Questions tagged [old-questions]

For questions about old questions.

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37 votes
1 answer

Handling an old, viewed and upvoted, but clearly too broad question and its answers

I was reviewing following answer in the Low Quality Posts Queue: First get he basic understanding of protocols used in Voip , these are mainly SIP ...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
  • 15.9k
11 votes
2 answers

What to do with this very old off-topic question?

I'm asking specifically about this post: Image for under 10K if it ends up being deleted: The question is ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Do new users have a harder time now earning rep than they did 8 years ago? [duplicate]

Been flipping through new questions for a while, modestly answering questions I know a bit about (mostly winforms or string manipulation, the easy stuff) and collecting my +10 or +15 for the ones I ...
Capn Jack's user avatar
  • 1,231
21 votes
3 answers

How should I deal with a very old no longer on topic question that some one just answered?

I was going through the review queue and immediately came across an odd situation. A poster posted an answer to a question that doesn't seem to fit current guidelines for questions in Stack Overflow. ...
Krupip's user avatar
  • 4,663
60 votes
6 answers

Is it worth answering an old question that already has 20+ answers?

I have an answer to an old question which has 20+ established answers already. I feel my answer might be better than most of the existing answers, but I'm concerned that the existing answers will get ...
aioobe's user avatar
  • 417k
96 votes
6 answers

Poorly worded 8-year old question with hundreds of votes and security implications

TL;DR. A question with a title that asks specifically for crypto code, all answerers think it's reasonable to ignore security feedback, specifically because the question is poorly worded. Years in the ...
jbtule's user avatar
  • 31.6k
65 votes
1 answer

Is it bad form to answer an old question with the answer you wish was there before?

At the end of a search through old Stack Overflow questions, after I finally figure out a problem, I sometimes find myself wanting to go back to a really old post to provide the answer that I ...
Sebastian's user avatar
  • 395
0 votes
1 answer

Deleting a question to increase average question quality of a user [duplicate]

I have recently seen that a lot of developers refer to their Stack Overflow account in their resume, and I would gladly join them, since I think, that Stack Overflow activity might be really ...
István Pálinkás's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

What should I do if the answers do not fully address all angles of the question?

I have read here: "This question may already have an answer here" - but it does not But the answer is addressing only when it is not a duplicate. My point is: I have read a question and ...
mfaani's user avatar
  • 34.8k
35 votes
2 answers

What is the correct way to handle changing APIs?

I am working with the Android API and find many answers to my questions on Stack Overflow. Many of the questions are answered correctly, but the answers are from 2010-2012 and the APIs have been ...
FazJaxton's user avatar
  • 7,784
-3 votes
3 answers

I found a necroposter, what then? [duplicate]

I found a user resurrecting old (low-quality) threads. Their last six to eight answers were on old ('11--'14) resolved topics. Is there something I should do?
YSC's user avatar
  • 39.2k
6 votes
1 answer

Should we just delete old questions with lots of votes for being in wrong SE site?

If we have old content, which is older than the migration time limit has decent amount of up-votes and views for the age of the question has therefore clearly helped a lot of people is clearly off-...
hyde's user avatar
  • 61.8k
2 votes
1 answer

What should I do to have an updated answer to an old question? [duplicate]

There is a question I wanted to ask, and it was already asked. So I read it, but the answer is 3 years old and I don't know if it still up-to-date. So I posted a comment to know what is up, but there ...
Walle Cyril's user avatar
  • 3,137
21 votes
2 answers

Old question, same technology, not satisfied by the answer. What to do?

I was happy to find that the exact question I have has already been asked and answered. However, I'm not fully satisfied by the answer (and the OP doesn't seem to be satisfied either). What should I ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 1,873
-2 votes
1 answer

Should I ask again something that's been asked a long time ago? [duplicate]

Somebody asked this five years ago. Something new may have appeared since then. How should I ask for new, up-to-date answers?
Gabriel's user avatar
  • 2,987
3 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to bump my old question without a bounty? [duplicate]

I posted a question 3 month ago. It had low views, 29 at the time of writing, no answer and no comments, it was edited once though and only concerning the presentation. I'd like to bump it so that ...
Irwene's user avatar
  • 2,955
2 votes
1 answer

Do Votes timeout? How to effectively vote on old questions then?

