Questions tagged [edit-ban]

An edit ban prevents a user from making or suggesting edits. The duration depends on how many times you have been banned.

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34 votes
2 answers

Edit ban because of Community rejections

Whenever I edit a post, a warning shows up: Attention! Some of your previous edits were rejected. While reasonable edits may be rejected for many reasons outside of your control, you should review ...
soktinpk's user avatar
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2 answers

How long am I banned from editing?

Recently I have been doing a lot of edits that remove the design tag, as it is being burninated. See: The [design] tag is being burninated. So recently I have suggested quite a few edits, by only ...
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20 votes
1 answer

Why did I get temporary ban for editing questions?

I was trying to edit some questions and got a message saying that I have been temporarily banned for editing. Why did that happen and for how long will this ban last?
midori's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I temporarily banned from suggesting edits?

I have looked through Meta for an answer to this and it seems like every time this question is asked the answer is because the user had a high number of rejected edits. I have reviewed my edit ...
Newd's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Do the editing penalty durations increase?

I got a temporary ban for editing (1 day). If I got another one, would it be for more days?
Krum's user avatar
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9 votes
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When banned from editing, an uninformative "StackHtmlContent" page appears when attempting to suggest edits

Some time ago, for a few days, I wasn't able to edit any post. When I clicked on the edit option, this page is shown: This page probably appears as a result of being banned from editing. It looks ...
MMG's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

How to deal with users that resubmit rejected edit suggestions?

I came across this suggested edit, which was the same edit as the user suggested three hours earlier, but was unanimously rejected. Other than voting to reject the new edit (since I do agree with the ...
Frxstrem's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How long am I banned from suggesting edits? [duplicate]

I got this message from the moderators: And when I wanted to suggest another edit, I got this message: And when I clicked the "your edit history", I went here: But how long am I banned to ...
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