Questions tagged [suggested-edits]

Users without full edit privileges can suggest edits to posts and tag wikis.

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5 votes
1 answer

Better way to get Suggested Edit percent Approved than manually counting?

Using this photo as an example, let us assume there are 213 marked Approved and 20 Rejected. Is there an easier way to know the percent (213/233 = 91.4%) other than manually counting 20 at a time? ...
James Risner's user avatar
  • 5,760
53 votes
0 answers

Tell users when their edits are rejected

The edit queue is up for discussion again. I have a different feature request: Tell new editors when their edit suggestions are rejected. When I first started editing on Stack Overflow, I was ...
Josiah Yoder's user avatar
  • 3,527
25 votes
2 answers

How to handle suggested edits about hyperlink formatting

There are questions or answers where the original author adds links with the following format: Link to documentation: Code example: Then someone suggests ...
Dimitris Maragkos's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

What happens to existing suggested edits when you roll past 2000 reputation?

I have some suggested edits, but I’m less than 100 from 2000 reputation. What happens to my suggested edits that are already waiting for review if/when I cross the mark? Nothing and they still need to ...
James Risner's user avatar
  • 5,760
23 votes
0 answers

In the Suggested edits review queue, make it more obvious when code is edited

Today, in the review queue, I stumbled upon this Suggested edit, which looks like this on my browser: Looked simple enough to me: the editor removed a duplicated "is", that's clearly an ...
Dada's user avatar
  • 6,410
117 votes
4 answers

Reviewer overboard! Or a request to improve the onboarding guidance for new reviewers in the suggested edits queue

Given the number of bad reviews in the Suggested Edits review queue (the problem that has been plaguing the queue since its inception, worsened these days by the queue being close to the threshold of ...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Why am I suspended from the review queues?

I came to META to ask about my suspension and already the 2nd question here is about the exact same topic and obviously the same moderator who after the review got approved rejected it and rolled it ...
Rabinzel's user avatar
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49 votes
3 answers

What was wrong with this suggested edit, which added an explanation for the code in an answer?

This isn't just me. The same mod in question here has been doing this on many edits (another meta question was asked just after this one, with the suspension there being 2 months, instead of 2 days.) ...
The Thonnu's user avatar
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-10 votes
1 answer

Cannot edit newly created tag wiki [duplicate]

Error: Edit queue full. (This may be a little presumptuous, but I am probably the only person editing the wiki for I created the tag around 15 mins ago) How was I allowed to create one but am not ...
kesarling He-Him's user avatar
-13 votes
1 answer

Suggestions regarding the suggested edit queue being full (again)

I know this is a topic that has come up many times, but I'm just going to go ahead and bring it up again. The main problem about the edit queue being full: there are literally thousands of questions ...
Redz's user avatar
  • 494
6 votes
0 answers

Should edit rejection reasons be updated to encourage rejecting minor/trivial edits? [duplicate]

I think it is an ongoing problem that too many trivial edits which don't fully address the issues in a post are proposed. Related to this is that many of these trivial edits are accepted by reviewers. ...
user438383's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Should I reject edits which fix the typo in the question and invalidate the answer? [duplicate]

A question came up which asked why this statement (in R): n <- 1000 x <- seq(1,n) sum(x) Returned an error Error: object 'x' not found Here, the statement n <- 1000 and x <- seq(1,n) ...
user438383's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Should I suggest edits to transform code blocks into Stack Snippets for HTML/CSS/JS questions?

I occasionally come across questions which contain HTML/CSS/JS which are formatted using the standard code blocks (backticks or indentation) that would be better as a runnable snippet. Is it good ...
Daniel Black's user avatar
68 votes
3 answers

Suggested edits take way too long to be reviewed due to a 2017 change to the top bar. Let's revert it

Prior to 2017, the top bar used to show a count of pending suggested edits to 2k+ users. Then, the top bar was completely redesigned to remove any numbers related to reviewing, and instead only show ...
gparyani's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

"Suggested edits are not allowed on non-tag-wiki posts on meta sites." But how did someone edit my meta post? [duplicate]

I was going to do some grammar fixes on a random meta (Stack Overflow) question. But when I clicked the edit button, it gave an error message. Suggested edits are not allowed on non-tag-wiki posts on ...
Caleb Liu's user avatar
  • 707
4 votes
1 answer

Should the “approve tag wiki edits” privilege be granted at fewer than 5,000 rep?

Seemingly, there are not enough users who have been granted the privilege (and are interested in exercising it) because I have had a tag wiki edit awaiting peer review for over 10 days.
greg-tumolo's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How can I draw back the second part of a proposed tag info edit if the first one was rejected? [duplicate]

About a month ago, I posted a description of the ifc-open-shell tag. The first part (usage guidance) was rejected. Whereas the second part (description) is still pending consideration. But without the ...
Vitalizzare's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

Side-by-side comparison is misleading when programming language is specified for code block [duplicate]

This suggested edit queue item: Marks the entire code block as changed. But only the programming language (cpp) and the final } have been ...
dialer's user avatar
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4 votes
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Side-by-side comparison is misleading when duplicate space is removed

This suggested edit queue item: Marks the word "understand" changed here: But in reality, a duplicate space after the word "to&...
dialer's user avatar
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6 votes
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What to do about "Suggested edit queue is full" error when I am using Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Recently, I found that it says "Suggested edit queue is full" all the time when I am trying to edit questions on here, It doesn't seem to be getting fixed anymore. What ...
VecopWall's user avatar
  • 637
-19 votes
1 answer

How to handle low reputation users editing highly voted posts / high reputation users posts

While reviewing the suggested edits queue, very often I find users with low reputation trying to edit questions / answers belonging to high reputation users. This is an example: https://stackoverflow....
GrafiCode's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How to handle a suggested edit that adds link to source

I was checking the Suggested edit review queue and came across a now-deleted suggested edit (screenshot) to this answer with the edit summary "Add source link. (I googled it and guess this is the ...
cottontail's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Should we approve a tag wiki suggestion which only consists of a name and a link?

Yesterday, when reviewing suggested edits, I encountered this tag wiki proposal: It creates a tag wiki for a new tag opensees, which at this ...
janw's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Why was this edit approved?

The edit was approved by a majority of 2 against 1 rejecting review. None of the reviewers was the post author. The reject reason, as specified by the ...
Chayim Friedman's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Does this edit improve or add something to the question?

I submitted an edit to this question. Then, another user made another edit on top of mine (I am completely cool with that, obviously). But I have checked the edit to see what I had missed, and I found ...
S. Dre's user avatar
  • 693
8 votes
1 answer

How to change my suggested edit review

I came across this question in the suggested edit review queue: and approved the edit. Then I realized that there was an image that was not ...
user avatar
70 votes
1 answer

Not sure how to handle this unkind suggested edit [duplicate]

My options on reviewing this edit don't give me the opportunity to draw the moderator attention it deserves, which is that the person that made the edit probably needs a time-out. There's no option ...
Wyck's user avatar
  • 11.1k
19 votes
0 answers

Question list says "Votes" instead of "Score", but it displays score, not votes

I think it is pretty self-explanatory how it is right now, but it seems somewhat weird to see '-1 votes'. Might someone new to SE think that this is a total vote counter and think the '-1' is a bug? ...
S. Dre's user avatar
  • 693
4 votes
0 answers

Server-side validation of custom rejection reasons fails to recognise nonsense consisting entirely of Braille Pattern Blank as invalid

Trying to submit a custom rejection reason (when reviewing suggested edits) that consists entirely of whitespace understandably results in an admittedly hilarious error message displayed after the ...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Is this a typo or is it intentional? - 'Approve' & 'Reject' in user's suggested edits list

In the suggested edits list for a given user, this is shown: Now I am wondering why 'Approve' and 'Reject' appear in present simple, shouldn't they be in past simple? (Approved, rejected). Or am I ...
S. Dre's user avatar
  • 693
16 votes
2 answers

Suspended from reviewing due to audit showing wrong tag

I've recently started doing reviews. In the first audit, I honestly do not remember where I did wrong, but I failed as the system correctly recognized. The second audit had a wrong tag (Flutter), and ...
Dani3le_'s user avatar
  • 1,357
11 votes
1 answer

Rollback invalidated suggested edit

In the "suggested edits" queue I was presented with an edit to this question, which was manually undoing this harmful edit to the question by the OP. I rolled back the harmful edit, thinking ...
veryreverie's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

I suggested an edit to an existing unclear question instead of asking a duplicate question, but the edit was rejected. What can I do?

