Questions tagged [tag-search]

For questions about the search box present on the /tags page.

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Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange - Advanced Search

I thought it would be nice to have an advanced search that exposed some of the search functionality that's hidden away on this page. I think it would make it simpler for users, especially those that ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.5k
54 votes
2 answers

Duplicate information on tag search page when user's id is used

I clicked on a tag on my activity tab of my profile page:[twitter-bootstrap] And I get the following: On this screenshot we can see the tag ...
Sebastian Brosch's user avatar
36 votes
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Paging not provided on search results

When you first navigate to the tags page you're greeted by a page of tags with page navigation at the bottom. Once you place a search string into the inputbox, page navigation disappears. Here's a ...
Mogsdad's user avatar
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First few words of the [stack-overflow] tag wiki are cut off in /tags search results. Makes it seem like you're supposed to use it wrong

The tag description at says "TO REFER TO the Stack Overflow website." The REAL tag description says "DO NOT USE!" This is confusing and should be fixed.
clickbait's user avatar
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21 votes
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How to search for questions not containing a certain tag?

Is it possible to search for questions (is:question) containing some term and not containing a certain tag? Something like: search term is:question ![tag] From time to time I look for improperly ...
TLama's user avatar
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Content does NOT change when changing tabs on /tagged for a particular tag when NOT logged in

The content (questions) of the /tagged page e.g. doesn't change if I change the various tabs there, i.e. if I click on ...
Alex Bitek's user avatar
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Searching for a tag doesn't give the best options

I am asking a question for the first time on SE after a very long layoff, and I was unsure which site would be the best place for me to ask it. So, like a good citizen, I went to the main ...
Simon Hova's user avatar
19 votes
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Why does searching for more wildcard tags result in fewer search results?

A search for [amazon-*] hasaccepted:false results in 32,000 answers. However, a search for [amazon-*] [aws-*] hasaccepted:false results in only 11,000 answers, even though the displays shows both ...
John Rotenstein's user avatar
18 votes
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Pagination links when searching questions by tags don't honor your current tags

Currently if I search for questions by a tag, say javascript, the links at the bottom to the next pages of search results are pointing to the unfiltered list of results:
TylerH's user avatar
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17 votes
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Requesting a "quick search" be added to watched tags

So, we have this lovely watched tags box on the main Stack Overflow home page Where you can click on the individual tags to do a quick search on a per-tag basis. I'd like to see an extra link added: ...
Scoots's user avatar
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How to find a question by its old tag when that tag is synonymized with another

On Meta, chatgpt has been synonymized with ai-generated-content, but when I go to its tag page, there are only 7 questions listed when I know that there were way more questions with the chatgpt tag ...
cottontail's user avatar
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Triggers synonym intermittently broken

For a long time, I've been using this link as a bookmark to new questions with any tag starting with sql-server:* Recently, a whole bunch of ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
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Tag exclusion not returning any results

I am trying to set up a tab for questions tagged with java, but not android. If I type [java] -[android] into the search bar, I get the list I expect. but if I type java not android into the tag bar,...
Sam Hazleton's user avatar
12 votes
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Sad issue with UI while searching for [foo*]

Sometimes when I search on Stack Overflow, I use the following technique: [swift*]. This allows me to filter questions whose tags begin with "swift". I like to think of it as an alias or ...
0-1's user avatar
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A better way to tag-search without using a giant tag-exclusion list? [duplicate]

I am generally pretty quiet on SO, but I do search through questions a lot to see if I can help out. I frequent the [C++] tag and am generally looking for questions related to the language and not ...
Chris Cooper's user avatar
11 votes
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"or" keyword doesn't work in search

I used to use this link to access questions that I'm interested in for almost a year, but now it doesn't work; it shows me a 404 Not Found error. I got this link by searching for [tag1] or [tag2] or .....
oguz ismail's user avatar
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Is there a way to ignore a tag during a search?

