Questions tagged [canonical]

is for questions about canonical questions or answers, i.e. those often used or referred to.

63 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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42 votes
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17+ questions all on the same topic with no good answers

I have been trying to connect two computers together using Python and pass information between them. While I have a broad grasp of Python, my networking knowledge (stuff like public/private IP ...
Tom Burrows's user avatar
  • 2,295
40 votes
0 answers

Canonical question about parsing mathematical expressions for duplicate closure

Is there any canonical question about parsing mathematical expressions1 with the proper tools and methods, which can be used for duplicate closure? 1 A somewhat OK answer should be able to parse an ...
nhahtdh's user avatar
  • 56.5k
37 votes
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RFC: Doing something about Python import canonicals before I lose my mind

There are a truly massive number of questions on Stack Overflow about Python's module-import system: thousands tagged python-import, thousands more tagged both python and import, thousands more tagged ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
36 votes
1 answer

The topic area ".NET async/await/TPL" needs a canonical answer on cooperative cancellation

In the .NET space there has been a lot of interest in things like async, await and TPL in the recent years. A very common issue is that someone expects cancellation to be one of these: immediate pre-...
usr's user avatar
  • 170k
28 votes
0 answers

For certain extremely common duplicates, it should be possible to put prominent warnings up front

I just closed yet another question about an extremely common error message as a duplicate of its canonical: Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all(). ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
25 votes
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Is there a canonical jQuery $(document).ready() question?

One of the most common errors that jQuery programmers make is forgetting to put their code inside $(document).ready(function() { ... });. The most recent I noticed is JSFiddle script not working ...
Barmar's user avatar
  • 764k
24 votes
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Looking for canonical dup about choosing include directories in C/C++ for relative '#include <foo/bar.h>'

In my favorite tags (cmake) I regularly see questions with the core problem like I have specified include directory /some/dir/include/foo, which contains the header bar.h, but compiler cannot resolve ...
Tsyvarev's user avatar
  • 62.9k
23 votes
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What should be done with questions regarding unlocatable elements in Selenium?

A quick search in selenium brings up some questions like this: I am doing automation with selenium, I have tried this: [Some code of a Selenium automation, often with a complicated XPath query, and ...
Marc Sances's user avatar
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23 votes
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Canonical Java answer for object reference assignment "why does x change when I mutate y after x = y"?

I have noticed a large number of Java questions that are really just variants of: "When I update b, a changes - please help." SomeObject a = new SomeObject("myObject"); SomeObject b = a; b....
Andy Brown's user avatar
  • 19.1k
22 votes
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Establishing a canonical for shadowing builtins (especially causing TypeError) in Python

Background [Feel free to skip this section if you are familiar with Python. I just want to briefly explain the subject matter needed for the canonical - it should be easy to grasp for anyone with ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
22 votes
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Canonicals for "Why isn't len() a method in Python?" and Python len()-related things

There are multiple distinct questions on the following topic, so we need multiple canonicals. How can we come up with canonicals? A longstanding source of Python new-user confusion, even predating SO ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
16 votes
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Is there a canonical for JavaScript module questions?

TL;DR: thanks to a lot of historical baggage navigating and integrating the (at least) four different module systems in JavaScript is unreasonably confusing and so we get questions about it all the ...
Jared Smith's user avatar
  • 20.6k
16 votes
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List and pick canonicals for Python bound vs unbound string method?

Periodically we see Python questions about the difference between bound string methods s.meth(...) and unbound methods str.meth(s, ...). These don't get marked as dupes as they are heavy on syntax ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
16 votes
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Is there a good question to close as duplicate of double escape problem when working with RegExp constructor in JavaScript?

I'm looking for a good duplicate closure target for these questions: Regular expression in javascript Why do I have to add double backslash on javascript regex? Javascript + Regex = Nothing to repeat ...
nhahtdh's user avatar
  • 56.5k
15 votes
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Canonicals for R questions on valid/invalid identifiers and "Why do read/make.names modify syntactically invalid identifiers?"

There are many R questions related to "What is a valid/invalid identifier" / "Why do read/make.names modify syntactically invalid identifiers?" / "How to control/customize handling of invalid ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
15 votes
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Cleaning up the top questions on "python 2 super" according to Google

The top Google hits on SO for python 2 super are a bad mix of the obsolete, irrelevant and non-generalizable, from Python 2.5.2 to 2.7.x, along with known duplicates (but for some reason the canonical ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
14 votes
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Is there a canonical question where asker doesn't know what a browser extension or userscript is, but is essentially asking how to make one?

