Questions tagged [answers]

This tag is for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.

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-21 votes
3 answers

How to discourage rushed answers on questions that should be closed?

Let me start by saying: I am in full favor of rewarding volunteers using (one or two) "trust points", when they perform the vital service of closing questions that should be legitimately closed. It&#...
23 votes
4 answers

Is it link-only when there is a link and description but no code?

As one of your newest moderators, I've been handling a bunch of not-an-answer flags. One NAA flag was for this answer: The flag comment said that the link was broken. When reviewing the flag, I: ...
23 votes
1 answer

Handling Answers Containing "I can't reproduce that"

The question I am referring to: How to “escape” a comma in a PHP argument value so it doesn't separate them into multiple arguments Using the information given by OP, the problem definitely can't be ...
184 votes
14 answers

Outdated Accepted Answers: flagging exercise has begun

Update: The outcome of this exercise led two major site changes*: Accepted answers are no longer pinned. A new way to sort answers. See Trending: A new answer sorting option for more information. As ...
7 votes
0 answers

Add a "provide explanation to the answer" note in Help Center or FAQ

Yesterday I came across this answer. It's code-only, and I commented that it would be better to provide some explanation to this answer. But the answerer commented the explanation, not added it to the ...
-47 votes
4 answers

Why doesn't Stack Overflow awards points on just answering questions?

Stack Overflow awards reputation when there is an upvote on your answer or if it is chosen as a best answer, but it doesn't award reputation just for answering. I think there needs to be a reward (...
-4 votes
4 answers

Return delay between answering to 3 minutes for users with <125 rep

This is a formal proposal and request that the rate-limiting be changed, so that users with less than 125 reputation do not need to wait 30 minutes between posting answers. For most of the lifetime of ...
26 votes
4 answers

Is it acceptable to fundamentally change own answer? [duplicate]

Assume I have answered a question incorrectly. Should I fundamentally change the answer if I found another approach, or should I delete the original answer and post another one?
17 votes
6 answers

Should answers be general or specific?

In the answer from Colombo to this question, they provide a comprehensive general answer and suggest that the original poster can work out the solution from there. R newbie asking about loops I ...
-8 votes
1 answer

I wish to delete my own answer but a Mod just undeleted it. Do I have any rights, here?

I have an answer which I wish to delete. I wrote it a while ago. I have enough points to do this, and I did do this. I just noticed that a mod recently undeleted that post. Does this mean that I've ...
11 votes
2 answers

Is it wrong to make a more general answer when a previous answer had already answered the specific question?

I found this question which already has an accepted answer there. While it's true that my answer doesn't directly answer what's asked in the title, it's answering part of the title that could be the ...
12 votes
1 answer

Single line answer with word maybe

I read the question One line answers and given answers and comments, still not completely sure about this answer in which OP asks why this seemingly dead code is present and the answer given is "maybe ...
-41 votes
2 answers

Force users to accept answers by restricting them from asking if they don't [duplicate]

Can we have a limit on users posting questions and then not accepting answers for those? As this becomes challenging for the person answering and people who face similar issues simply ignore answers ...
45 votes
3 answers

If I appreciate the effort and scope of an answer but cannot verify its correctness, is upvoting appropriate?

If I appreciate the effort and scope of an answer but cannot verify its correctness, and I am not the asker, is upvoting the answer a correct thing to do? For example, I came across this post. I might'...
88 votes
3 answers

Flag Duplicate Answers on the same Question

Often there are questions like this What's the meaning of "=>" (an arrow formed from equals & greater than) in JavaScript? where people don't really know the answer but search it ...
2 votes
0 answers

Editing a locked answer gives the wrong error message [duplicate]

I tried to edit this locked answer and got an error: There are too many pending edits on Stack Overflow. Please try again later. However, that seems to be the wrong error, even if it is a true ...
29 votes
2 answers

Parts of the code in my answer were removed by another user without explanation. How should I proceed?

