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Tan help blocks overlap question editing area on Meta

Firefox 34.0 When asking a question, the help rectangles overlap with the question composition area.
Aaroninus's user avatar
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Are we removing the Java tag from questions not explicitly about "Java SE"?

This person is spamming a huge number of edits removing java from questions, with the edit message "Not a Java SE problem". Is there a Meta thread where it was decided that this is a good idea? the ...
user229044's user avatar
  • 236k
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Remove "Except for the accepted answer" from the "Vote up" page in the help center

Some time ago, Stack Exchange changed how the order of the answers are. They used to be sorted by accepted answer, then votes. Now it's only sorted by votes. The help center however still says this on ...
MrMythical's user avatar
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Why was this Low Quality Post not deleted with 6 votes against 1? [duplicate] Review completed May 9 at 14:55: mmBs reviewed this May 9 at 14:55: Recommend Deletion Stijn reviewed this May 9 at 14:55: Recommend ...
user247702's user avatar
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I can have a tag both in "Favourite Tags" & in "Ignored Tags"

If you have a tag both in the "Favourite Tags" & in "Ignored Tags" it will be ignored anyway (as if it's in the ignored list); you get no warning about this when adding a tag to either list. This ...
Martin Tournoij's user avatar
22 votes
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Please destroy this user

A new (spam user) is currently going through my questions and suggesting useless edits: As it happens every edit I reject they just go back and submit their useless suggested edit again, making ...
AStopher's user avatar
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3 answers

Changing trends in number of questions by tag - how can we interpret these?

I see in that java tag is about to surpass c# in the leadership of total number of questions. Currently these are the figures: asked | today | this week | total ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 283k
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Tag suggestion for ECMAScript Temporal

The TC39 Temporal proposal adds (finally!) a modern date/time API to JavaScript. If all goes well, Temporal is planned to move to Stage 3 (which means browsers, TypeScript, etc. can start shipping it) ...
Justin Grant's user avatar
  • 45.7k
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What should be done about answers providing links to software on questions that ask for software?

I know that questions such as this one are off-topic and should be closed, but often I encounter their answers in the low-quality review queue. The answers are answers to that question (the ...
Pokechu22's user avatar
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Provide visual prompts to actions of regular users when they exercise superpowers

This is a follow-up to this new feature. Now that regular users can close questions with a single vote, it would be great to have some visual indicator that the action is applied as a superpower ...
Sergey Kalinichenko's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Are purely cosmetic edits to original code frowned-upon, even if they accompany high-value non-code revisions?

Having looked it up and found that code edits are almost universally rejected, I was curious what the fate of cosmetic and in-line comment edits usually were. It's obvious why edits changing the ...
Augusta's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Is editing in resource links on an existing answer appropriate?

So, I've visited one of my answers here and noticed something strange in the revision history: It's something like this. Initial edit by me Spot on technical clarification by Quentin. Additional edit ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
22 votes
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Regression in new "Ask" page: tag usage guidance (tips) has been de-emphasized and is not obvious

We got tag tips, they are little guidance flavor that is supposed to try to nudge you into asking better questions when you use some tags on the site. Well, I doubt askers are reading it because it's ...
Braiam's user avatar
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14 answers

Revisiting our logged-out homepage

Today you’ll be seeing a few key changes we’re making in support of our new Free tier of Stack Overflow for Teams. You can read more about the story behind Free on our Blog as well as the MSE post, ...
David Longworth's user avatar
  • 101
22 votes
3 answers

How should I have handled what looked like spam answers?

This guy seems to be regurgitating at-best-sketchy answers to simple questions answered long ago, along with links to his favorite website. After I saw three or four of them I looked at his page and ...
jthill's user avatar
  • 57.5k
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How should one handle locked rejected migrations?

Recently, I came across a question that was a poor migration from Programmers.SE - it was a code dump and a really bad one that got ...
user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

What to do when a suspicious, but potentially useful edit appears?

