Questions tagged [markdown]

Lightweight, plain-text markup language used across the entire Stack Exchange network for post formatting.

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258 votes
1 answer

How do I format my code blocks?

How do I post text so that it is formatted as code? What do I need to do so that my code shows up properly—not escaped or removed—when posted? And how do I get the correct syntax ...
118 votes
2 answers

How can I create a table in a post?

I want to create a table to better illustrate my question, but I cannot find any option to do so. Return to FAQ index
43 votes
0 answers

Rendered view requires blank line before (and after) tables, but preview works regardless

I saw a wrong table layout where the poster did the following and it looked wrong: Table x | Name | Category | | ---- | -------- | | A | High | | b | Medium | | c | Low | ...
Luuk's user avatar
  • 13.5k
110 votes
3 answers

Please block posts containing unsupported HTML

Having had a look at Things in <angle brackets> that aren't HTML should not disappear, where jtbandes publicises his irritation with silently-disappearing code, got me to thinking: Please block ...
Deduplicator's user avatar
  • 45.2k
17 votes
3 answers

Minor code formatting problem when placed after a bulleted list [duplicate]

If you put a block of code after a bullet point it doesn't get formatted properly unless there's an intervening line of normal text. Just blank lines doesn't do any good. See my examples below, the ...
Dan Is Fiddling By Firelight's user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

A Markdown table is detected incorrectly as a badly formatted code block

I tried to post this on the new tables feature thread on Meta Stack Exchange but I don't have enough reputation to post an answer or even a comment on the question. It might only be a Stack Overflow ...
samanthaj's user avatar
  • 611
169 votes
5 answers

Could Stack Overflow support GitHub flavored markdown?

Stack Overflow already uses its own markdown extensions, and there is already overlap with GitHub Flavored Markdown. There are very few additional pieces of syntax left to bridge the gap completely. ...
mmocny's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

How to make images stand out when posting images with whitespace?

Sometimes we have to post images with lots of whitespace, which really does not stand out in the white background of Stack Overflow: This can be extremely confusing when we post the images of the ...
sampathsris's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Code block bug when following numbered list?

Not sure if there is a SO bug reporting page and if so I'll delete this... but it came to light with this answer It appears if you try to have a code block immediately follow a list then the first ...
Sayse's user avatar
  • 43k
19 votes
1 answer

Stack Snippets delimiters are being parsed too eagerly

Stack Snippets have some strange issues centering around the way the delimiters are parsed. I was going to report an indentation bug, but then I was prevented from posting that by what seems to be an ...
BoltClock's user avatar
  • 712k
41 votes
3 answers

Should we approve suggested edits that change ``` to four spaces code formatting or vice versa?

I encountered this suggested edit that changes the formatting syntax from using three backticks ``` to using four spaces indentation instead. Comment was: Please use stacktrace But I believe there ...
Cœur's user avatar
  • 37.9k
36 votes
1 answer

View instead of edit on Meta

Fact As discussed in Why are suggested edits not allowed Meta Stack Overflow?, you cannot edit Meta-SO posts without 2000 rep on SO. Problem I want/need to learn some markup like <kbd> and <...
nwp's user avatar
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18 votes
0 answers

Adding the Table markdown from [Documentation] to Q&A [closed]

On the Documentation section, we can make our own tables with the following markup: | Column | Column | | ------ | ------ | | Cell | Cell | Using an example from SQL Server AdventureWorks, we ...
Siyual's user avatar
  • 16.6k
12 votes
0 answers

Adding a link to a code with brackets escapes it automatically

Recently while formatting a post, I noticed that the brackets in the code (formatted by using `code`) are getting escaped automatically, when we give a link to it. Take this as a sample callMe(\[\]). ...
Rajaprabhu Aravindasamy's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Quoted text inline with the rest using code tags is bad. Why?

This might seem silly, but maybe I'm not the only one. So hear me out. Lightness Races in Orbit just edited an answer of mine, and commented: Please don't use code tags for emphasis or quotation; ...
yuvi's user avatar
  • 18.3k
4 votes
1 answer

HTML tags that are not marked as inline code disappear

I am wondering if it is intentionally that _std::vector<char>_ is being displayed as std::vector (the bracket embracing char is missing) when I not use the ``. I just wanted to use it in a text....
Florian's user avatar
  • 13
155 votes
1 answer

Collapsible Code Markup

Background When answering questions on SO I generally like to ensure that my code is runnable by including sample data, so someone can copy, paste, and run it, seeing exactly what I'd proposed. ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
  • 23.6k
56 votes
6 answers

Proper use of the <kbd> tag

I've found that the <kbd> tag is very useful for marking up stuff other than actual keyboard keys. For example, Menus: "Navigate to the File → Open option" Buttons: "Press the OK button." ...
metacubed's user avatar
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54 votes
1 answer

Support CommonMark fenced code blocks

It would be great to add support for fenced code blocks as defined in the CommonMark spec: it would be consistent with GitHub code blocks it would be much more practical to type, instead of having to ...
Matthieu Napoli's user avatar
49 votes
1 answer

Code wrapped inside headers is too small

Any inline code block inside a header gets rendered with the same font-size as normal paragraphs, and this makes code look very inappropriate inside headers. For example, the following Markdown: ...
Marco Bonelli's user avatar
45 votes
1 answer

Reference style Markdown links being misidentified as code: "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code."

I had problems posting an answer as it was misidentified as code. When trying to post I received the following error message: Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. ...
user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Heading, followed by code: Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code

A few moments ago I encountered a pretty annoying bug with the code detection and the preview-function, when I wanted to post an answer. While the preview looked like this: Some Title code that ...
Skandix's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Disabling new editor in our Teams site [closed]

How can I get rid of this new editor? Is that a paid feature? An editor that can't handle basic rearrangement of text is just in the way, and there are so many ways it can go wrong. Markdown + preview ...
Brad Mace's user avatar
  • 27.6k
5 votes
2 answers

How can I create a Table of Contents (ToC) to content within a Stack Overflow article? [closed]

I am working in Stack Overflow for Teams - Enterprise (hosted in my company). The issue below is encountered when entering longer posts, in the form of articles. Markdown has no standard defined to ...
Flandraco's user avatar
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94 votes
1 answer

How to add tables on Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I have a question on SQL which is really hard to ask without tables. I tried copying and pasting from Excel, but it didn't work. How do I paste table in Stack Overflow, so I can ask an actual question?...
Eduard Anghelescu's user avatar
88 votes
0 answers

"[mcve]" should magic-link to "Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example" help page [duplicate]

Good quality code examples are the bedrock of Stack Overflow and I'd like to make linking to the Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example help page even easier. Please can we add a magic link so ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
  • 68.5k
81 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow is migrating to CommonMark on Saturday, June 20, 2020

Most of you will have seen the announcement on meta.SE that's been out for a while now: We're in the process of switching all sites across the network over to CommonMark. You can find all the nasty ...
Ham Vocke's user avatar
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63 votes
0 answers

Make Help Center Magic Link Anchor Text More Unique and Descriptive

Users are currently able to use "magic" (shorthand) Markdown links in comments, which are expanded into full urls with anchor text on submission. Unfortunately, the anchor text on many of these magic ...
user avatar
44 votes
4 answers

Highlighting parts of code

Is it possible to highlight or emphasize a part of code that's inside backticks or: a code block ? Would be useful for pointing to what's changed, but the FAQ entry doesn't say anything about this.
otus's user avatar
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39 votes
1 answer

Why is my answer triggering a "not properly formatted as code" rejection?

I'm trying to submit a fairly detailed and well-formatted answer, but the auto-validator complains: "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. Please indent all ...
Sean Gugler's user avatar
37 votes
4 answers

How do I format my data as a table with doubled line separators in my posts?

Can anyone tell me how to format a table like the below? I have copied the structure from this question ╔════╦══════╦════════════╦═════╦════════════╗ ║ ID ║ NAME ║ BIRTHDAY ║ AGE ║ DEATHDAY ║ ╠═...
Pரதீப்'s user avatar
34 votes
0 answers

Users frequently start code blocks on the same line as the triple backticks

Every day I fix up lots of questions where the poster has written their code blocks like this: ```<html> blah blah </html>``` When they do this, the first line of the code is not ...
Barmar's user avatar
  • 763k
31 votes
1 answer

How to format keyboard keys in posts?

