Greatest Hits

111 votes
2 answers

2020: a year in moderation

As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the past 12 months. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network ...
JNat's user avatar
  • 1,466
23 votes
2 answers

Are low-quality / low-effort questions more likely to be judged as spam or abusive if they are also not in English? Is that a problem?

This question (10k+ link), after being closed as not in English, was locked and red-flagged ("This post is hidden. It was flagged as spam or offensive content and deleted 1 min ago by Community&...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
60 votes
1 answer

What is a canonical question/answer, and what is their purpose?

Here is wikipedia's definition of "canonical": Canonical is the adjective for canon, literally a 'rule', and has come to mean also 'standard', 'archetypal', 'typical', or 'unique ...
guest271314's user avatar
71 votes
4 answers

Dealing with the influx of "help me tweak my AI model" questions

Over the past two years or so, I have noticed a steady rise in the fraction of new questions - especially Python questions - about some machine-learning problem, wherein the OP is trying to improve an ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
230 votes
28 answers

Why do you stay?

I'm very hesitant to ask this. I hope it won't be interpreted as me trying to make some kind of statement or encourage people to do something or other. I'm not talking about my own opinions on any of ...
Don't Panic's user avatar
  • 41.4k
71 votes
1 answer

A post so nice, I upvoted it twice (actually, 10 times)!

I upvoted an answer, but I guess the server was slow because it didn't process right away. So I reloaded the page (and at that very moment for a fleeting second I saw a red banner saying the upvote ...
user avatar
-195 votes
11 answers

Is downvoting harmful and should it be removed completely?

We're all familiar with the numerous complaints, from both new and longtime members of the Stack Overflow community, describing this place as unfriendly, even hostile. It's a serious enough problem ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
  • 9,461
329 votes
2 answers

Please scrap the highly-problematic "how are we doing" survey

Today I've noticed a blue bar suggesting I take a "how are we doing? site satisfaction" survey. I ask that the bar be taken down and the survey scrapped. Why? Well, several reasons. The ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 124k
95 votes
5 answers

Outdated answers: up next, changes to sorting menu

Over the last year, we have been chipping away at the problem of Outdated Answers, highly upvoted answers that may no longer be the best solution to a problem. I wanted to let you know what we're ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
697 votes
2 answers

Spring 2018 Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Yes, spring is in the air, and a Stack Overflow's thoughts turn to new moderators! This post concludes the auspicious tenth moderator election on Stack Overflow - not counting those two other ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 158k
47 votes
4 answers

Should an edit changing "var" to "const" in a JavaScript answer be approved?

In the suggested edit here:, the author of the answer wrote: var os = require('os'); a.split(os.EOL); Another person suggested an edit to ...
Rich's user avatar
  • 6,541
131 votes
2 answers

The [username] tag has been burninated!

This tag has been burninated. Please do not recreate it. If you need advice on which tag to use, see the answer below. If you see this tag reappearing, it may need to be blacklisted. I recently ...
Kaddath's user avatar
  • 6,136
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a Stack Overflow Discord server?

I don't use the chat feature here very often (I do on other SE sites such as the Arqade), but I'm frequently on Discord. I'm curious if Stack Overflow has an unofficial Discord server that frequent SO ...
Hazel へいぜる's user avatar
159 votes
1 answer

What is syntax highlighting and how does it work?

I noticed that sometimes my code gets highlighted in different colors when rendered. What is syntax highlighting? How does it work? What if my code isn't highlighted correctly? How do I report a bug ...
219 votes
4 answers

Data science time! January 2019 and views to answers

Happy New Year, all! This is the first 2019 installment of our regular, bite-size, data-focused updates for Meta. You can check out previous posts if you like. This month, let's look at how question ...
Julia Silge's user avatar
  • 11.4k
183 votes
1 answer

Info: Contacted by spammers (Ispirer Systems) referencing Stack Overflow

Not sure if anyone else got this, but I found the following in my mailbox: Hi, Peter! My name is [removed], and I’m Sales & Marketing Manager in Ispirer Systems. I found your contacts on ...
SchmitzIT's user avatar
  • 9,403
26 votes
17 answers

Staging Ground Workflow: Listings, Filters, Quality Control, and Notifications

This is the second workflow post describing in detail the different aspects of the Staging Ground. It is written assuming that you have read the first workflow post (Staging Ground Workflow: Question ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 41.1k
260 votes
11 answers

What examples are there for Not Being Very Welcoming?

