430 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

While the new Upvote/Downvote button design is a nice attempt at a new style: it's too big it detracts from the actual answer post it doesn't fit in with the rest of the post design it makes an ...
Prid's user avatar
  • 1,494
129 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

Is the tick icon planned to be changed to a button (for the asker only, and Admins in Teams) too? If not, then I feel like this would conflict with this statement: Wrapping the vote buttons in an ...
Thom A's user avatar
  • 92.4k
128 votes

Duplicate questions display experiment

feature-request Include the chosen tags in the search criteria for "Questions that may already have your answer." Please include the tags (when present) in the list of suggested duplicates. Without ...
Travis J's user avatar
  • 81.7k
86 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

Wrapping the vote buttons in an outline like this makes them look more actionable, which is an environmental clue for users, especially new ones. (These are buttons, come press them!) This should make ...
Cody Gray - on strike's user avatar
82 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

The styling for a focused non-checked button is a little ambiguous on dark mode compared to light mode: Dark mode Light mode The fill color is pretty noticeable on dark mode, which might lead some ...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 19.4k
70 votes

The "Ask Question" button must be easily accessible

It shouldn’t become a button (or input) element. The a element is the correct choice here, because clicking "Ask Question" leads to a page (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask), i.e., it’s a ...
unor's user avatar
  • 94.5k
65 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

As many others have stated, the design doesn't really match the site. I would propose removing the border-radius: 1000px; and changing the padding: .8em; to a .6em, so it doesn't take up too much ...
Patrick F. Sørensen's user avatar
61 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

What will the HTML look like? Will it be easily revertible with custom CSS? While I fully understand this change and applaud SO for making the site accessible, I'm probably not the only one who ...
MMM's user avatar
  • 300
59 votes

Top Questions re-design in home page

I have a few remarks regarding the details in the left-most column of the list-items. The "Watched" marker is too prominent That marker is big, bold, in full-text and in a yellow frame. That'...
Olivier Grégoire's user avatar
58 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

Maybe it's just me, but my brain doesn't easily recognize the "it's up-voted" part. Now it takes effort. (not good) So, please either: revert it allow us to choose or modify your change to ...
user's user avatar
  • 5,526
54 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

I have to say I find the new buttons quite ugly and have been really bothered by them since the change. They clash significantly with the rest of the UI and look like they were designed for touch/...
Cole's user avatar
  • 680
53 votes

Top Questions re-design in home page

I've created a userscript called LegacyQuestions that brings back the old design. Here's what it looks like with the userscript: Compared to without it:
Spectric's user avatar
  • 31.3k
53 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

The contrast between the arrow icon and button highlight / background on voted buttons in dark mode is too subtle I have two requests... Please tone this down to match the contrast ratio of the ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 162k
51 votes

The "Ask Question" button must be easily accessible

Place it near the top of the page so that that can be quickly found. Sadly you can't tell but it's visually near the top of the page; the lack of a tabindex attribute puts it at the 15th place on ...
Knu's user avatar
  • 15k
51 votes

Duplicate questions display experiment

First let me preface by saying welcome, and that I like this change! This has been mentioned before somewhere I'll unlikely find but please do not display closed questions (unless closed as dupe) or ...
Tas's user avatar
  • 7,072
47 votes

Duplicate questions display experiment

bug If the similar questions contain code (either inline or code block) in the body preview, the content is all escaped meaning it becomes pretty difficult to read. E.g.
crazyloonybin's user avatar
44 votes

Should tag wikis get more exposure?

A lack of tag wiki exposure is very problematic. I strongly believe that users who find the tag wikis would avoid asking frequently asked questions and common pitfalls. Many topics addressed in the ...
Travis J's user avatar
  • 81.7k
43 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

(Prid's answer, posted a few minutes after this, expresses the same sentiment but with nice diagrams showing actual before/after spacing, and with more specific reasoning for why it's distracting and ...
Peter Cordes's user avatar
42 votes

Feature proposal: Easy linking to MDN documentation (and maybe other quality sources)

It's a thoughtful proposal, but I'm pretty indifferent. The value gained, it seems to me, is just a few seconds saved per added MDN link. (Or Python docs link, or Microsoft docs link, or whatever, if ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 148k
41 votes

The "Ask Question" button must be easily accessible

It should be possible to add an "ask question" link into header so that it's not visible to regular users and only accessible to screen readers. Header seems like a natural place to contain links to ...
Jiri Tousek's user avatar
  • 12.3k
41 votes

Is there way to switch to the old UI of Stack Overflow?

For right now, you sort of can. But it's temporary. My understanding is that once the update is actually complete (it's still in testing/development right now), you won't have the option any longer. ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 369
41 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

bug No visibility of highlight in high contrast dark mode I am in the B group with the new buttons and have been since the experiment started. I was shocked to learn that there is supposed to be ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 27.6k
41 votes

Updated button styling for vote arrows: A/B testing has concluded

There's one more button in the layout, the post score (which is available to all users with 1k rep), and it's now nearly impossible to tap without accidentally voting: (Image from Prid's answer) A ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 6,103
33 votes

Has the padding on code blocks been increased?

This fixes an accessibility issue. Depending on a system setting for scrollbars, the last line of <pre><code> blocks was blocked by the MacOS scrollbar in all browsers. This has been ...
Ted Goas's user avatar
  • 7,309
30 votes

Has the padding on code blocks been increased?

Noticed it, it seems a bit excessive to me. Especially the left-side padding makes it seem like there's an extra empty column in front of each line, which can actually be meaningful in some cases. ...
ilkkachu's user avatar
  • 6,438
29 votes

The "Ask Question" button must be easily accessible

I think we can keep it as it is without moving it anywhere. Mark its wrapping element as complementary landmark and give this wrapping element an aria-label as "question tools". Screen reader users ...
sidnc86's user avatar
  • 376
29 votes

Add info about why existing question cannot be found in duplicate list

I'd suggest just changing the existing search message to: Your search returned no questions with upvoted or accepted answers This applies whether or not more information about the criteria used is ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
28 votes

Create a special mod flag for new users when their post is put on hold, deleted or heavily downvoted

I believe this would be better handled by bringing back (after finishing its implementation) the mentorship program. There are plenty of new users with badly received questions in need of guidance, ...
yivi's user avatar
  • 44.7k
27 votes

The form on the "Ask Question" page is filled with a question which I've already asked

The form on the "Ask Question" page automatically saves your input. This feature was designed to prevent losing your work, for example when you accidentally close the page. This shouldn't happen if ...
Michał Perłakowski's user avatar
27 votes

What do the colors on Stack Overflow mean?

Updated late 2016 Colors on the “Answer Count” in the question list: The black text means that the question currently has no answers. The green outline means that the question has at least one ...

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible