Questions tagged [answers]

This tag is for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.

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Answer or comment [duplicate]

Recently I started to answer some questions on Stack overflow in vhdl topics (It's the only subject where I am a bit competent). When there is a question, most of the experimented members answer the ...
Gautitho's user avatar
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Good answer but doesn't address the point

So I bumped into this dilemma today. A user asked a question about a NullPointerException. Another user gave an answer which contained very good advice for the code, but didn't really explained the ...
Tavo's user avatar
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If an edit to an answer *substantially* changes that answer to make it a duplicate of another answer, should the edit be rolled back?

This is about this answer: It was originally a very distinct answer: You could subclass Formatter and then it is fairly easy: import string class ...
Ruzihm's user avatar
  • 20k
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High quality answer to another question

I have found this answer in LQPRQ. I haven't faced that before so I'm here to ask the Community for the opinion. There is a question which is answered. Another user finds this topic and asks for a ...
xenteros's user avatar
  • 15.7k
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Using the wayback machine against link-rot

A lot of people on SO (including me) are against posting links from not reliable resources without posting the main part, because they will eventually get offline and the question/answer will be ...
Bálint's user avatar
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Why are some answers grayed out? [duplicate]

Sometimes I see an answer on SO that is grayed out. Is this done by the author or moderators? Why is it done? What is the difference in rationale between graying out an answer and deleting it?
mhatch's user avatar
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Should I edit my answer to include a improvement from comments

This has happened to me couple of times now: I answer a question and then someone else leaves a comment which improves my answer a lot. Maybe the comment is minor in the sense that it won't change ...
Pekka's user avatar
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What to do when a question gets an answer off-site?

I came across this question in the close votes queue. It piqued my curiosity, and researching it, I found that the OP (I assume that I'm safe assuming paddymcc is the same person as Paddy McCann) had ...
femtoRgon's user avatar
  • 33.1k
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New tag-based “Random Question” link like the “Random article” link on Wikipedia

Quite recently, I read that one good way to learn something new is to hit the “Random article” link in Wikipedia. I thought that for people who want to learn something new in IT, a great addition ...
Maurice Klimek's user avatar
6 votes
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Should I edit an answer to add to it, even though the current answer is sufficient?

This revolves around this question/answer: Backup workitems on VS Team Services. I've used the answer and was able to get it to work, but in VS Team Services there's "Discussions" on work items that ...
John Grabanski's user avatar
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Should I comment or edit the answer? (new contributor case)

I saw this answer to a PHP question. The answer should work, but the post seems a lot like a "code only" answer. First, I was starting editing the post (wanted to add more explanations and add a link ...
dWinder's user avatar
  • 11.6k
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Better notification of closed question in process of being answered?

I've just been scuppered answering a question on SO, which was closed after I'd started to write an answer for it. Whilst I don't entirely agree with the close reason (a gold badge user marked as ...
Michael's user avatar
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How can I edit several messages because there are security concerns?

I would like to make a security edit (but all the answers repeat the same concern). I don't know how to proceed with the edit, and that is why I'm bringing the issue up on Meta. There is this message: ...
user2226755's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Should I downvote answers that ignores vital things that is not important to the actual problem? [duplicate]

TL;DR Are there any guidelines for when (if ever) you should downvote answers containing code which contains very bad code lines that teaches bad habits or are bad in another way, but those lines are ...
klutt's user avatar
  • 30.8k
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Is an exact copy + paste of the code in a question as an answer, an answer? [duplicate]

I recently came across a question with an answer like: You are doing {something}. What do you expect? {code from question} I flagged, which was disputed. Later I noticed the question was ...
Clint's user avatar
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The flag comment dialogue on a heavily downvoted answer incorrectly fades out when the mouse is not over it [duplicate]

Heavily downvoted answers are faded out in grey, to warn readers that the community did not like it, for whatever reason. If you mouseover it, it fades back to ordinary rendering, so you can read it, ...
halfer's user avatar
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What is the ideal way to ask/response on jsperf related question?