Recently I stumpled across this question: Difference between Thread.yield() and Thread.sleep() The question is about Java as indicated in the tags and it also has Java based answers which make sense. ...
yankee's user avatar
  • 39.9k
97 votes
4 answers

What should we do with new answers that just repeat old ones?

There is an extremely popular question in bash: Bash scripting & read file line by line. It has attracted almost 500K visits in four years and there is already a canonical, well documented, useful ...
fedorqui's user avatar
  • 283k
1 vote
1 answer

Should I delete an old off-topic closed post that pre-dates other stackexchange sites? [closed]

I posted this old question long ago during the first few weeks of the Stack Overflow private beta. It was closed (rightfully) a few years ago for being off-topic. The consensus of what was on-topic ...
Chris Farmer's user avatar
  • 25.2k
-21 votes
4 answers

Why are old questions not closed?

Some questions have date asked as far back as 7 years ago!! Why are these questions not closed so as not to appear in latest questions list?
user2347763's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I find old questions asked by users who are still active?

Can someone make me a data explorer query that finds questions asked a while ago, by users who continue to be active on the site? (Active within the last month or so.)
Laurel's user avatar
  • 6,103
0 votes
3 answers

How on Earth can this kind of question be so appreciated? [duplicate]

I found the Manually raising (throwing) an exception in Python question today. No doubt that it has good answers. But the question itself is too broad and doesn't show any research effort. I thought ...
ElmoVanKielmo's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Body of old post is essentially: "Here is my problem statement with some broken links"

I began editing this question and inevitably the post became just a line or two as a problem statement, with two broken web links. My first thought was to flag the post as non-reproducible (based on ...
CubeJockey's user avatar
  • 2,219
12 votes
0 answers

Conducted research, can answer three 4 year old questions

I've done some research on software while investigating a bug. That could help answering these very similar questions: Odd behaviour when doing LIKE with wildcards searching for backslash in MySQL ...
transistor09's user avatar
  • 4,978
-11 votes
1 answer

Should really old questions and answers allow to be upvoted? [duplicate]

Take this question for example: How do I tokenize a string in C++? This question and its accepted answer are both from September 2008. While it is a prefectly written and useful question/answer, the ...
jotadepicas's user avatar
  • 2,443
6 votes
1 answer

Why is seeing updates of new answers to old questions an exclusive privilege?

I came across this question on meta recently: Make the New Answers to Old Questions real time It got me thinking: why can't newer users see new answers to old questions alerts (10000 rep required)? ...
CJB's user avatar
  • 1,809
14 votes
0 answers

How to deal with outdated answers to an old question?

The answer to this question is modifying a piece of code in an older version of NodeJS, which was working for the OP. But with the latest version of NodeJS files, the accepted answer is no longer ...
VoidPointer's user avatar
  • 3,077
-57 votes
3 answers

Please undelete this highly-upvoted PHP question [closed]

Please look at PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious?. The question has a lot of info for everyone and that is helpful. The question itself looks to me like a ...
Shakti Singh's user avatar
  • 85.4k
29 votes
2 answers

Old highly upvoted questions that don't follow current SO standards

As SO has matured, the standards for both asking and answering questions has changed. There are many old, very useful, very basic, highly upvoted questions/answers that do not show any research ...
spacetyper's user avatar
  • 1,551
-13 votes
1 answer

Getting down votes to an closed Question after one years [duplicate]

One year earlier I asked a question without any code and got down vote. Then I supplied what I had done. But recently I got down vote for that question. This down vote does not make any sense to me. ...
ashiquzzaman33's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Editing really old posts

I got an edit on one of my most popular answers (85 upvotes), from almost 7 years ago, with the comment "Attitude removed from answer to be more helpful to others":
JesperE's user avatar
  • 63.8k
15 votes
3 answers

Should posting answers on an old, already-answered, and inactive question be discouraged? [duplicate]

I have a question on Stack Overflow (How does one remove an image in Docker?) which I asked over two years ago, and which was answered in a timely manner by a few people (timely meaning fast ...
Jules's user avatar
  • 14.4k
2 votes
4 answers

Some more old questions which are have no value

Following on from this one, Another old, off-topic, popular question - can it be deleted? this will (may) be the last current attempt to do some cleansing manually. I suspect there are 20-30 of ...
Bill Woodger's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What to do about an old unanswered question which you cannot verify the answer for anymore [duplicate]

Over 1 year ago I did an internship in which I was presented with a problem which I asked here: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data error when deploying application on production database ...
Vincent's user avatar
  • 1,527
-17 votes
1 answer

Similar to bounty, accepted answers should be chosen automatically after some time

Every search, I come across questions helpful to me, but without accepted answers. I upvote the answer I see as the best solution, maybe to help OP choose, but then I see the post date is 3 years ago. ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to deal with helpful edits to very old questions by established users?