I just came accross this: How to import javascript code into developer tools in browser? One time forever And tried looking for something to mark is as a duplicate of. I found this: How do I add a ...
user's user avatar
  • 36.1k
14 votes
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Canonical for "Why are wildcards not being expanded by* / shlex?" or "Why isn't <cmd> working?"

Which question and answer should be the canonical for all the many well-trodden duplicates/variants on the Python theme "Why is my command not being expanded by* / exec/ ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
14 votes
0 answers

CSS Canonical for "pseudo elements need a content property"

This is a somewhat common problem that crops up every now and then where the asker doesn't realize they need to set the content property on pseudo elements in order to bring them to life. ...
cimmanon's user avatar
  • 67.8k
12 votes
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Canonical question for importing content from dynamic websites using IMPORTHTML / IMPORTXML Google Sheets functions

In How to flag dozens of almost identical answers I have mentioned that I have found dozens of "bad" questions from people having problems importing content from dynamic websites using ...
Wicket's user avatar
  • 35.7k
12 votes
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A way to identify a future popular question

After around three years contributing on SO I have noticed the following for many of the old questions I have answered: They are popular with a big number of views and votes. They didn't even cross ...
Temani Afif's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Canonical question for R gotcha: colon operator takes higher precedence than arithmetic

It is a frequent R gotcha that 1:10+5 does not do what you expect it do. All of us R programmers have been bitten by it, usually several times. Surprisingly, although it comes up a lot, we don't seem ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
11 votes
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What is the proper way to write proposed FAQ questions and answers?

A few months back I posted a question about whether or not questions about the Linux kernel are on topic here. It seems like it's something that a reasonable number of people are confused about, and ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
11 votes
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Can we have dynamic description texts for duplicate questions based on the target age?

In a comment to this canonical question, @jib stated: This is a duplicate of [another] already asked question, yet [ā€¦] the old question [is marked] as a duplicate of [the] new question. Isn't that ...
Bergi's user avatar
  • 650k
10 votes
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What should I do with old questions where the problem was mis-identified?

The site is full of examples with a few upvotes and many years of history like: Need a way to load embedded, escaped JSON strings in Python The problem here is that the title implies a how-to question,...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
10 votes
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Canonical for common new-user R errors with Logistic, Linear regression, GLM

What should be the canonical Q&A for these common new-user R logistic and linear regression Errors? Let's identify, and then please help close-as-duplicate. trying to predict a numeric variable ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
9 votes
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Is there a canonical Q&A that explains TypeScript's type erasure and compile time vs run time behaviour?

I see a lot of questions who expect TypeScript to simply do something it cannot. They are based on a fundamental misunderstanding about what TypeScript does and how it works. The whole type system ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 27.6k
8 votes
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What should we do with flawed attempts to solve a problem, where the flaw is unrelated, both are common, and the question isn't explicit?

What should we do with flawed attempts to solve a problem, where the flaw is unrelated, both are common, and the question isn't explicit? This is an extremely common issue I've been running into with ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
8 votes
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How to organize and assign canonicals for "Python/pandas compare IP address/CIDR"?

There are tons of Python/pandas/et al. questions on comparing IP addresses/ CIDR, but surprisingly almost no canonicals. Frankly it's one hell of a mess, and needs organization, cleanup. some ask ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
8 votes
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Java "ClassNotFoundException" canonical question

I meet each day dozens of similar questions where people claim about java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in java. Just recent examples: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.apache.tika.sax....
Andremoniy's user avatar
  • 34.5k
8 votes
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Request: Canonical question about not throwing away exception details

Quite often I stumble upon code which uses exception handling incorrectly; in particular, which throws away exception details. Examples: // Example 1: swallow exception catch (Exception ex) {} // ...
Heinzi's user avatar
  • 170k
6 votes
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A canonical Swift answer for "My function with an asynchronous call returns empty data"

There are already over 400 questions on StackOverflow with the Swift tag that relate to asynchronous execution. It feels like there has been a recent increase in the number of questions asked by low-...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 3,323
6 votes
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Canonical Q/A for people that have problems with Future<T> in [flutter]