Related to comments on JSPerf, For Loop vs While Loop Do you need to simulate the whole jsperf benchmark functionality inside SO question as code other than linking to jsperf entry? If you think I ...
YOU's user avatar
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Some way to find out how far off you are from asking/answering ban lift [duplicate]

To clarify, what I'm asking is sometimes when a user has a certain amount of downvoted questions/answers, they are locked out from asking new questions, or answering depending on the quality of their ...
Ben's user avatar
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Should I separate my answer in few posts? [duplicate]

Today I came across а question with 3 different answers by the same author: Stack size under Mono Is this a good practice or I should add all my different options/answers into a single post?
Nikolay Kostov's user avatar
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Recent First Answers from New Users on Old Questions

A few of the reviews I've recently carried out have included first answers from new users, that have been on old questions (ie more than a few months old). They have often been very low quality or ...
worldofjr's user avatar
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What to do if OP requests far more than just answering the question? [duplicate]

Being a newbie here in StackOverflow, I've been a user for time enough to be aware that SO is more about questions and answers than about users. I'm a little bit upset today because, after giving an ...
Marco Regueira's user avatar
6 votes
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Should someone "improve" an answer to include information given in other answers?

I gave an answer to this PERL question. My answer did not include every single method of solving the problem and is perhaps a traditional way of solving it instead of a more modern form. As you are no ...
vogomatix's user avatar
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Is providing an answer in comment area a good practice? [closed]

There are several times I saw people giving solutions to the problem in the comment area. Some of them later provide an answer themselves, others can be converted to answers by making it "community ...
Tᴀʀᴇǫ Mᴀʜᴍᴏᴏᴅ's user avatar
6 votes
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Does it matter that a single naive answer can get massive upvotes from other naive viewers? [duplicate]

I strongly suspect that this sort of question has been asked before (of course I looked at what came up) ... and answers like "life's not fair" may well apply. I'm thinking of this answer : the user ...
mike rodent's user avatar
  • 14.8k
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People Managing to Type out Essay-long Answers [closed]

This is kind of an odd question, but I see all these answers to questions on Stack Overflow that are like a whole essay long, completely well-composed and well edited. For example: Where and why do ...
Little Boy Blue's user avatar
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Ethics Concerning Anwers from Others' Comments

I have come across many questions (and am guilty myself) where someone (or I) posted an answer that someone had already mentioned in the comments. All the times I have done it I have done my own ...
Ramsay Smith's user avatar
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Why were my flags declined?

Recently 5 of my flags were declined. The answers I flagged are these: The reason for flagging this answer was: This is not an answer. Not a single line ...
EhsanT's user avatar
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Is adding *more* info to another person's answer bad?

I edited an answer to this question. I added two more ways of solving the problem in the existing answer. Another user (well, who is quite reliable) rolled back my edit. Was this edit wrong?.
TheLostMind's user avatar
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What is the expected correct SO behaviour to reply with a code fragment which is not yet an answer?

Prerequisites I know there are lots of questions and duplicates that explain that comments won't support code blocks and full-functional formatting. It is also declared that comments are used as a ...
Dmitriy Popov's user avatar
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Wow! How did I lose 70 on this answer?

Why does #define not require a semicolon? It's not closed or deleted, but my reputation has just dropped by 70, attributed to this answer. Is there something funky going on? Edit, I've just ...
Bathsheba's user avatar
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Should I delete my answer which didn't receive any vote and isn't accepted?

I have given some answers like this which haven't been upvoted or accepted, and also it was answered months back. According to me it means my answer didn't help anybody so should I delete it. Sorry ...
singhakash's user avatar
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Why does my answer have delete votes? For what reasons can an answer be deleted?

I have this answer. I agree with the downvote because it does not have much description. But why are there two votes for deletion on my answer? Deletion requires one of these: commentary on the ...
Sanzeeb Aryal's user avatar
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What if editing my answer makes comments seem out of context?

I posted answer to this question. After some additional comments from the OP I see that I misunderstood the question and I have a better answer. Should I... Leave my answer and add another one. SO ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Is this a case of reputation bias?

I answered a question with some lovely diagrams and a full explanation of the method I took to solve the problem. I was about 2 minutes behind a post that simply posted some fix code and not much else ...
worldofjr's user avatar
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something wrong with answer sorting? [duplicate]

I thought answers were always to be sorted in descending order, yet since a few days I'm seeing this kind of ordering, for example on this question: what is going on here?
Chris Maes's user avatar
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What should I do if an answer is just plain wrong?

I have stumbled upon this answer which is just plain wrong. I left a comment below it to indicate why the answer is incorrect and potentially destructive. Is there any other measure I should take? Is ...
fuz's user avatar
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How much certainty should exist for an answer?

Obviously there are varying degrees of this all over the site, ranging from "I'm 100% sure of this, I've test this thoroughly" to "Maybe this or that". At what level of certainty should an answer be ...
Tim S.'s user avatar
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Should questions be closed if the answer is simply 'no'. Should they be answered? [duplicate]

So I came across this question I added a comment that the answer was 'no', it can't be done. Now as an answer, 'no' is rubbish, and adding it as an answer in the context of SO I'd most likley get ...
atmd's user avatar
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Downvoting because of something that "could" be added to code to make it break

I'm relatively new to actively participating at SO so please forgive me if my question seems obsolete. I just had a discussion in the comments to this answer about a reason to downvote. Downvoter ...
zett42's user avatar
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When should I elaborate answers to make them better? [duplicate]

For example, we have 2 situations: Accepted answer. Not accepted answer yet (but a very good answer). I know something that is related to the question and is good elaboration for the answer. In ...
VP.'s user avatar
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What should I do when one answer applies to multiple question

I've recently answered the question requireJS optional dependency This question has multiple similar questions linked to it (Requirejs ignore loading error for optional dependency, Null dependencies ...
LordOfThePigs's user avatar
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How would one get out of a Question and Answer ban?

Although I personally am not in this situation, I was wondering if it was even possible to get out of a ban if you were banned from both asking and answering. Would you just try to edit your answers ...
Ramsay Smith's user avatar
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Getting poor answers, what should I do?

My question is here: How to call Activities from a non-Activity Thread? I have edited my question a few times, always trying to improve it to help others help me. I have it edited in such a way that ...
J_Strauton's user avatar
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Is it OK to share files with Dropbox and other file-sharing services in posts? [duplicate]

I encountered this question in the first post review queue. The question seems okay to me, but the user attempted to add what appears to be a DropBox link to share the input files he/she is attempting ...
skrrgwasme's user avatar
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How to find which answers were marked as spam?

Is it possible using SEDE or an API call to find answers marked as spam, and if possible the related user ID?
Nathalie's user avatar
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Not an answer approved as helpful, yet answer still exists

I flagged this answer as "not an answer" which was approved as helpful, yet the answer remains. The "answer" itself is one sentence which appears to be a question: It is assessed correctly the ...
j08691's user avatar
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Answer starting at -1 score

Ok, so I just searched Meta and the Help Center for an explanation of what I just saw, but found none. The matter is that I was answering a simple question about threading, and when I posted my ...
walen's user avatar
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Don't answer - just vtc [duplicate]

Is there any issue with answering a bad question? I'm a regular user of several SE sites, most of which do not worry too heavily about regulating answers on questions that should be closed. This ...
Ben's user avatar
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Should Stack Overflow be considered as a school or a reference?

I am new to the community and have been active for like four days. I have answered a couple of questions but I realized that sometimes even when my answers are correct, they are being down voted ...
ifyalciner's user avatar
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How should I handle incorrect information given in response to my question?

I have asked the question Why is there different behavior between these two element locator calls?. I was given an answer, which I believe contains incorrect information. I posted a comment pointing ...
Phil's user avatar
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