An interesting edit came through the queue today; a user had posted a question with no code, then there was an edit containing the code. Normally, this is no big deal. People (unfortunately) commonly ...
BradleyDotNET's user avatar
22 votes
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Profile picture is not showing up properly

Until now I was uploading random images for my display picture on Stack Overflow. Today I uploaded my photo on Stack Overflow. It was uploaded successfully but the top most bar of the website is ...
nobalG's user avatar
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Why didn't I receive a half bounty?

I answered this question: configure-secured-websockets-using-apache It's honestly not one of my best, and I am not really concerned whether or not I get the rep from it, I just want to understand ...
Jacob Margason's user avatar
22 votes
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Edit links in novice users' questions into embedded images?

Users with too low rep cannot embed images in their questions. Those users typically provide a link to the image, and it seems to be common practice for higher rep users to edit the question to embed ...
Luis Mendo's user avatar
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What if I got upvoted and the upvoter lost their upvote privilege?

An upvote privilege is gained when a users has a reputation of 15 or more. But what if someone having the upvote privilege upvotes my answer and after that loses the privilege again? Will upvotes made ...
Vikram Dattu's user avatar
21 votes
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How to get all questions marked duplicate of a certain question through SEDE?

Is there a way to find out all the questions that have been marked duplicate of a specific question, given its ID via SEDE? I know there's a Linked section to every question that links to duplicates ...
Andrew Li's user avatar
  • 57.1k
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What to do when the accepted answer is a link-only answer?

Normally when I see a link-only answer I flag and move on. However, what do I do when the answer has already been accepted? This is the post in question: Unity How to make GameObject Speed gain ...
apxcode's user avatar
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Encourage users to review posts

This question is related to this, not a duplicate of it. For clarification why this isn't a dupe, that question is asking for badges, and I'm asking for a system. You'll get to know when you read my ...
Box Box Box Box's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

My question is being upvoted, but not the accepted (right) answer

I do not have a problem, just some curiosity. I posted a question a while ago and recently it was correctly answered. I upvoted and accepted this answer. Since then, my question was upvoted a couple ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
  • 13.1k
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If another question is the answer, is it a duplicate?

The question Why split the <script> tag when writing it with document.write()? takes a solution and asks what problem is is solving. The question Script tag in JavaScript string takes that ...
Quentin's user avatar
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"First Post" review audit thought the answer was link-only, when a URL was the answer

Today I failed this review audit, which earned me a 4 day review ban. I got a review ban a while back, also for incorrectly reviewing a link only answer, which made me extra careful with links inside ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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Inconsistency on deleted posts notices

Despite the fact that this question has been deleted by a mod, its following answer is marked as 'deleted by the author': The author profile shows that the author has not been active since 11/2018 ...
Vega's user avatar
  • 28.3k
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I think we're pointing new users at the wrong "How to Ask" page

Instead of showing them this page Can we show them our new and improved page instead?
Robert Harvey's user avatar
21 votes
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Serial downvoting flag marked helpful but not reverted [duplicate]

Ok this might sound like a big reaction about a little problem: I don't post much on SO, (6 low-level questions over the past 2 years) 2 weeks ago, I asked one which i needed an answer for, so i ...
Adalcar's user avatar
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I have added a mobile number to my developer story profile — who can see that?

I just updated my developer story with my mobile number, but it's not available from my friend's account also. What is the privilege to see that information?
Amruth's user avatar
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Developer Story was discontinued, but I didn't know. Can I still get it?

I just found out five days too late that the developer story feature is gone - Sunsetting Jobs & Developer Story Is there still a way I can export my data (for the developer story)?
Myster's user avatar
  • 17.9k
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Update JS-Beautify Snippet formatter

Having a JavaScript snippet like: async function foo() { await import('./module.js'); } and then tidying via the Tidy button, you end up with: async function foo() { await import ('./foo.js'); }...
msbit's user avatar
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Is this a good reopen queue audit?

