Questions tagged [undo]

For questions about features that allow cancellation of the effects of previous actions whether in existence or being requested.

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39 votes
1 answer

How can I undo my vote?

I accidentally down-voted a question. Can I perform an undo on that vote, without upvoting it? I don't consider this particular question deserves a downvote, but have no reason (or knowledge) to ...
Mathias Vonende's user avatar
68 votes
0 answers

Why is the undo operation in text boxes so coarse-grained?

I haven't been able to find another question about this but it would surprise me if no one ever wrote one, because it is so annoying. Also I'm not sure which tag to use because I cannot honestly tell ...
javidcf's user avatar
  • 59.1k
27 votes
1 answer

What is the time limit to undo upvotes/downvotes on posts?

If I want to undo my votes on any question or answer, within how much time can I undo, from the time I voted? Is there any specific time span within which I have to do that?
Derrick's user avatar
  • 3,875
2 votes
0 answers

No time shown until I can undo my vote for an answer [duplicate]

I accidentally up-voted an answer, I want to undo my vote. you last voted on this answer 1 hour ago. Your vote is now locked in unless this answer is edited. Why the answer has to be edited so I ...
Shady Mohamed Sherif's user avatar