Background information: Recently I encountered an issue with UITextFields freezing, and of course, the first place I came looking for an answer was Stack Overflow. I expected to find someone's answer ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to show queue "Suggested edit queue is full" [closed]

Something about Suggested edit queue is full, can be found here: Suggested edit queue is full I would like to have ability to show suggest queue and to use something of suggestions. Is it possible? I ...
Lubo's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't SO block the edit option if the edit queue is already full and why can't we have a read access to the edit queue in review queue?

For the first time I went to the First Answer Stack Overflow Queue. I got my first review and selected because the answer needed proper formatting. I spent my time adding all this format and pressed ...
Butanium's user avatar
  • 751
-19 votes
1 answer

Does this suggested edit count as vandalism?

I just rejected this suggested edit on an answer as vandalism. But thinking about it now, I'm wondering if I made the right choice:
Red's user avatar
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-23 votes
1 answer

Requesting review of rejected tag wiki edit

I made a tag wiki edit for the tag slideshow, which had no excerpt or wiki. The edit was rejected for the following reasons: The edit does ...
MFerguson's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How did this edit get approved?

How did this edit get approved? I noticed this post and made an edit, but couldn't save it then because it showed this error: Another edit is awaiting approval for this post. Further edits cannot be ...
The Amateur Coder's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Images replaced or re-uploaded. Approve or reject edit? [duplicate]

In this edit, the images were replaced with ones that have new URLs. I appreciate that the images were made visible, but from the side by side comparison I hardly have a chance to verify whether the ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

One of my edits is accepted but I am still getting "too many pending edits" warning

Yesterday, I suggested editing for a few questions and after that, I got the warning that I had too many pending edits and I had to wait until previously suggested edits were accepted. Today, one of ...
Muhammad Mohsin Khan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Ambiguous summary and end result of Review of Suggested edit [duplicate]

I had a strange situation after reviewing a suggested edit yesterday where i was suspended for 2 days. NOTE: This is not an appeal for the suspension, it was justified, i am trying to interpret review ...
Mario Petrovic's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Did Winterbash cause more Suggested Edit reviews?

Some hats this year were all about doing a lot of reviews (and keeping on doing more reviews until the other hat-hopefuls stopped ruining your streak). But did this cause any difference in the queues, ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 6,103
-11 votes
3 answers

Why did I get a one-year ban on all review categories for making mistakes in one category? [duplicate]

I have made 4 mistakes on "Suggested Edits" review category which I still don't know why they were wrong; however I take the full responsibility of them. Because of these mistakes, I have ...
iminiki's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Code snippet button overlap on suggested edit review

The code snippet UI is bugged when reviewing suggested edits in side-by-side view. The "Hide results" and "Full page" elements overlap after a snippet is run. Example Screenshot ...
Joundill's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Suspension from suggesting edits

Edit, disclaimer: This reflects myself at time of asking. This community FAQ is definitely worth reading, which was done in the process. Seemingly out of nowhere, I got the message You are currently ...
Cadoiz's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Suggested edits need to age away or be retractable

I recently made edits on both questions and tag wikis and have had them stagnate in the review queue without any decision for four days now. I am currently unable to make any additional edits, ...
MFerguson's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Improve options for pending suggested edit on closed questions

The edit option on a closed question stated there were 3 options: Approve Reject Improve but the buttons seem to only be: Approve Approve Reject Does my account not have the improve option or is ...
user3783243's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Should I just wait until I get 2k rep to make 1-character spelling mistake edits? [duplicate]

I've been editing many posts recently but am having a large percentage of edit suggestions that are only minor spelling mistakes rejected, and then manually edited by the rejecter. I understand how it ...
MFerguson's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Should I accept an edit that replaces a broken link with a link that the editor considers "helpful"?

I encountered this suggested edit, where the editor replaced a link that is now dead with the link that helped the editor. I skipped the edit because I don't know what to do. What should my action be?
justANewb stands with Ukraine's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is the correct response for a suggested edit review of a deleted post?

Closely related: Why are we reviewing edits of deleted posts? Was working on some suggested edit reviews and I got one for a deleted post. Cool. I rejected the edit because it was wrong (random ...
Roddy of the Frozen Peas's user avatar

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