10 votes

What can we do when a close-reason requires an explanation?

You post a comment. That's what comments are there for. You should submit a comment if you want to: [...] Leave constructive criticism that guides the author in improving the post; [...] Critically,...
MisterMiyagi's user avatar
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5 votes

What can we do when a close-reason requires an explanation?

Subjective questions However, this is not very helpful for a person who wants to choose how to do some task. This isn't our concern. One of the consequences of Stack Overflow not being a discussion ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
5 votes

What can we do when a close-reason requires an explanation?

When you're voting to close a question, it's because you find an issue. People could find the same issue as you even without a comment. In your case, it's easy to understand for both of your examples ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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