I recently came across this audit in the reopen queue and failed it. It seems to me that the question is too broad for SO. While it is about a particular topic, it asks 20 different questions within ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
  • 25.4k
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How is impact calculated in the profile view [duplicate]

I came across this profile alex555 (I took this one but this could have been any other one) which as an estimated impact of 91K. I've got an impact of 99K. Profile comparison: | Alex555 ...
Thomas Ayoub's user avatar
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How many answers are posted to the questions under triage review?

Triage is intended to limit visibility of the questions ("take that, wall of crap"). Wonder how efficient is the current implementation in maintaining that - specifically, how many questions manage ...
gnat's user avatar
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I received a question ban without seeing any warnings

Update: I am now unbanned! I finally did get that warning too. Thanks! Update 2: Rebanned... Update 3: I asked support for help, and they untied bad questions from my account! I'm unbanned now. I ...
Blue Robin's user avatar
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Proper Etiquette for Editing a Post that was Already Edited

Since I hit the 2k rep limit and was able to just edit posts at will, the edit review queue was something I tried to frequent. I have started giving up on it, since I will see a ton of posts that are ...
Walls's user avatar
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Should I delete an old, unanswered question that I wouldn't ask again today?

When I was relatively new here and just learning Python, I asked a question about initializing objects that I thought might be worth some discussion, or might not - I figured I'll ask it and see, if ...
Air's user avatar
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Why is the "very low quality" flag unavailable here?

I found the following post on the Stack Overflow: I think the answer quality is very low, because the post provides only links to off-site resources without essential parts of the answer. Moreover, ...
Alexander's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it valid for a diamond moderator to use their powers to override the closing votes of other users, in order to reopen a question?

I considered that a certain post does not comply with the SO rules since it explicitly asked if there was a tool that performs a certain specific task, it may or may not be correct, since I do not ...
eyllanesc's user avatar
  • 240k
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Roomba'd questions are once again showing up in search

This bug has previously been fixed, but has once again regressed. From the current collapse burnination: There were a couple more, but I redeleted around 3 more of them before I stopped and ...
Zoe is on strike's user avatar
  • 27.8k
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Posting a suggestion when I'm not sure about the answer

can I answer a question even if i am not 100% sure it is correct and not get negative points for that answer? like a suggestion. Is there any special way to post as a suggestion?'s user avatar
  • 1,078
21 votes
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Eeek, the super-mega-expando search box is annoying, part 3

New top bar, new super-mega-expando search box, and it's almost as annoying as the previous one. The box expands when you type in it and contracts when you unfocus it. It expands towards the left, ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
21 votes
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Answers and Reputation headers are not aligned [closed]

Tabs (Answers and Reputation) are not aligned with auto-height property under the Summary tab of user Activity.
user avatar
21 votes
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Is there a canonical question telling people why they should use SQL parameters?

Often in the .net questions when people have a question about NullReferenceExceptions we direct them to the question What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it? Is there similar type ...
Scott Chamberlain's user avatar
21 votes
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Why did staff mark this "thank you" answer as Rude/Abusive and convert-to-comment to the question?

The answer post I am referring to is this: Thank you. I spent an hour looking for a solution until i came across this There was only ever one ...
user's user avatar
  • 36.1k
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Job matches on hold because, Why?

Is there a reason that job matches — whatever that is — should be put on hold, simply because I do not have a location set? I believe not, and I hope that you'll change this. I ...
jpaugh's user avatar
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Should this post not have been edited?

To know what is considered an acceptable edit of (other's) answers and not, here on Stack Overflow: This can be frustration to users if we have different interpretations as we tend to feel ...
user avatar
21 votes
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Error encountered when approving a suggested edit

When reviewing suggested edits from the post page (i.e. not from the queue), if I'm the first reviewer and click Approve, the content greys-out but then nothing happens and I see this error in the ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 162k

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