Questions tagged [feature-request]

This tag is for proposals of new features on the site, or requests for a change to an existing feature. On posts tagged feature-request, voting may indicate agreement or disagreement with the proposed change, in addition to the quality or usefulness of the post itself.

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20 votes
0 answers

Implement a discussion ban system similar to the question ban

While people that are question banned can't post on discussions, nothing is happening to those who abuse discussions and post all their low quality questions there. Because these people never post ...
Fastnlight's user avatar
  • 1,106
1 vote
0 answers

How can I define the order for a code snippet? [duplicate]

I'm trying to ask a CSS-related question with some demo code. I have some JavaScript there which is not directly related to the problem and is only used to toggle some dynamic state so that the ...
timetowonder's user avatar
  • 5,261
7 votes
0 answers

Drop vote-to-migrate threshold to 2 of the 3 VTC's?

As @Shog9 mentioned when originally implementing 3-vote-close: [Previously], migrating a question to another site require[d] that 4 of the 5 votes all agree that the question should be migrated to a ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
  • 18.1k
4 votes
0 answers

Remove Staging Ground section from Help Center

Now that Staging Ground is officially on hold, remove all references to it from the Help Center. We plan to revisit it as soon as we can but for now, it can be considered "on hold" (...
Dhaust's user avatar
  • 5,510
7 votes
0 answers

Add a "provide explanation to the answer" note in Help Center or FAQ

Yesterday I came across this answer. It's code-only, and I commented that it would be better to provide some explanation to this answer. But the answerer commented the explanation, not added it to the ...
Kastet6398's user avatar
-9 votes
2 answers

We need 'Code-only answer' category in the Low Quality Answers review

My understanding is that a code-only answer is not recommended in this community. When I reviewed the 'Low Quality Answers', I wanted to choose 'Code-only' answer but there was no such category. ...
user67275's user avatar
  • 2,062
-15 votes
1 answer

Add the "revisions" link

My proposition is to add the "Revisions" link under posts. P.S. I know that there already exists the "edited ... ago" link, but it would probably be more intuitive to have the &...
Kastet6398's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Remove the listener on clicking the preview or make it focus in the same position

When composing or editing a post, if you click the preview, the text area becomes focused. Here are two main problems: I scrolled the preview to the end, accidentally clicked it and... ARGH! The page ...
Kastet6398's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"</script>" causing issues in code snippet editor

console.log('</script>'); This would end up with this HTML: <script type="text/javascript"> console.log(' </script> '); That means the string "</script>&...
Hao Wu's user avatar
  • 19.2k
16 votes
0 answers

Update Help Center: Answering your own question

Help Center article:,own%20question%20at%20any%20time. It says: If you have more than 15 reputation and already know ...
Andhavarapu Balu's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Links to comments on Collective articles don't onebox in chat, which is counter to expectations

In chat, I pasted a link to a Collectives article comment, and expected the chat message to expand into a oneboxed (quoted, properly linked and attributed) copy of the actual text of the comment. I ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 182k
6 votes
0 answers

We need basic tag inheritance functionality [duplicate]

OK, that's not a question. I went round in a few loops trying to find anything on tags, specifically to do with synonyms and alias. I think tag inheritance is a more appropriate label and yes, I found ...
yarns's user avatar
  • 219
-4 votes
4 answers

Return delay between answering to 3 minutes for users with <125 rep

This is a formal proposal and request that the rate-limiting be changed, so that users with less than 125 reputation do not need to wait 30 minutes between posting answers. For most of the lifetime of ...
D.W.'s user avatar
  • 3,512
13 votes
0 answers

Put question guidelines in sidebar for certain users

This link shows up only when a question is being drafted, after the user clicks "Ask Question." New users may look to find questions rules before asking, and be unable to find any links. By ...
BigMistake's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

HCL language for code block

It is possible to ask for a new language to be available for code blocks? If yes, I feel that adding the hcl language identifier would be handy. There is a similar question somebody ask not too long ...
Clarence the Bard's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Make the flag dialog in Discussions draggable [duplicate]

Currently, if you open the flag dialog in a Discussion and want to see something in the post that is behind it, you have to close it then reopen it. Make the flag dialog draggable like it is in the ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 27.6k
10 votes
0 answers