I answered a question and next to it added a piece of code that was in another issue of Stack Overflow putting together the source. But after a few hours, another user edited my answer twice, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can you flag duplicate if the old question contains an answer which is not answering the old question but answering the new question?

Sometimes, a question can be misunderstood by someone and resulting a good article but off-topic to the question it is answering. If this answer happens to be a good answer to another question, does ...
39 votes
5 answers

Mark questions or answers as out of date?

It would really help for finding relevant answers if there was a way to mark questions and answers as out of date. I have been searching SO for various questions and have often found that there are ...
22 votes
0 answers

How can I manage historical answers for different versions?

Answers to question How do you alias a type in Python? trickled in with time, and are bringing in new functionalities by version. In order to make the answers stand out with the version the answer ...
-4 votes
1 answer

What should I do if I don't get an answer?

What should I do if I don't get enough answers when I post a question? For example: Return value from PYQt slot of QwebView to main window widget (PYQt python) I asked this question 2 days ago and did ...
59 votes
7 answers

How should we handle machine learning questions asking for performance improvements?

I have seen a lot of questions on tagged with machine learning that are along the lines of "here is my ML training script and a link to a dataset. I am getting x% accuracy, and how do I improve ...
9 votes
1 answer

How might old answers be moved to a more suitable (also old) question?

I was trying to perform regular maintenance on a popular Python canonical, and encountered an answer that addressed a matter tangential to the actual question as asked. It turned out to be something ...
28 votes
2 answers

Should I accept a bad answer or write my own?

I recently posted a fairly standard Stack Overflow question about how to use an existing library to accomplish a task. (I'm being purposely vague to avoid shaming the answerer.) I didn't receive any ...
10 votes
1 answer

How should I respond to internal errors in SaaS products? Is it acceptable to suggest contacting customer support as an answer?

These days (supported) SaaS/PaaS software and managed solutions are becoming more predominant in the world of programming. As a result I am frequently seeing questions that effectively can be reduced ...
35 votes
2 answers

Are answers written using machine translation or grammar correction tools considered 'AI-generated' for purposes of the ban on AI-generated content?

English is not my mother tongue so I am not very good at it. I use a translator tool to make my answer more efficient. Then I correct the grammar of the translated sentence using 'Grammarly extension'....
115 votes
9 answers

Reputable people keep answering duplicates - What's the solution?

It's apparent that reputable members (ranging between 10k - 600k reputation) are answering duplicates. It's understandable if the question being answered isn't a blatant duplicate, but that's not the ...
28 votes
9 answers

How can we encourage answers that are helpful to people other than the asker?

I just received an SO survey, to which I responded quite negatively. I think current questions are mostly terrible, and current answers are mostly terrible. Here's an example showing one kind of ...
172 votes
2 answers

How do I create a React Stack Snippet with JSX support?

In the Stack Snippets editor, I can see a drop-down box for including a version of React, but how do I actually create a snippet using React with JSX in it? Return to FAQ index
29 votes
3 answers

Is it forbidden to suggest to create an GitHub issue/discussion for other problems?

An OSS maintainer sometimes posts an answer to a question of their OSS. And they sometimes prefer GitHub to Stack Overflow. In this situation, is it OK to suggest, in the answer, to create GitHub ...
6 votes
1 answer

What should be done to questions OP solves themselves without posting an answer?

In this particular question, the OP solves the problem on his own for which the question was asked. You can read the comments to see them mentioning: Thanks, I found the way to compile it correctly, ...
153 votes
16 answers

Why are users answering questions as quickly as possible?

Very often, I read a question and think about an answer. During my thought process I see that new answers pop up very quickly but sometimes they are incomplete or address only part of the question. ...
232 votes
15 answers

Should there be a deterrent for answering obvious duplicate questions?

When someone asks a questions on SO, they are expected to check that the question was not asked before. It is even worse if the question has been asked some 20 times before, because it shows little ...
605 votes
7 answers

Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat)

I often see posts in which no Answer has been offered as such, but the user's problem was solved using advice which appears in the comment section (or in extreme cases in the extended discussion in ...
19 votes
0 answers

Why are all these answers not answering the actual question?