While browsing through the edit review queue, I stumbled across this edit to a 2 year old question, which I think improved the question a lot. However, since the question is so old, I am not sure if I ...
Andreas Grapentin's user avatar
43 votes
2 answers

Improving the quality of my old posts?

I've been an active member on this site since I was 14 when I was significantly less knowledgeable in not only programming but language and communication as well, and as a result I've noticed my older ...
Oztaco's user avatar
  • 3,409
19 votes
1 answer

Long canonical Q&A with a wrong answer, but the right answer is even longer (when is a very long answer justified?)

Q&A in question: Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused. Brief explanation of how it's wrong: The non-technical summary in the beginning of the answer ...
Radiodef's user avatar
  • 37.5k
14 votes
2 answers

Ancient, closed question edited and nominated for reopening - abort, retry, fail?

The offender: This particular question was edited almost half a decade after it was asked and ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

It's time to reach community consensus on what to do with highly-upvoted but off-topic posts [duplicate]

The issue of what the hell to do with old, highly-upvoted questions with very useful answers is something that is brought up time and time again. Recently, I've felt it coming to something of a head, ...
Alexis King's user avatar
  • 43.6k
0 votes
0 answers

How does Stack Overflow handle obsolete answer? [duplicate]

I mean obsolete information like, let's say I have a question: How to do foreach within JavaScript? the old answer would be: You can't you have to use for-loop. But JavaScript is now has ...
egig's user avatar
  • 4,400
80 votes
3 answers

Editing Rust questions/answers to reflect the fact they only apply to a deprecated version

The Rust programming language (rust) is approaching the 1.0 release soon. (Who am I? Huon Wilson, member of the Rust core team, and the current top user for rust.) This release comes after a long ...
huon's user avatar
  • 98.9k
3 votes
2 answers

It's wrong making a new question of an older question looking for updated answers? [duplicate]

I've found several answers to my question, but those answers are old, the lastest post is a question from 2008 and the last answer is from 2012. I suppose there can be a new answer for this question ...
Leandro Bardelli's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Handle new answers to old questions

I'm very new to reviewing answers, and I found a new one by a new user at this question What is the difference between ++i and i++? asked 7 years ago. I downvoted it, but I'd like to be sure, how ...
Phate01's user avatar
  • 2,547
18 votes
1 answer

Community ā™¦ Modified Posts Appearing on Homepage

Some Community user modified posts are appearing on the Stack Overflow homepage. These are old questions that have otherwise not been touched for some time. It's unclear what the reason is as I couldn'...
worldofjr's user avatar
  • 3,898
-1 votes
1 answer

Asking a new question for a complement of an old question? [duplicate]

Basically, I implement a solution of this question: Spring: Convert String from View to a Calendar Object But I'm getting an error. Should I answer this question with my error asking how to solve ...
user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

Best practices for handling a useful but off-topic question

I have an old question that I naively didn't realize was off-topic when I asked it. It was closed a short while after being asked and answered. Since then, I can see there have been a decent number ...
TTT's user avatar
  • 1,185
3 votes
2 answers

What about archiving or deprecating significantly old/legacy, software version-dependent questions?

There are many related questions to this issue, so I am not trying to rehash the value of something that has been thoroughly debated, but offer a hopefully specific suggestion. For very specific ...
Benjamin R's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Should we flag off-topic answers to questions when they were previously on-topic? [duplicate]

When I'm bored I sometimes go to the review queues to help out. A few times in the Late Answers review queue I've got questions and answers like this: The specific review is located here, but I have ...
AStopher's user avatar
  • 4,379
25 votes
3 answers

I answered an old CSS question with a modern CSS3 solution. My answer now has over 400 votes. Can I add the CSS3 tag to the question?

This question, tagged with css was asked back in 2009: Make div 100% height of browser window. In early 2013 I posted this answer which offers a modern css3 solution, which didn't exist when that ...
James Donnelly's user avatar