Add Discussions to SE-wide search or, at least, SO search

Tl;dr - can Discussions be included in network-wide search, please? Failing that, can we have some other way to search Discussions? Berthold - CM said that right now there isn't a way to search ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 622
5 votes
0 answers

Add support for keyboard shortcuts in Discussions

I often use keyboard shortcuts to navigate lists of posts or have quick access to actions like voting. However, there is currently no support for keyboard shortcuts in Discussions. It is jarring ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 27.6k
16 votes
0 answers

When viewing questions sorted by Active, it would be nice to see how a post was modified

99% of the time I'm using SO, I am viewing questions of specific tags and I almost always have the questions sorted by "Active". Under the question excerpt is its tags on the left and a ...
HangarRash's user avatar
  • 13.3k
6 votes
1 answer

Make deleting discussions more intuitive

In my question asking "How to delete a discussion?" I got an answer that: You can delete Discussions (even with a reply), but it's not exactly intuitive how. [description of how to do that ...
Kastet6398's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Only honor reputation earned on open pages when calculating Collection Leaderboard scores

In recent months, I've observed a revitalized energy to answer new low-hanging fruit duplicate (and otherwise closable) questions tagged with php. I am a Recognized Member of the PHP Collective and I ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
  • 45.7k
2 votes
0 answers

Allow using wildcard in the Discussions tag filter

Other places that filter questions allow wildcards. For example [ecmascript*] will expand to [ecmascript-6] or [ecmascript-5] or [ecmascript-2016] or [ecmascript-next] or [ecmascript-2017] or [...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 27.6k
24 votes
0 answers

Highlight problematic line/s when showing the error "your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code"

When submitting a question, there is an automated check for code formatting. However, when failing the check the error only indicates that somewhere in the question an issue was detected; it does not ...
Craig's user avatar
  • 23
3 votes
0 answers

Provide way to filter out synonyms tags on tags page

I would like to have a way to filter-out synonyms tags on Tags page: I think it could be useful if one wants to browse tags by popularity from lower to higher. Then we ...
V_V's user avatar
  • 616
-38 votes
1 answer

Should we allow accepted answers to be deleted?

Accepted answers aren't the community's decision: it's an option by the OP. If the answer breaks the website rules, it makes sense to be deleted, but why can't the OP see the accepted answer anymore? ...
ingotangjingle's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

If we don't have any programming collectives other than R and PHP, what's the point of them and why keep them?

I've just noticed that R and PHP are the only programming languages with their own Collective. A lot of the "discussions" in the PHP Collective are more fitted to be questions (such as this ...
SE User's user avatar
  • 80
-6 votes
1 answer

The view count for questions should be incremented when the AI ask/answer tool uses their answers as sources

When AI was implemented, a user can ask it directly and an original question is not visited anymore. Yes, the original questions/answers was advertised below: But: It would be nice to increase view ...
Eugen Konkov's user avatar
  • 23.6k
19 votes
0 answers

Remove "what were you expecting" from the Ask Question Wizard [duplicate]

Something I've seen a bit lately is odd little one-liners at the bottom of questions. Some recent examples... Thanks in advance clear guidance what to focus on first and pay attention to from ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 162k
6 votes
0 answers

Minor changes in Help Center pages

/help/dont-ask In the fourth paragraph: If your motivation for asking the question is “I would like to participate in a discussion about ______”, then you should not be asking here. However, if your ...
Anonymous's user avatar
  • 849
3 votes
0 answers

Filter by "My watched tags" only respects the first 50 of them

I'm not sure if this is the right place. I just noticed that it only picks the first 50 (alphabetically) of my watched tags, so I missed questions in tags I'm interested in. I'd like the limit for ...
Christoph Rackwitz's user avatar
-16 votes
1 answer

Make review audits frequency more unpredictable

While doing reviews, it is common to feel like: "I've been reviewing for quite a while, the audit should come very soon" And after passing the audit, there come this feeling: "I just ...
Dhafin Rayhan's user avatar
21 votes
0 answers

Make Articles available in SEDE

I want to do data analysis on Articles. Seems at a glance like it should fit just fine as a new post type in the Posts table.
user's user avatar
  • 36.1k
25 votes
0 answers

Make Discussions posts available in SEDE

I want to do analysis on Discussions with SEDE. I'm not sure how exactly this would work-whether a new table is needed due to the structural differences, but I can't currently think of why it couldn't ...
user's user avatar
  • 36.1k
1 vote
4 answers

AI policy text may be improved about machine translation tools

As we all know, since January 2024, Stack Overflow shows a banner warning against generative AI (which I perfectly support). The banner links to this page, which contains the AI policy text, ...
Doc Brown's user avatar
  • 19.9k
-41 votes
2 answers

Force users to accept answers by restricting them from asking if they don't [duplicate]

Can we have a limit on users posting questions and then not accepting answers for those? As this becomes challenging for the person answering and people who face similar issues simply ignore answers ...
Arunbh Yashaswi's user avatar
15 votes
0 answers

Can the flag box be draggable in Discussions?

