Questions tagged [bug]

This tag indicates a reproducible problem on the site that you believe is due to a mistake, malfunction, or programming error.

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Long example titles in Documentation overlap other UI elements (vote arrows, flag and share icons, etc.) [closed]

Link to documentation I am using Vivaldi 1.3.537.5 (Build) dev (64-bit)
MKAROL's user avatar
  • 316
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Fix character count display for work entries with CV

Prompted by this answer: The counter at the top right indicates a character count relative to a required minimum. This is uncommon UI design. An indication x/y characters usually indicates that you ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
  • 8,915
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The /questions feed seems to reset number of items to display

I prefer to display 50 questions at a time. I've set this on the default tags I watch and on the home page. However, it does not save this setting all the time. It appears to reset when I perform a ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 49.9k
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The legendary badge is calculated incorrectly when being viewed as your "Next badge"

I'm pretty close to receiving the legendary badge, and I noticed that the "Next badge" popup seems to calculate today's rep incorrectly. As you can see, it states that I have 140/200 rep for the day, ...
Josh Crozier's user avatar
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Tag badges "showing top 100 of 201 available badges..." when fewer badges shown

"Select your next badge" screen shows a message showing top 100 of 201 available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge when there aren't that many badges shown on the screen (...
arcyqwerty's user avatar
  • 10.5k
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Dialog which shows an error is not visible when reviewing suggested edits

Today, I reviewed "suggested edits" and I Approve/Reject edit. When going for the next review one, error message box is displayed without any error message as below. When I show its HTML it looks ...
ketan's user avatar
  • 19.3k
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Can we fix this typo in the suggested edits queue?

I recently gained access to the suggested edits queue and noticed a typo, shown in bold: Approve edits you know are correct Improve Edit the edit by making additional corrections Reject and ...
Anil's user avatar
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The flag dialog for a comment on a downvoted answer is transparent

When I flag a comment on a downvoted answer, the flag dialog is semi-transparent, which makes it hard to use. Steps to reproduce: Find a downvoted answer with score <= 3 and at leat one ...
Jonas Czech's user avatar
  • 12.2k
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How did I flag before the comment was posted?

Here's what my flagged posts looks like: And here's the comment: I shouldn't have flagged this comment, but my question is: Why is the time on my flag earlier than the time the comment was ...
Dave Chen's user avatar
  • 10.9k
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"question not found" on audit (possible bug)

When question not found is presented during review, it usually means its an audit question. I think this may be a bug. Perhaps its would be a better idea to not leak information.
jww's user avatar
  • 100k
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The box around the post-owner's name in comments overlaps the underline of links

The box around the post-owner's name in comments overlaps the underline of links on the line above. I think this only affects MSO, I've only tested a few other sites, and I don't know if any other ...
fredley's user avatar
  • 33.4k
16 votes
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Missing blue search-icon at the right side of the search-box?

I may be missing something, but I'm pretty sure the search line on the main page has this blue icon at the right side (of a magnify glass) - currently it is empty: It may be minor, but I could hit it ...
dWinder's user avatar
  • 11.6k
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Why are dates required for an Education entry in the Developer Story? [duplicate]

Many positions require a particular degree; but when the applicant earned the degree is irrelevant. In an industry rife with age discrimination, a degree earned in a too distance past can reduce the ...
BBB's user avatar
  • 9
15 votes
2 answers

Where is Low Quality flag?

I wanted flag some post for its low quality (here is a link). That post is too old (2016), but it contains only error text that is unuseful for most people. But there is no Low Quality flag to be used!...
Josef Švejk's user avatar
  • 1,057
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2 answers

Why did I just get the announcer badge? [duplicate]

I commented on this answer: That comment doesn't have a link, yet I strangely earned the announcer badge for that comment today. Not that I'm complaining ...
Jonathan Mee's user avatar
  • 38.4k
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3 answers

Bug in stack snippet?

Edit 2 Now, after the bug fix, this code run properly This code doesn't run properly body { counter-reset: para; } p { position: relative; padding-left: 25px; } p:before { ...
Asons's user avatar
  • 86.2k
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Why was this question protected?

