Questions tagged [downvotes]

This tag is for questions specific to downvotes, the community's way of telling peers that their content can be improved. Downvotes on the Meta site have different meanings to on the main site.

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432 votes
8 answers

When is it justifiable to downvote a question?

In light of recent discussion, the quality of questions on Stack Overflow is dropping rapidly, and as such, I find myself being more of a critic than I used to be a year ago. Questions which hardly ...
aevitas's user avatar
  • 3,783
514 votes
1 answer

Why isn't it required to provide comments/feedback for downvotes, and why are proposals suggesting this so negatively received?

Sometimes my post receives downvotes with no explanation on what I've done wrong. Even worse, sometimes I just get snarky comments! It seems like this is especially bad for new users, who are made to ...
253 votes
1 answer

What can I do about getting a sudden flood of revenge downvotes?

I just got a flood of irrational downvotes on a bunch of my posts in a short period of time. I suspect they may have been targeted at me based on a disagreement with another user rather than due to ...
206 votes
20 answers

Is it okay to downvote answers to bad questions?

I'm referring to this answer, (screenshot for <10K) in particular, where the question was clearly not of the best quality, but my answer to it addressed the issues with it. Is it okay to downvote ...
AstroCB's user avatar
  • 12.3k
89 votes
4 answers

How do I ask and self-answer a correct, high quality Q&A pair without attracting downvotes?

Almost two years ago I asked and then self-answered this question about certificates. I did so because handling certificates has always been a great pain, requiring a combination of disparate command-...
Ondrej Tucny's user avatar
  • 27.8k
38 votes
5 answers

Tried to add a self-answered wiki-post, but just got downvotes [duplicate]

I've tried to contribute to the community by publishing a solution to a problem. I thought it is allowed and welcome on SE. But then I get many downvotes and that's it. What did I do wrong?
Denis Kulagin's user avatar
96 votes
3 answers

Downvotes on Meta are confusing: do they *really* mean poor-post quality, or just disagreement?

I realize that this is specifically addressed in "What is "meta"? How does it work?": Voting is different on meta. Like normal Stack Exchange sites, Meta allows members to vote on questions ...
user avatar
189 votes
7 answers

Require a comment explaining the reason for the first downvote on a question [duplicate]

As far as I understand the system downvotes should educate the users and help keeping the standards of questions (and answers) as high as possible. Agreeing with a downvote and adding one more is ...
TaW's user avatar
  • 53.8k
-9 votes
2 answers

How can we discourage over-downvoting on questions?

Some people go a bit over the top downvoting. It isn't exactly welcoming to new users. My process is this: Is it a good question? Upvote. If not: Spam? Flag. Otherwise: Very obviously bad? Are you ...
bjb568's user avatar
  • 11.3k
243 votes
13 answers

Am I still supposed to explain my downvotes or not?

Over in Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?, Shog9 introduced a comment filter that prevented us from posting comments starting with -1. Okay, fine. But what are we supposed to post instead?...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 148k
81 votes
1 answer

Getting to Know Stack Overflow's Voting Culture

There are few topics more controversial than voting, either on the Main site or here on Meta. Whether expressed in rants on Meta or rants in comments, users frequently get angry, confused and ...
183 votes
8 answers

Can there be legitimate serial downvoting?

If you stumble across a user whose answers and questions are just terrible, is it okay to downvote and vote to close as needed, or is that crossing the line of serial downvoting? It's nothing ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
282 votes
9 answers

Enable Optional Anonymous Reasons for Downvotes on Questions [duplicate]

Yes, I'm revisiting this, again, despite the many times this issue has already been discussed (see Related for links). People keep asking for it. Note that I'm restricting this discussion to ...
user avatar
146 votes
4 answers

Notification on edit of downvoted content

I just came across a comment by someone who wrote that they make a point of revisiting content on which they have cast a downvote. I really like the idea of checking whether stuff that I downvoted on ...
cmaster - reinstate monica's user avatar
329 votes
2 answers

Why does downvoting an answer cost reputation while questions not?

When I downvote an answer, I lose 1 reputation point. But downvoting a question is free. Is there any particular reason for that?
mmohab's user avatar
  • 2,333
244 votes
11 answers

Why can I no longer see that a post has a negative score?

Thanks for your vote! Your vote has been recorded and it affects this post's ranking. Since this post has reached the minimum score of 0 your vote will not be displayed. I just downvoted a question ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32k
212 votes
21 answers

Can we make it more obvious to new users that downvotes on the main site are not insults and in fact can help them help themselves?

So, going through the questions about the blog post, it's stirred an old question in me I've wanted to ask for a while. To be clear, I have been sitting on this question for a while, not quite ...
Kendra's user avatar
  • 768
89 votes
3 answers

Why shouldn't I assume I know who downvoted my post?

I've been told not to assume that a specific person downvoted my post just because they commented at the same time the downvote came in. Why not? Return to FAQ index
238 votes
2 answers

Clean-up by downvoting? A ridiculous user experience

I was wondering how I suddenly got 5 6 downvotes on a 5-year-old, and well-upvoted answer (10k link) screenshot. After some hunting around... There are just a few questions & answers needing to ...
Andrew Russell's user avatar
203 votes
1 answer

If your question was not well received, read this before you post your next question

Welcome to Stack Overflow! You are probably reading this because the community "closed" your question and referred you to this post. This post explains what happened to your question, and ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Why are people so fast hitting the downvote or close button on certain questions? [duplicate]

In some cases for me it seems like downvotes and the closure of a question (the latter is the more harsh thing to happen) come just too fast for certain types of questions where a little understanding ...
Jubatian's user avatar
  • 2,191
42 votes
4 answers

Should we downvote off-topic questions as well as vote to close?

I've noticed a number of questions that are off-topic for Stack Overflow receiving downvotes as well as close votes. Other than being off-topic, these are questions that show research effort, are ...
Ted Hopp's user avatar
  • 234k
326 votes
73 answers

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

Downvoting is a bigger privilege than upvoting and it plays a crucial role in keeping the content on this site clean. Downvoting is our most powerful tool for us, non-moderator users. Downvotes are a ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32k
53 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to lose a privilege if you lose the required reputation for it?

I have 125 rep exactly, which is the number I need to start downvoting, according to Help Center > Privileges. If I go and downvote a post right now, will I lose my downvoting privileges?
kingsfoil's user avatar
  • 3,855
-15 votes
0 answers

Should downvotes be used to punish people who answer bad questions? [duplicate]

In response to this question: The asker comes in with ...
user avatar
111 votes
14 answers

What's the policy on down voting previously correct but now outdated answers?

As we know, software changes. Perfectly good, accepted and up voted answers can become obsolete over time. Earlier today a user left a comment on one of my older answers pointing out that it is now ...
rmaddy's user avatar
  • 317k
46 votes
4 answers

Are blatantly wrong answers very low quality?

I haven't been able to find anything about this, but are blatantly wrong answers (i.e. answers that are either demonstrably factually incorrect or obviously won't solve the OP's problem at all) very ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
210 votes
2 answers

Stealth revenge-downvoter: a downvote a day keeps the reversal-script away

The last few days I've been getting seemingly random downvotes on my questions, but I've worked out that it's likely the same user doing it. Here is my reputation history for the last few days: (The ...
AStopher's user avatar
  • 4,369
43 votes
7 answers

Should I downvote attempted answers to bad (too broad) questions? [duplicate]

Broad questions like this (now deleted): I have to make one website like using HTML5,CSS3,jQuery and bootstrap so please suggest me from where I ...
Chris Wesseling's user avatar
145 votes
11 answers

Should I delete my own downvoted answer?

When answering questions on SO (And SE in general) I always think about the problem of the OP, how to explain the solution in a way that he/she understands and solves the problem, and then the current ...
Manu343726's user avatar
  • 14.1k
46 votes
1 answer

What were the results of the A/B experiment where negative question scores were clamped to 0?

In October 2019 the company conducted an experiment on Stack Overflow with A/B testing in which they showed score 0 if the score was in truth negative. The experiment lasted two weeks and after voting ...
NoDataDumpNoContribution's user avatar
38 votes
6 answers

Is it OK to downvote or close new users' first questions?

I have seen new users asking questions that are vague, duplicate or have other problems. However, is it OK to expect them to be adapted to Stack Overflow on day one? We learned with time. Besides ...
XIMRX's user avatar
  • 2,160
-195 votes
11 answers

Is downvoting harmful and should it be removed completely?

We're all familiar with the numerous complaints, from both new and longtime members of the Stack Overflow community, describing this place as unfriendly, even hostile. It's a serious enough problem ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
  • 9,461
78 votes
15 answers

Why do people take downvotes so personally?

