23 votes

How can I improve my understanding and application of what makes a better question?

I believe my question is on topic This is the issue. Unless you are getting the error when you try to use the database from code, and not otherwise, I see nothing in the migrated question that makes ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
6 votes

Discussions: Learnings and experiments

It seems like the majority of new discussions are actually questions. (How To question) How to delete page breaks from a WORD document (in c#) (Error Debugging) AttributeError: '...
Kevin B's user avatar
  • 94.9k
5 votes

Discussions: Learnings and experiments

Please disable the upvote option immediately while downvotes are also disabled. There is no valid reason not to do so. What should a downvote communicate in Discussions? Might that signal be better ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k

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