On a question, I can drag the flag box around. This is useful, especially for custom moderator flags when I need to reference something in the post. Unfortunately, the flag box in Discussions isn't ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 622
78 votes
1 answer

People blocked from asking questions should be blocked from posting discussions

People are abusing public discussions to ask for help. Not only they are abusing the site and evading restrictions, they are also wasting time of people in collectives. They post non-discussion topics ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.1k
19 votes
0 answers

Are there samples for new reviewers?

As a new reviewer, I think it would be helpful to have lists of examples from experienced reviewers for the different categories. It would help me know whether I understand the guidelines correctly. ...
Nora McDougall-Collins's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Add a tag warning for [r]

I propose a tag warning for r, specifically pointing users to an R-Specific "How to Ask", to help with minimizing the curation efforts and providing a better on-boarding experience for new ...
M--'s user avatar
  • 27.3k
5 votes
1 answer

Quick link to AI policy in comments

I often type [mcve] or [edit] in comments to generate a quick link. But what about the recent AI policy? There is help/ai-policy, but neither [ai-policy] nor [help/ai-policy] work.
Sinatr's user avatar
  • 21.5k
17 votes
0 answers

Can we get a discussions flag-history? [duplicate]

I flagged some discussions posts as spam. (See this comments and this post for more.) I expected the flags to be among my normal ones in the flagging history tab, but none of the flags are listed ...
A-Tech's user avatar
  • 935
10 votes
0 answers

Set minimum rep to create collective discussion [duplicate]

We all know that Collectives are here, and since new users can create a discussion, this leads to spam on the site. This is with recent activity on PHP Collective At least 50 will be the best fit to ...
Abdulla Nilam's user avatar
64 votes
3 answers

Discussions require immediate moderation tooling, rep requirements and rate limiting

As of last night (between 19:00 and 21:00 UTC 07 January 2024) the discussion feature has started to be flooded with spam. Prior to that time, there were maybe 250~ posts on the Discussions Page, ...
Thom A's user avatar
  • 92.4k
14 votes
0 answers

Add Discussions to the Network Profile

I refer to the activity tab of a user's network profile fairly frequently to see what they've been up to across the network. However, it doesn't show Discussion activity, which I think would be ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 6,103
28 votes
0 answers

Users are posting links to questions they want answered in Collective discussions

Over the last little while, I've seen a number of posts like this one. Most likely, that will be removed shortly so here's a screenshot: Basically, a user encounters a question without a answer (or ...
SE User's user avatar
  • 80
64 votes
1 answer

Please implement a rate-limit for discussions

There is currently a spam wave going on in Discussions which was noticed here by Luciano. What is noteworthy here is that this spam wave is done majorly by only two user accounts and that they have ...
Abdul Aziz Barkat's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Tag synonyms: Sealed class

There are few tags related to sealed classes, and most of them don't even have a description: 183x sealed: "The sealed modifier keyword prevents a C# class from being inherited. Similar to the ...
Nikolas Charalambidis's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Let us view a comment's markdown after 5 minutes even if we can't modify it [duplicate]

I'm suggesting this because it would be a slight quality of life improvement for me. Sometimes, I'll make a comment and want to: Turn it into its own question Post it elsewhere (e.g., in a chat room, ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Add Not in English flag for answer just as there is for question

There is a flag called "Not in English" for questions, but the same flag doesn't exist for answers. I think it would be helpful if the same flag (called "Not in English") exists ...
user12002570's user avatar
  • 44.1k
26 votes
0 answers

Enhancing the Custom Filter capability

The introduction of the "Custom Filter" capability was a great idea. But for a while I have found it to be limited. Why not include most, if not all, of the available search/filter options? ...
WJS's user avatar
  • 38.4k

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