Today I received notification that a comment had been added to an answer I provided several years ago. When I looked at the question, I saw that right after the comment was added, The question was ...
EJK's user avatar
  • 12.4k
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Empty error message when commenting

I tried to leave the following comment on a question: It still won't work, as you have v= algorithm(M,C,S,N), but no S defined. Again: please make sure to read [mcve] in full, to make sure you have ...
Adriaan's user avatar
  • 18.2k
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Empty choices in "Know someone who can answer?"

I am not sure if this is the right Stack Exchange site to post this, so please correct me if I am wrong. I have recently noticed that the question "Know someone who can answer?" in a question page at ...
Nick Louloudakis's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Arrows and counter for upvotes/downvotes were on the left, and are now centered

This started today (2019-12-05), and it only happens in old browser versions -- so it might be related to the recent changes in Stack Overflow's legacy CSS. Screen shot: I saw this in Safari 9.1 and ...
jkdev's user avatar
  • 11.5k
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1 answer

Crazy comment - no text wrap

Whats happened here then? Mac OS: 10.13.3 Safari: 11.0.3
Ashley Medway's user avatar
15 votes
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Message notification (ping) from a moderator not received inside a question after a question was deleted

Edit/update: Turns out that rene caught this: the mod added a space between the @ and the username. I don't think that qualifies as a valid @-reply. No inbox notifications are expected in that case....
Funk Forty Niner's user avatar
15 votes
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Question captcha bypassed [closed]

I just answered a question and on clicking "Post Your Answer", nothing happened. I copied my answer, reloaded the page and tried to submit it again; then it asked me to enter a captcha "Verify that ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
  • 31.8k
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Some Stack Exchange assets do not load due to CORS errors for* URLs

When performing Low Quality Posts reviews I often view the vote count on a post as a quick way to determine if the review task that I'm looking at is an audit. When it is an audit and the post has ...
Wai Ha Lee's user avatar
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My Flair and those of others return an HTTP 500 instead of the expected image

I have the same problem as reported in Flair images return 500 errors on flair page but I'm pretty sure Flair worked somewhere between 2015 and today so this is a regression. When visiting my Stack ...
rene's user avatar
  • 41.9k
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Can you edit ONLY a revision's description (not content)?

When trying to edit the description for a revision of one of my questions on Stack Overflow (because I had forgot to input the description when I made the revision), the modification would not save ...
Adam's user avatar
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Why didn't my dupehammer work, when the original tags contains the gold tag?

I voted this question: Google App Script filtering Arrays based on Com as a duplicate of this. But that didn't close the question immediately. Why? The original set of tags contain a tag google-apps-...
TheMaster's user avatar
  • 48k
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Cramped up in the timeline

Yesterday, the timeline would have looked like this: Today, I went to check the timeline of a post, and this is what I saw: …and it just instantly made me very tired. Now, it's not only cramped up. ...
Scratte's user avatar
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Why can't I see the pop-up card for the adsense tag on hover?

I kept seeing this question: Responsive Adsense ad on mobile displaying huge ad Hovering over the adsense tag does not pop up the normal watch/ignore dialog. If I click on the tag and select ignore, ...
jhnc's user avatar
  • 14k
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No space between label and buttons in Unanswered Questions top layout

When accessing the Unanswered Questions list for a specific tag, sometimes there is no space between the label and the buttons in the top layout. Example:
Gino Mempin's user avatar
  • 27.5k
15 votes
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Profile seems to be broken

This is how the profile page looks as of now: The question is: Is this a bug or a feature? It doesn't look like a feature :/
Seth's user avatar
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Incomplete results for wildcard search?

If I understand the search help correctly, searching for appreciat* should always also include the results for a search of appreciate. But it seems it doesn't? Searching for appreciat* returns just 1,...
Balder's user avatar
  • 8,678
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I can upvote infinitely on comments on meta posts

After I upvote a comment and refresh the page, I am able to upvote again. I tried on other posts, too.
Vega's user avatar
  • 28.3k
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Cannot flag an answer or pass the audit?

