Questions tagged [deletion]

This tag is for discussion of the process of deleting posts - its "why", "when", etc.

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39 votes
1 answer

Why is a post with six recommended deletion votes still not deleted? [duplicate]

I see that this post review has six recommend deletion votes. I thought it would be deleted by now. Is there a reason it is not deleted? The review screen shot in case the post gets deleted:
Ram's user avatar
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49 votes
9 answers

Should a single flag be able to delete a comment from the post owner that includes the word "downvote" (or variation thereof)?

I'm not sure how prevalent this is network wide, but we see a lot of comments on Stack Overflow from the owner of a post that goes something like this: Would the downvoter care to comment? There are ...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 136k
30 votes
1 answer

Delete button showing up as the word "delete" rather than the normal X

Just now, when I went to delete one of my comments, I noticed the normal "X" to delete it was replaced by the actual word "delete": Is this a bug? If not, why was it changed?
Pika Supports Ukraine's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Two answers on same question from same user

This question is good (7 votes) and very old (3 years old), and has just been recently answered by Jay, a user with 1 reputation. Their answer was of a low quality... or should I say answers? Jay ...
Luke's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

What is the hold up on account deletion? [duplicate]

I have deleted all my SO accounts and all have gone through in around 24 hours, except the one for Stack Overflow. This one has been "scheduled" since Nov 5, well over a week ago. I signed out of ...
user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Should self-deleted posts by users who violate rules be flagged?

Consider a user who creates a post on the site which violates one of the many rules, permanent or temporary, such as: They post content generated by ChatGPT They post copied content without ...
Daniel Widdis's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

What does it mean if my flag was "removed during a deletion"?

I recently flagged a question as a duplicate of another question asked by the same user. When I go into my flagging history, it says that my flag was "removed during a deletion": I first thought that ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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-17 votes
1 answer

Tighten rules for deleting dupe-hammered questions

I think the rules for deleting dupe-hammered questions should be tightened to require at least five users to make a vote to close or delete. Dupe-hammered questions can be deleted by votes of only ...
Sergey Kalinichenko's user avatar