Is there a way to format (style) keyboard keys like CTRL?
toesslab's user avatar
  • 5,151
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to write a single backslash in monospace (code) format in comments? [duplicate]

In a comment on this question I couldn't figure out how to write a single backslash in code formatting: \. Is there a way?
Steve Bennett's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Allow (some) Markdown in question titles

Markdown in question titles should be rendered, not ignored. E.g., Items disapear when `sort!`'ing a list in Guile should render as "Items disapear when sort!'ing a list in Guile" ([1])
wilx's user avatar
  • 18k
80 votes
3 answers

Can we bring the <!-​- version --> syntax to Stack Overflow?

Recently, Documentation introduced the <!-- version --> syntax for wrapping an example's code and text. This is very useful for languages like Swift which drop and add a lot between versions. ...
Ky -'s user avatar
  • 31.5k
52 votes
14 answers

Cannot figure why am getting "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted"

I tried changing every section in the code below (using/not using four character indentation with/without pre). I also tried removing the formatting and the line separators on the list. Nothing helps -...
boardrider's user avatar
  • 6,055
42 votes
1 answer

Should the system override my numbering?

It's easy to create a numbered list in Markdown: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 However, if I forgot something before "Item 1", I tried adding a "0th" item: Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Look at the Markdown, ...
BradleyDotNET's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

Allow n-dashes in link URLs

I just tried to link to a Wikipedia article that uses n dashes in its title and URI: KMP. Cannot see the link in "KMP" ([KMP](–Morris–Pratt_algorithm))? Right, me ...
Bergi's user avatar
  • 649k
27 votes
1 answer

Markup enumeration bug: Preview starts at 1, final output starts correctly at 0

I was just editing this question, when I noticed that the enumeration markup has what appears to be a bug. Using this markup in the editor: 0. line 1 0. line 2 The final output looks like this: ...
crthompson's user avatar
  • 15.7k
19 votes
0 answers

How to Create Table in Stack Overflow Answers & Questions? [duplicate]

Why, despite support of markdown in the stack overflow, Still I can not be through this language or HTML making a table? Standard Markdown should have allowed in-lined HTML table. How can I making ...
Behzad's user avatar
  • 3,572
14 votes
2 answers

How can I export the developer story/CV as Markdown? [closed]

There used to be an option to export the CV as Markdown (MD): User's page - Edit CV - Settings - Create MD I cannot find that link any longer - how can I get the MD export?
Beryllium's user avatar
  • 12.9k
8 votes
1 answer

How to insert a space as a first character inside of backticks in comments?

I tried to insert b> in comments, but I could not do this, it rendered as a standard text with backticks. Why? How to insert this code: ` text` in comments so it renders as text with three ...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
-15 votes
2 answers

Use of bolding in a question

I always used bold to highlight key elements in a text. I didn't had any problem using it before on SO (How to move changes without committing?, Fit elements into box, Split 2D quad by line), so I was ...
user avatar
80 votes
2 answers

Do not remove trailing spaces in inline code

If I write ` a b c ` Markdown renders it as a b c Inline code should not be trimmed. It's still code, and the spaces can be relevant. Example: [...] so .2 and .3 are invalid ...
Oriol's user avatar
  • 281k
71 votes
5 answers

Formatting footnotes

Is there a way to format footnote references in questions or answers? I try [1] as I usually do in my plain-text e-mails, but this doesn't look good, here is a live example.
Wolf's user avatar
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58 votes
3 answers

Can I start a paragraph with "1."?

Whenever I start a paragraph with "1." it gets converted into a numbered list. Can I somehow escape the 1 to make markdown treat it as regular text?
AndreKR's user avatar
  • 33.3k
56 votes
1 answer

URL works in preview but not in actual post

In this answer the need arose to include the URL$. I put it directly in the text without any brackets. I knew there was a chance of that dollar sign being a ...
user avatar
35 votes
0 answers

How can I add foldable code or text when answering someone’s question on Stack Overflow?

How do I add foldable code or text on Stack Overflow when writing a question or an answer? <details> <summary>Click to expand!</summary> ```HTML <h1>Hide this until someone ...
AnonymousUser's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

How to format a link within a code block

I tried to edit one of my posts by adding a comment within a code block which contains a link. Like so: .example { text-decoration: underline; -moz-text-decoration-color: red; /* [...
Danield's user avatar
  • 124k