While reviewing "Late answers" queue, I came across this answer: I thought of a "link only answer" and tried to check the post itself by clicking "link" but it was already deleted. So it should've ...
Vega's user avatar
  • 28.3k
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Code block formatting and validation is broken

I am trying to edit code block in this answer - RxJS Merge Observable in Callback After my changes, the code block is formatted with 4 spaces, but validator says it's not: Also when I press ⌘+K it ...
Oles Savluk's user avatar
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Ad for Stack Overflow jobs within Google summary [duplicate]

When googling about a programming-related topic, Google gave me a summary quoting a snippet from Stack Overflow. However, the image on the right hand side isn't very helpful - it's about Stack ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
15 votes
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Not just 0 but 00 remote jobs

When searching via the job alerts for remote jobs. There is double 0 jobs available in my area for remote work: Should be replaced with 0 remote jobs near ...
JonH's user avatar
  • 32.9k
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Jobs now larger than others

The link for the jobs has a small CSS bug. It looks very large compared to the other buttons present on the same line. This was seen on Firefox 42.0 (also reproduced on 43 - from comments) Most ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
  • 51.3k
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Should deleted questions still show up in a Google search?

Perhaps this question needs to be on “Meta Stack Exchange” but posting it here for now… So I was doing a Google search for “Turning Logstash data into relational data” and saw the following results. ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
15 votes
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What is causing these bugs in the site browsing widget? [closed]

When trying to switch from Stack Overflow to another Stack Exchange sites, I observed this strange sight: What's going on here? It looks like some sites logos are switched around, and there's a red-...
Christian Dean's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Why am I seeing duplicate questions on the stack overflow landing page?

It is the first time I have seen this. Is it a bug? Example:
Mike Cheel's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Community User Deleting Posts with Upvoted Answers [duplicate]

According to this meta post, the Community User (CU) shouldn't have deleted this Stack Overflow post. This action seems incorrect because: As I understand it, the Community User shouldn't be deleting ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Is a question tagged [untagged] an oxymoron?

The question No question should be [untagged] indicated there were two questions (in 2018) so tagged and the answer implies it's a rarely used exception and that: The tag itself is blacklisted for ...
Daniel Widdis's user avatar
15 votes
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Unable to reject a suggested edit due to missing HTML attribute

When trying to reject a suggested edit with the custom/harmful reason that requires an explanation, I am unable to cause the 'reject' button to be clickable, despite entering more than 20 characters. ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
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Dollar ('$') character breaks link in saved answer but not in preview when creating/editing

I just answered a question ( and noticed that a link I added ($mdDialog) appeared correctly in the preview ...
camden_kid's user avatar
  • 12.7k
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Reputation value under Meta Participation is misleading

Reputation shouldn't appear under "Meta Participation" since the reputation value it shows was earned on Stack Overflow not Meta. I understand that a user's Meta reputation is just the same as the ...
CRABOLO's user avatar
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You can evade the "What have you tried?" filter on Stack Overflow

With an extra whitespace like this: What have you tried? Extra whitespace gets stripped in comments. I know, no big deal, but I figured that I should atleast mention it. smite away
r3wt's user avatar
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Question got deleted by community while having a bounty on it

I asked a question a month ago. It had 2 downvotes, I edited my question. A week after the edit I placed a bounty to get some attention on the question. Today I saw it got deleted by the Community ...
inetphantom's user avatar
  • 2,558
15 votes
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Can't close Teams bubble on IE11 [closed]

I am using Internet Explorer 11 (which is officially supported). I am getting a bubble asking me to create a team for my workplace. The x is not clickable on this bubble. (When I click the x, nothing ...
user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Bad SSL link on Stack Overflow blog pointing to Stack Overflow Enterprise site

Looks like someone needs a new SSL Cert! Repro is: Go to Stack Overflow Blog. Click on this link in the page footer: Get Stack Overflow Enterprise Expected: fascinating marketing content about ...
Justin Grant's user avatar
  • 45.7k

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