I just stumbled across this question from 2013 about an error message received when trying to authenticate with Google in iPhone Safari. The error message mentions iFrames. The author self answered it ...
2 votes
2 answers

Poor questions should not be answered by people with high reps. Why are they? [closed]

I came across this meta post : Should one answer terribly poor questions? and thought answering poor questions are not the norm, at least among people with high reps. But then these are counter-...
-25 votes
1 answer

Can we hide the tail end of overly long answers?

The Problem Many questions have answers which are of high quality, but which are also extremely long (compared to how short they could be). Some examples (see the accepted answer): What is the copy-...
-11 votes
1 answer

Is using a screenshot and reference link wrong?

I've recently answered a question with a screenshot from a reference site. It was a table so I pasted a screenshot to preserve styling. I also added the reference site link. This was downvoted by ...
97 votes
4 answers

What should we do with new answers that just repeat old ones?

There is an extremely popular question in bash: Bash scripting & read file line by line. It has attracted almost 500K visits in four years and there is already a canonical, well documented, useful ...
-7 votes
1 answer

How do you make your answer stand out from the influx of generative AI content?

I've had a few years hiatus and could not find any article that underscores this question, so please go easy on me. I also just got somewhat up to speed about the strike as posted here, so I know this ...
23 votes
1 answer

How can I avoid "An error occurred submitting the edit" error message? (working July 13th)

July 13th: it works again, so far. July 12th: I have (again) some of my answers I cannot edit (others can edit them, but I cannot) "How to make git maintain a file containing ...
14 votes
1 answer

"Has recommended answer" filter also includes questions with answers written by a Recognized Member

When I navigate to the R Language Collective page and filter the questions by the "Has recommended answer" attribute, I see questions such as this one which are clearly labeled "Answer ...
11 votes
1 answer

Duplicating existing answers, aka. "loot stealing"

This is unfortunately a common scenario I noticed. There is some question with no correct answers. One user provides a slightly different answer (which happen to be correct), and suddenly within a ...
14 votes
1 answer

Has the 30-minute rate limit between successive answers from <125 reputation users been lifted? If so, can the help center article on it be removed?

On December 8 of last year, due to a flood of ChatGPT answers from new users, the rate limit for answers from users without 125+ reputation was increased from 3 minutes to 30 minutes. The global meta ...
75 votes
6 answers

Why are answer rates dropping?

Area 51 recommends that for beta sites, a rate of 90% answered is a healthy beta, and 80% answered needs some work. I'm not sure how to find the recent answer rate on Stack Overflow overall, but the ...
120 votes
6 answers

Is it acceptable to post answers generated by an AI, such as GitHub Copilot? [duplicate]

Today, I stumbled upon this answer. In that answer, there is an explanation with the code: This code was written by Github Copilot with minimal supervision and nothing else. I see some potential ...
57 votes
5 answers

Are all generative AIs banned?

I recently came across this answer. [The answer has since been deleted - screenshot here]. The answerer's profile acknowledges that We are an AI Generated response community, we are real humans who ...
-6 votes
2 answers

How do I save my high-quality answer to a duplicate question?

I wrote a self-answered question that was labeled as duplicate. I don't agree with that, but my question is, how can I save my high-quality answer now? Duplicates are automatically deleted, aren't ...
73 votes
2 answers

What flag to use for answers that say "use ChatGPT to fix your errors"?

I just came across an answer post that (essentially) just said "Use chatGPT to help correct your errors" (To be fair, the answer had a tiny bit of actual information, but I would say nothing ...
8 votes
1 answer

I asked a question then later found a blog post on the web that perfectly answers the question: Can I copy-paste the content of the article? [duplicate]

Here is a concrete example: What is the difference between using and not using <type>pom</type> for a dependency (in the <dependencies> section)? In the meantime I've found a really ...

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