Questions tagged [diff]

Apply when the topic is the display of differences between revisions and arising from suggested edits.

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Diff bug if only white-space was removed

The "revisions" section's difference highlighting marks too mutch as changed whenever only white-space was removed, for example: Also, sometimes the wrong lines are considered as added, ...
Top-Master's user avatar
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Side-by-side comparison is misleading when programming language is specified for code block [duplicate]

This suggested edit queue item: Marks the entire code block as changed. But only the programming language (cpp) and the final } have been ...
dialer's user avatar
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Side-by-side comparison is misleading when duplicate space is removed

This suggested edit queue item: Marks the word "understand" changed here: But in reality, a duplicate space after the word "to&...
dialer's user avatar
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Why does the diff on this suggested edit make it look like the editor destroyed the answer?

I just reviewed this suggested edit that moved some Python code out of a runnable snippet. It's obviously a good edit, so I approved it. But before I approved it, I checked the diff; it helps me spot ...
BSMP's user avatar
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Diffs of code blocks are pretty consistently broken [duplicate]

I'm not sure when this bug was introduced, because I've been mostly away from the site for a year and a half, but the "inline" and "side-by-side" views of code blocks seem to be ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
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The revision history does not show the latest content correctly

In this answer, I updated the name of the class from Testing to SpellCheck, but the revision history, while looking it on inline mode, shows it as TestingSpellCheck. It's shown correctly when using ...
Arvind Kumar Avinash's user avatar
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Side-by-side question review with long title can display overlapping title text

While reviewing suggested edits I encountered a question with a rather long single-word title (with no suitable word-breaking characters). The side-by-side view of these posts caused the text of the ...
Wyck's user avatar
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What happened to this question when I edited it?

This question had a critical Markdown issue, where the post had an image and a code block, and the image link was accidentally included in the code block, causing the image not to render. I opened the ...
Nat Riddle's user avatar
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Side-by-side diff of edits stretches outside screen [duplicate]

I'm using Chrome (88.0.4324.104) with page scale set to 150%, and a maximized Chrome window. Recently (maybe a week or two ago) I noticed that side-by-side edits comparison doesn't fit the screen: &...
ASh's user avatar
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Table disappears after switching between Markdown and Rendered output views

The rendered markdown table disappears after switching back and forth between Markdown view and Rendered output view. I can reproduce it with Firefox 84.0.1 and disabled uBlock Origin on this ...
riQQ's user avatar
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Color splash transition (inline-diff) as a highlight after retrieving edits

I know that clicking on the Edited N minutes ago button after an edit to a post works perfectly like this: I want to suggest a feature that would help a lot once implemented. The Feature After ...
Rohan Bari's user avatar
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Remove the strikethrough on the edit review page

When going through the edit review, it's hard for me to compare code before and after because of the strikethroughs in the red marked code. It's harder for me to digest/compare the old code to the ...
Tschallacka's user avatar
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Is the diff algorithm for post titles broken?

This question's original title is: Problem in Ionic 4 with asycronity when making a http post, how to wait? but this is what the Suggested Edits page looks like: which would suggest to me that ...
ash's user avatar
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Suggested difference highlights title difference by line not by word

Suggested Edits Expected: Only the insert word is highlighted
Smart Manoj's user avatar
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Blank Revision in Revision History with no Diff Tool buttons

I was looking at the revision history of 2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire and came across a strange revision. If you look at the list of revisions, the 8th revision appears blank. Not ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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Can we take advantage of large viewports and make columns wider when reviewing suggested edits? [duplicate]

I'm trying to review a suggested edit, but I'm struggling to clearly understand what was changed, and one of the reasons is that the two columns are really narrow. The OP's code reaches 120 characters ...
Fabio says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Deleted lines in review and revision-history bleed on to the other side

Where I observed the problem: My browser: Chrome on macOS. [edit] Also happens on revision-history:
Cœur's user avatar
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Could we see edits in rendered output without highlighting, please?

In the review queue we can view the changes as "rendered output" or "markdown". Sometimes I come across reviews that look like this: I find this hard to read with all the green highlighting going on....
Thomas Weller's user avatar
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Improve diff view readability in suggested Q/A edits and proposed documentation changes [closed]

Looking at "side-by-side (markdown)" diff views is a bit of a headache, when it comes down to an entire Q/A/topic/example being rewritten. Take this proposed change, for example: Since it's ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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"Proposed changes" page doesn't remember markdown diff render setting [closed]

The title says it all, really. When opening a proposed change, the markdown diff view never seems to remember my "side-by-side" choice. For example, take this proposal. Chose a different diff ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a diff-view of other users edits?

This question had a lot of grammar and spelling errors, also broken code etc., so I fixed what I could. My edit got accepted directly by "Community" and got a second "edit" from another user. I am ...
hamena314's user avatar
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Side-by-side diff highlights unchanged word following formatting marks

When someone makes a small formatting change, e.g. italicizing a phrase with asterisks, the unchanged word immediately following it is struck out and highlighted as a difference. The third paragraph ...
David Harkness's user avatar
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Code Diff in answers

I'm not sure whether this is the best place for feature suggestions, but I think having a diff viewer for code that compares source code snippets to answer's code snippets would be a very helpful ...
Louay Alakkad's user avatar
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When reviewing / viewing an edit, can we show the title diff in a more readable format?

Currently we only seem to have to option of viewing both the old and new versions of an edit to the question body - the title only seems to show inline differences, such as It takes me some thinking ...
enigma's user avatar
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Diff without changes when reviewing a suggested edit - Bug? [duplicate]

I'm reviewing this suggestion, I was up to Skip it, but then I thought: if I can't see the change wouldn't anyone else have the same problem? How To deal with this?
Wolf's user avatar
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Additional spaces displayed differently in markdown and rendered output diff

When removing one of two consecutive spaces, like here before the word "declaring", rendered-output-diff highlights the entire subsequent word "declaring", whereas the markdown-diff more accurately ...
false's user avatar
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How does the Stack Overflow diff-between-versions mechanism work?

I'm writing a web app that needs many users to work on the same contents. So there's high probability that one user overwrites another user's changes du to a race condition. Ruby on Rails provides an ...
Joshua Muheim's user avatar
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Code indentation rendered incorrectly in suggested edit view

I just reviewed this crap suggested edit with a deceptive diff. Looking at the rendered output on the left hand side, it looks like there were a couple of stray spaces - in front of the lines opt[0]....
Mark Amery's user avatar
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