For example, if I search for [javascript] remove all inline styles I get almost a full page of answers that don't interest me, since they use jquery. Is there a way to filter out all questions and ...
hugomg's user avatar
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Search posts by tags with "OR" condition

Is there a way to search Stack Overflow questions containing either one of two tags? In other words, search for [tag1] || [tag2] I noticed that when normally searching with two tags, only questions ...
Marco Prins's user avatar
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Multi tag search of questions

When searching questions I can select a tag say sql but how can I search for multiple tags at once and only return the questions that have all the tags.
RyanTCB's user avatar
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Tag suggestion for search or search by tag

Today I wanted to search questions related to AsyncTask in Android. I searched android-async (yeah, I'm lazy, I know that's not the right tag) and after getting no results, I found out that the right ...
Mahm00d's user avatar
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Newest activity for 2 or more tags shows questions with new activity when the just the last tag does

Note This is NOT a duplicate of Has the behaviour of combined tags search changed? - the criteria for initial load of the page is all tags must be present, the criteria for new activity is the last ...
Keith's user avatar
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Overzealous stripping of tag excerpt in tag search

The tag excerpt for the stack-overflow tag is as follows: DO NOT USE THIS TAG TO REFER TO THE Stack Overflow website. If you have a question regarding the site, please go to http://meta....
Michał Perłakowski's user avatar
6 votes
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Search only shows 6 results, but no pagination

Note that I have the "Custom Question Lists" beta turned on in my SO preferences; people without this enabled might not see this bug. Steps to reproduce: Go to
Ferrybig's user avatar
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Searching by tags using the `or` operator requires a space char wrapping the `or`?

I was searching questions by tags (a set of related technology tags) and I realized that when using the or operator to agregate tags on my searching, it requires a space char wrapping each operators ...
lenilsondc's user avatar
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Search for tags by their popularity

When I'm deciding what framework/library to use, I give a lot of weight to how many questions have been posted under their Stack Overflow tag. If, say, someone was looking for a new JavaScript physics ...
Jonah's user avatar
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Is there a way to filter for just a specific set of tags and nothing else (exclude any other tag from appearing)?

I would like to exclude any other tag, and not just some specified tags. QUESTION: I would like to search for: [reactjs] or [javascript] exclusively and not include [any other tag] even if they ...
cbdeveloper's user avatar
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Circular reference in Related tags section [duplicate]

I've switched to new version of the navigation, and open questions related to python-2.7 In Related Tags section to the right I can see python-2.7 at the first place. Maybe some redundancy here?
VMAtm's user avatar
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How can I find unanswered questions with specific tags? [duplicate]

It seems like this should be easy, but I'm not finding it anywhere. I'd like to find e.g. "all unanswered with tag jni"
Wheezil's user avatar
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Generic or Specific Tagging?

In short, if a question for MariaDB 10.4 comes in, should I tag it as: As [mariadb-10.4] only, Or using the whole tree branch [sql] [mysql] [mariadb] [mariadb-10.4] ? So far I've used the first ...
The Impaler's user avatar
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Why can I only access certain language specfic tags via "Tags" page?

On certain language specific tags (I'm not exactly sure what there called), I can only search with them via the "Tags" page. I believe this is a bug, or perhaps a unknown feature of some kind? For ...
Christian Dean's user avatar
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Why are tags that have zero questions tagged visible when searching?

I was just exploring tags and reading their tag-wikis. I went here and typed "infinite" in the search box. Several tags showed up and the last tag that was shown was infinite-recursion. There was no ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
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Long Search Strings

I am searching for [C++] questions. I do this based on tags. Furthermore, I do want to answer [C++] and C++ related questions with tags like vector, stack, string or other C++ language elements. I do ...
A M's user avatar
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Hiding questions because of your Ignored Tags preferences for tags:

I added ignored tags, so my timeline is not filled with them. In my timeline I want to only see questions I can answer. I'm trying to search for a specific tag and related questions to learn about it. ...
Esqarrouth's user avatar
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Is there any way to ignore some other tag when you visit a particular tag? [duplicate]