In a land where imaginary Internet points exist - I have noticed a rash of "why was my question downvoted?" questions and it seems that in every case a small number of downvotes has caused the OP to ...
Jay Blanchard's user avatar
-56 votes
1 answer

Should downvotes no longer be anonymous? [duplicate]

Downvotes are currently anonymous on Stack Overflow. I've not received many, but the two or three I can remember are usually on a question or answer that has significantly more up votes and in ...
Ben Thurley's user avatar
  • 7,061
217 votes
7 answers

Stop mob-downvoting users on the main site for their actions there and their opinions on Meta

I've seen a few users on Meta recently who appear to be getting lynch-mobbed on the site after either posting an unpopular opinion here, or being the subject of a post because of their actions. ...
user avatar
110 votes
16 answers

Is it OK to downvote questions because of bad grammar?

I'm interested in hearing from official moderators if there's an official stance/policy regarding what are appropriate actions to take on questions with bad grammar: Is it OK to downvote a question ...
user avatar
58 votes
3 answers

Flag window is semi-transparent for downvoted answers

On an answer with 3 or more downvotes, the flag window is semi-transparent, like the answer, which makes the flag options hard to read and select: The problem is also visible with the share window (...
Pierre-Luc Pineault's user avatar
58 votes
4 answers

Downvotes research: why do we need that?

In this blog post The Loop: Our Community Roadmap for Q3 2020, the issue(s) with downvoting has been mentioned. It reads: Downvotes research (July) Receiving downvotes on Stack Overflow can be a ...
M--'s user avatar
  • 27.2k
49 votes
5 answers

Why are proposed changes to voting, which limit or remove the use of downvotes, met with strong disagreement?

The comments and answers on many proposals to change the way voting works on Stack Overflow indicate there are strong opinions against many of these changes, mainly because such proposals alter the ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 4,470
24 votes
3 answers

What can I do in common, to avoid getting "revenge downvotes" for comments / close-, down-votes

I frequently experience kind of revenge or even serial downvotes in response to down or close votes I applied to a completely unrelated post. I'm asking myself (and readers of this post), what I can ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
-15 votes
3 answers

Do we reward good downvoters?

I saw Johnsyweb's profile, where he mentions: On Down-voting About two percent of my votes are down-votes, which I think is quite low. Down-voting is an important part of StackExchange and ...
gsamaras's user avatar
  • 72.7k
-27 votes
1 answer

Automatic downvoting bad questions [duplicate]

I know there are already mechanisms to warn users about dumping their code, resulting in very lengthy and difficultly understandable questions, long subjects, and I read that people still ignore all ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
-52 votes
3 answers

Do we really need reputation and upvotes/downvotes?

Recently I asked a question I didn't realize was already answered because of using the wrong search term. As a result, people commented what likely happened and it got -7 in voting. I was okay with ...
Sebastian the Awesome's user avatar
-53 votes
8 answers

Downvote system change proposal [closed]

I received the first downvote for that question several seconds after publication. The person did not even read the whole post, but just downvoted. It is very good example of the downvote system ...
vasili111's user avatar
  • 6,542
45 votes
4 answers

How to react to unfair downvotes that seem to be from the same user

I think most of us have had the feeling at least once, that you think someone has unfairly downvoted your answer (which otherwise is a perfectly correct answer, undoubtedly). I had some answers like ...
noseratio's user avatar
  • 60.8k
39 votes
1 answer

How can I undo my vote?

I accidentally down-voted a question. Can I perform an undo on that vote, without upvoting it? I don't consider this particular question deserves a downvote, but have no reason (or knowledge) to ...
Mathias Vonende's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to unaccept an answer after weeks?

I happened to ask this question a couple of weeks ago, to which I received prompt responses that worked for me. However, I just figured out that there is a bug with the answer. Although the answer ...
Serendipity's user avatar
  • 1,025
11 votes
2 answers

Purpose of down-voting [duplicate]

I have trouble understanding the 'down-vote' feature. New users cannot down-vote, it is a privilege. When one receives it, he/she is shown a 'help' page to be taught when to down-vote and when not to ...
ForceBru's user avatar
  • 44.3k
2 votes
1 answer

Undo downvote without the need to edit downvoted answer [duplicate]

Context: user B downvotes user A's answer and leaves a comment saying that the answer does not address the question; user A explains how the answer does indeed address the question; user B agrees but ...
Nadir Sampaoli's user avatar

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