Questions tagged [title]

What is allowable or desirable in question titles.

36 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Double-quotes ("") conversions in question titles

I was just looking at this question: Meaning of - <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>. The double quote characters in the title are automatically converted from straight double quotes (") ...
Bruno's user avatar
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Can we remove the "temporary" classification from the Generative AI ban post?

Regarding, Temporary policy: Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is banned, is there really a future where we will be okay with ChatGPT or any other AI answers? If we reach a point where AI answers are so ...
Daviid's user avatar
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Suggest to post answer / accept one when changing title to "Solved"

I see that many questions contain the title "Solved" in it (see the results yourself). The typical story is that somebody is happy because he found the solution to his issue, so he updates the title ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 282k
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Do we have an epidemic of low-quality titles?

Today I didn't feel like being a proper Loungizen so I decided to actually help out someone in chat. That someone asked the room a question about the relation between pointer arithmetic and array ...
R. Martinho Fernandes's user avatar
35 votes
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Exempt edits from "Title cannot contain" for high-rep users

Could we please lift this restriction from edits by users with a significant amount of reputation? Ref: What triggers my title rejection? In other words, I am proposing a new privilege "use ...
tripleee's user avatar
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I found some newly posted questions with duplicate titles. Is this a bug?

I just saw at least two new posts with a title that matches two existing canonical duplicates: What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? (duplicating What is a NullPointerException, and ...
Mark Rotteveel's user avatar
22 votes
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Update page title for edited questions after a live refresh

This is a very small thing, but when a question is edited and the title is changed in the edit, if somebody loads the new question by clicking the grey bar instead of reloading the page, the title in ...
markasoftware's user avatar
21 votes
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I want to know if people get a warning when their question title starts with "I want to"

According to my non-researched casual observations, questions with titles (and possibly also bodies) beginning with "I want to..." are usually non-question requirement dumps. Here's a recent example ...
Don't Panic's user avatar
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Which restrictions exist for question titles?

I tried to edit a question title and wanted to insert the word "Problem", but could not submit the edit because this word is apparently not allowed in question titles (see example below; ...
Franz Wurst's user avatar
15 votes
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Make it clearer what is going on with the "This content is not allowed" functionality

In reference to this question, I tried to edit the title to this: Kotlin Error Reading Phone Contacts and got the above mentioned error. There's no clear indication of what the problem is, and ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
15 votes
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How does a migration use duplicate titles, but a regular question not?

This question was asked on Stack Overflow: What is the correct format for final block in EVP_DecryptFinal_ex for decryption? Question number 27763420 (from the 'Share' link) And then this question ...
jww's user avatar
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Question with general title and specific body attracted general answers, should it be dupe-target for questions which don't match body?

For this question, while it has the title of "Delete column from pandas DataFrame", the body of the question is more specifically asking about why a particular syntax for deleting a column doesn't ...
R.M.'s user avatar
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No browser title for the Developer Survey Results 2019 page

There is no browser title set for the Developer Survey Results 2019 page. When I clicked the developer survey Google Ad from the side bar, in the opened window's browser title I can see the Google Ad ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 13.1k
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Why is the word "problem" forbidden in titles?

I have a title for this question: Does MySQL optimize selected aggregations on related tables to avoid N+1? I had to rename it. The original was: Does MySQL optimize selected aggregations on ...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
12 votes
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How do I improve this title?

Recently, I've seen this question. It is a question about a new feature of AngularJS and many people are asking questions about (not only on Stack Overflow). I found it useful, so I think it ...
Mistalis's user avatar
  • 18k
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Edit Canonical-ish Question Title

There is a highly viewed/voted Q&A which is used a very common dupe target as it solves a very commonly asked question by users new to the vagaries of HTML/CSS How do I remove the space between ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
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How to deal with a question whose title doesn't match?

I just read this question: Using Git, show all commits that are in one branch, but not the other(s) Where the question title and body are completely different questions (for reference, the body is ...
Benubird's user avatar
  • 19.1k
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Make links to redirected questions display title instead of raw URL (i.e. look pretty)

A URL that redirects to another question, like this one: [1] Raise the bar for tags that have been community-deleted, to make it harder for them to return Doesn't resolve the URL to the question ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
9 votes
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"Similar questions" are irrelevant to my questions when I don't add tags in question title

I've once been downvoted and told not to add any of the tags in my question title, but this makes the "Similar questions" that are displayed to be irrelevant to my question. Now, should the similar ...
user3340627's user avatar
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Word breaking in question titles of question list is too aggressive

Recently a change was made that resulted in question titles in the question list having word breaks, presumably to resolve issues with question titles with an incredibly long "word" in them. ...
Nick is tired's user avatar
8 votes
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Discourage the use of "what's wrong with my code" as a title

On StackOverflow, there are hundreds of questions that are titled something like: What's wrong with my code? Personally I don't think that's a good title: the majority of all questions deal with ...
willeM_ Van Onsem's user avatar
7 votes
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Should tags be relocated to the top of question pages?

I expect that such a fundamental site design question was well thought-out, but I don't understand why tags are listed below a question. I always read the question title and the tags first in order to ...
Bobby's user avatar
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Better error messaging when rejecting unedited titles

This is not a duplicate of Can't edit question - title already exists because that is not the error I am getting, nor is that the issue. This is not a duplicate of How to force SO to accept a bad ...
Old Pro's user avatar
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Consider explicit tag order when generating titles

According to this answer, the tags on a question are ordered based on the tag popularity. This means the most popular tag on a question will be prepended to the title, even if it's not actually the ...
David Moles's user avatar
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Should I edit a question title to add an error message fragment?

I sometimes see posts with question titles along the lines of "such and such won't work", without an indication of what the error message is. Often the error message is in the body of the question. ...
Scott McPeak's user avatar
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"Questions with similar titles..." dialog loads multiple instances

Steps to repro: Ask a question with the below title and tab away / leave the title box: how can i fix my issue The below validation warning shows up: If you don't dismiss it, and go back to edit ...
Tanner's user avatar
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Questions with invisible characters to workaround title length minimum

Querying a bit after discovering Invisible Revisions, I've fixed a few posts around but I've determined that the following questions have intentionally used soft hyphen to workaround the minimum title ...
Cœur's user avatar
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Do reviewers follow any guidelines about tags in titles?

As a good citizen, I decided to help the community by removing unnecessary tags included in titles. I try to follow the rules stated in this answer and if in doubt, I leave the question as is. ...
The_Black_Smurf's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the etiquette on question titles once a burnination is completed

Today I came across this edit: which had as edit description: Repunnified title It changed the title from: "Should we burninate the [Apple] ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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Discussion, Title, Feature Request: Using tags in question title - How to prevent it?

So I have noticed in the last few months, especially with new authors, that questions include topic words or tags themselves. Swift3: constructing a PDFAnnotation Swift: UITableView with max ...
Léo Natan's user avatar
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Replacing the title of a question to show up the technical aspect

I suggested this edit, which replaces the question title: Don't display an empty folder in a table By: Conditional skipping of a row while displaying a table I wanted to make this post more ...
Amessihel's user avatar
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Changing the title of an old question

Here the OP: Mapping Over a new Array() without populating it returns an empty array. Why? Didn't find this answer: JavaScript "new Array(n)" and "" weirdness ...
lilezek's user avatar
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Should the title of duplicate questions be edited after a question is closed?

Related: Should a post title be modified to fit the problem? While the above question is about editing question titles in general, I'm only addressing duplicates which have misleading titles and it ...
user avatar
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Display a warning when posting a question with long titles

Lately I've come across questions from (mostly) new users which use unnecessarily long titles for their questions, such as this question: (Yes, that question is off-topic, but my argument still ...
AStopher's user avatar
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I thought we blocked the words "need help" from titles?

I just ran into this creature : what bugs me is that I was pretty sure Meta had decided to block the phrase "need help" from posts. Doesn't this just make you cringe though ? reading sounds terrible ...
Caffeinated's user avatar
  • 12.3k
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Encouraging titles relevant to the actual *problem*

Reading Should I edit titles which have nothing to do with the actual problem? (to which the unequivocal answer is YES) - I can't help but think better titles can be better encouraged. When asking a ...
OJFord's user avatar
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