I'm relatively new to flutter. There seems to be huge amounts of people who are starting to work with flutter and who have not heard of the async/await concepts either in flutter or in other languages ...
nvoigt's user avatar
  • 76.6k
6 votes
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Canonical question for "You do not have permission" in Google Sheets custom functions

TL;DR I'm looking for guidance regarding which question should be used as a canonical question for Google Sheets customs functions returning "You do not have permission" This question is ...
Wicket's user avatar
  • 35.7k
6 votes
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Trouble choosing canonical question (Java printf variable field width)

Today I found this question when going through some tags: Formatted Output With Variable Spacing I was sure this must have been asked before, and wanted to find a canonical question I could link, so ...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 39.6k
5 votes
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Is there a canonical dupe target for illegally mutating variables in react?

Every day, multiple times per day, questions pop up in the reactjs tag where the problem boils down to someone Failing to use this.setState in a class component and instead trying to use instance ...
Jared Smith's user avatar
  • 20.6k
5 votes
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Proposed canonical question regarding database subclasses

There is a question asked today that, I think, would make a good canonical question for a question that has been asked, with different specifics, hundreds of times here in Stack Overflow. The ...
Walter Mitty's user avatar
  • 18.7k
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Is there a canonical question regarding Java DateFormat Unparseable date?

I see lots of questions like this: DateFormate gives unparsable error i got the error java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date SimpleDateFormat ParseException: Unparseable date Error The answers ...
1615903's user avatar
  • 33.6k
5 votes
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Creating a dupe target to manage a plethora of duplicate questions

On the tag, a few times a week (and I've seen as many as three in one day) a question is posted with the title along the lines of The model item passed into the dictionary is of type .. ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Should the canonical answer for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException be generalized?

There is a canonical answer for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Java: What causes a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and how do I prevent it? An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is-a ...
Marco13's user avatar
  • 54.2k
4 votes
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Proposal for a "watch" tab?

I wasn't able to find something similar through search. If there is, let me know and I'll delete the question. As much as I like that we already have a favorites tab for starring questions, I feel as ...
timolawl's user avatar
  • 5,524
4 votes
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How to ask for a canonical answer to "How to fix 1064 error?"

In this question I'm hoping to get a canonical, generalizable, answer to a problem that seems to vex a lot of beginners in an area ...
O. Jones's user avatar
  • 106k
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Making a canonical post that needs way too many tags

A few weeks back, I made a canonical post about shader invocation frequency. I tagged it with the tags I thought were appropriate at the time. However as I think about it now, the question/answer ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
3 votes
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Do we have a canonical for parsing indented code with ast.parse?

While doing a cleanup of some other IndentationError questions, I closed a bunch of questions - including IndentationError during `ast.parse` and `ast.walk` of a function which is a method inside ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
3 votes
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Canonical for Python make/from_type classmethods/ multiple constructors?

There is no one single good canonical covering make/from_<type> classmethods/ multiple constructors in Python, and also Python has some language-design differences to Java/C/C++. How should we ...
smci's user avatar
  • 33.4k
3 votes
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Edit canonical question to ask about new related feature?

The question here asks and answers "What do the u and r prefixes to strings mean in Python" and is a valuable and oft-used dupe target. In a recent version of Python, an extra prefix was added: f ...
Adam Smith's user avatar
  • 53.3k
3 votes
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How to close unsolvable "crashes in main.m" for iOS/macOS?

A while ago I added a tutorial link to the iOS tag wiki about how to fix application crashes in iOS. (It applies to macOS equally BTW, but that's not the point.) Obviously, many question askers don't ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 6,481
3 votes
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Summary self-answer - close as multiple dup or links?

Should question created solely as navigation guide (somewhat canonical) to be closed as duplicate of many or provide answer with links to specific topics(as CW) or have real answer (and possibly ...
Alexei Levenkov's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a canonical Python reference mutation question?

This question came up on my review queue, and I'm wondering if there's a canonical version of these "X variable (or name or whatever they're called in Python) gets mutated by changing a different ...
Jeff's user avatar
  • 12.7k
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Canonical "My JavaScript isn't working" question for the answer "IDs must be unique"?

Is there a good canonical question we can use to close duplicates of questions (like this recent one) that are basically "My JavaScript code doesn't work" to which the answer is "You cannot use the ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar