Linked Questions

-43 votes
2 answers

Why make learning programming difficult for someone who wants to learn? [duplicate]

Several months ago I got banned from asking questions on Stack Overflow in order to improve my programming in Python. I was only asking like 2 questions a week, and I was putting a lot of effort into ...
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-41 votes
2 answers

Has SO considered a gentler approach to newb questions? [duplicate]

I saw this (following link), and I thought "my daughter (age 9) would ask something like this, and I want her to get good answers and not a brush-off".
EngrStudent's user avatar
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-37 votes
1 answer

A suggestion about simple questions [duplicate]

Do you think you can request experienced users to leave the question to new users if the question is simple, something like this? To answer the questions posed by @Hovercraft Full Of Eels Your ...
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1219 votes
54 answers

Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? [closed]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a few years, and initially most questions you asked got a positive reception: happy comments and answers, people that tried to help you out regardless of the ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
1107 votes
50 answers

Question quality is dropping on Stack Overflow

I'm seeing a rapid trend towards worse and worse question quality. It gets to the point where I'm asking myself "Why did I even help this guy? He neither has the will nor the capacity to understand ...
Tomalak's user avatar
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749 votes
10 answers

How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users?

I'm well aware that some research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users before they post any new questions, but I'm not sure just how much research effort is considered adequate. I asked a ...
211 votes
24 answers

What does our long term community need? What does our long term community need to feel valued?

My thoughts There's been a focus on new user retention. Which is pretty much what's been the crux of the issue since the welcoming blog all those months ago. The NetWork is concerned about new user ...
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605 votes
7 answers

Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat)

I often see posts in which no Answer has been offered as such, but the user's problem was solved using advice which appears in the comment section (or in extreme cases in the extended discussion in ...
Smandoli's user avatar
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229 votes
19 answers

Answerers who only use comments

Very much related to: Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat) It's my understanding that the purpose of Stack Overflow to create a universe of questions ...
Blackhawk's user avatar
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820 votes
4 answers

Stack Overflow question checklist

My earlier blog post on how to write a good question is pretty long, and I suspect that even when I refer people to it, often they don't bother reading it. So here's a short list of questions to check ...
Jon Skeet's user avatar
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253 votes
6 answers

What do I do about receiving an offensive email from another user on Stack Overflow?

So, this is a little bit odd, and I've been confused if I should have this question here, or not; however I'm going ahead, posting it, after reading multiple related questions about editing posts on ...
Neeku's user avatar
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150 votes
5 answers

What is the proper way to approach Stack Overflow as someone totally new to programming?

I've read the FAQs and prompts that coach on how to ask good questions and am careful to follow that advice. I make a good effort to research the problem before asking the question, both on Stack ...
166 votes
6 answers

"You're Unclear on What You're Asking"

Maybe it's just my bad luck, but I just saw two winners in a row: "Blackjack, Call upon a string" "A list named after the number of a object" These are both from new developers who have little or no ...
John Saunders's user avatar
61 votes
10 answers

Was I (and Stack Overflow) being too strict and unreasonable in closing this question?

This question was asked and, somewhat predictably, closed: How do web designers do complicated CSS coding?. The question (reproduced at the bottom in case of deletion), to my mind, was horrible (...
David Thomas's user avatar
76 votes
8 answers

100 days later, was the split a good idea?

Today 100 days passed from the day that Meta Stack Overflow was split from Meta Stack Exchange. I was a initially a bit negative about the split, as I thought that the lack of reputation would limit ...
user000001's user avatar
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