I want to browser all the answer with tag1 such as but there are a list of question with tag1, tag2, tag3 I have not interesting with tag3 How to ignore ...
Shuai Li's user avatar
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Click-and-drag tags to search bar

It appears that the new nav release candidate announcement question is no longer active and that feature requests are now being asked as new questions, so I am copying and pasting my feature request (...
Kyle Strand's user avatar
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3 votes
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Search results incorrect for F#

On looking for F# I realized that results are wrong - looking for [F#] gives correct results though. My first thought was that it may have something to do with the '#' character but for 'c#', for ...
matcheek's user avatar
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Tags behaving oddly this New Year's Day

Several times this morning I have clicked on a tag (python in my case) and received odd results -- a bunch of questions that do not have that tag, or no questions at all! Is something going on today?
John Gordon's user avatar
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Search for questions by user (with sample queries)?

I'm trying to search for questions by me containing the word jquery, search string user:69724 jquery. SO is returning no results. I believe it is not searching the tags field because when I query ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
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SO Query with tag and wildcard term

I want to search for questions that have the tag [ios] and one of the terms "decrypt" or "encrypt". I have read the Help Center "How do I search?" but can't seem to come up with a search. The ...
zaph's user avatar
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Searching with one of multiple tags [duplicate]

TL;DR Given multiple tags, how can I search with OR between them (and not AND)? Use case: I'd like to search for questions that are tagged in at least one tag out of a list of tags. Using multiple ...
shapiro yaacov's user avatar
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Search by tags - different behavior for search and new activity (live-refresh) [duplicate]

I saw weird behavior - when I search for question by tags I gets only questions who has both of the tags (AND operator by default which makes sense). However, if I keep the page open, and after ...
dWinder's user avatar
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Why do custom searches list posts with my ignored tags?

When I do not search (just list) or search for just tags (like [java]) the results filter out those posts which contain my ignored tags. And I happen have a lot of ignored tags. But when I search ...
Mark Jeronimus's user avatar
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Tag search with newest isn't showing latest

There's a problem with the newest tab with a tag. I see a question asked less than an hour ago, but with java and newest or with my tags I can't see the question, only questions before 3 hours (when ...
Ori Marko's user avatar
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Bug in Unanswered Tag Search

Similar bugs are posted here in previous years But this one is different When search for [javascript] [jquery] -[nodejs] -[reactjs] => include JavaScript & jQuery , exclude nodejs and reactjs, it ...
Sagar V's user avatar
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How do you search questions by tag then sort by oldest?

You can search questions by tag and sort by newest with sort=newest. For example, you can search for Unity questions and sort by newest, but you can't search question by oldest by doing sort=oldest. ...
Programmer's user avatar
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Allow multiple tags to be chosen in "Tags"

This was partially addressed in this question, but I feel like it got lost amidst the user's more general question of how to filter by multiple tags in the first place. I'm aware that you can search ...
Sean Branchaw's user avatar
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Possible bug in the filer-tag list / tag search box

While selecting the comparatively longer tag names for the filter tag list (tag-search box), the tag name is "distorted". (Can anyone suggest a better wording? My English vocabulary is not so good). ...
Sourav Ghosh's user avatar
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How did Stack Overflow implement tags search before migrating to Lucene?

From what I found about SO schema I know it keeps a Tags column on Posts table with tags in format: [tag1][tag2]. Also I am under the impression it was using SQL Server FTS then it migrated to lucene....
eugen's user avatar
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The 'or' in the search

By accident, I discovered that if I search for two tags, and put an or between them, the search lists all questions which contain at least one of the given tags. Before, I only had the option to click ...
PKlumpp's user avatar
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Why is my [foo*-bar] tag not giving me results anymore?

I have a favorite tag [tag:ie*-bug] which doesn't match the right questions anymore. Why?
Knu's user avatar
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