize duplicates and vastly easier to justify duplicate closures, and linking duplicates improves everyone's experience by making it possible to put canonical information in one place.
"But it's hard!"
There's one objection I want to preempt here: the notion that debugging is hard. Well, yes. That's well known. That's why you aren't supposed to write clever, complex code. This topic is so thoroughly covered in the literature - going at least as far back as Kernighan - that "coders" who wish to consider themselves "competent" have no excuse. The standard for competence includes:
Using version control properly, so that it's evident when things stop working and therefore what changed to make them not work;
Paying attention to any code that comes from an external source (including Stack Overflow!), in order to understand and adapt it before inclusion rather than copying and pasting willy-nilly;
Keeping code aggressively refactored so that components can be tested and problematic ones can be more easily isolated to create MREs;
Testing the code so that problems are noticed as soon as possible after they arise - ideally using automated testing systems, at a complexity scale appropriate to the code base.
Yes, of course beginners are not competent by this standard (or any reasonable standard). So it goes in any field, more or less by definition. Programming has a problem in that novices are allowed to write far too much code without any conscious effort to build the skills of competence.
But that doesn't change the standard - again, just like with any field. If you had a gym with a bunch of kids who had worked their way up to a 225 lb (100 kg) deadlift without any instruction beyond "just pick the weight off the ground, dummy", and they started hurting themselves, the blame would lie with their coach (or the gym) for letting them pull the weight without guidance or form checks. It would not lie with the field of kinesiology for coming up with "unreasonable" form-check standards or dogma about stance and posture.
As I would tell students: "if you think I'm demanding, strict, and cold - wait until you meet the compiler".