It was hard to accept some of the (valid) criticism, especially the idea that women and people of color felt particularly unwelcome. [..] Many people, especially those in marginalized groups do feel ...
deceze's user avatar
  • 516k
71 votes
20 answers

Declining Numbers of Women in Programming, What Can SO do to Help?

Edit Summary for the TLDR People are asking for a summary due to the enormity of this thread of posts and comments. In summary this post is to discuss the link of diminishing numbers of women in ...
user avatar
189 votes
1 answer

Is email from [email protected] legit?

I've just received an email from [email protected] titled Announcing the Stack Overflow Developer Story. Is this a legit email? If so, how come you use this domain while other emails (...
user247702's user avatar
143 votes
9 answers

How will Stack Exchange Overhaul their Q&A Format?

Given the recent blog post, an overhaul of the Stack Exchange Q&A model now seems inevitable. This image apparently illustrates what Stack Exchange thinks of its own model nowadays. But all of ...
Robert Harvey's user avatar
253 votes
6 answers

What do I do about receiving an offensive email from another user on Stack Overflow?

So, this is a little bit odd, and I've been confused if I should have this question here, or not; however I'm going ahead, posting it, after reading multiple related questions about editing posts on ...
Neeku's user avatar
  • 3,644
695 votes
11 answers

November 2015 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Stack Overflow's November 2015 moderator election has come to a close, the robots have transferred many single votes to tally up the results, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be joining the ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 158k
410 votes
6 answers

Why was the Profile page changed to be objectively worse? (lower information density)

The redesign of this page is currently being discussed on Meta Stack Exchange. If you have a bug report about the design, post it as an answer there. The SO profile page seems to have been updated ...
Dai's user avatar
  • 148k
67 votes
9 answers

Community input needed: The guidelines for collectives articles

Update: January 10, 2022: The first iteration of the guidelines for articles is now in the Help Center, and the new Article Creation tool for Collectives is live as of today. Update: December 29, 2021:...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 101
226 votes
1 answer

When should I make edits to code?

The about page says: Improve posts by editing or commenting Our goal is to have the best answers to every question, so if you see questions or answers that can be improved, you can edit them. Use ...
325 votes
3 answers

Should Stack Overflow revisit the dark mode question in light of new situations in 2019 vs 2013 when it was first asked?

Original issue from 2013: Why is there no dark theme on SO? It's 2019. Operating Systems have started having a user preference setting for a light UI or a dark UI. Windows 10, iOS 13 and MacOS 10.14 ...
gman's user avatar
  • 104k
168 votes
6 answers

What should we do when one person tries to delete every duplicate?

There's a subject I'm pretty good with. I like to share my knowledge with others through answers. Unfortunately, there's another user active in the tag who makes participation extremely frustrating. ...
Broccoli's user avatar
85 votes
6 answers

Outdated Answers: results from flagging exercise and next steps

As part of our Outdated Answers initiative, we shipped a temporary data-collection exercise in May. Unfortunately, the results were inconclusive and didn't lead to any big aha moments. After I briefly ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
50 votes
2 answers

What's the status of the AI-generated content policy banner test?

Testing an "AI-generated content" policy banner on Stack Overflow says: The A/B test went live the morning of 21 Sept 2023 [...] a two-week A/B test It's way past October 5th now... almost ...
user's user avatar
  • 35.8k
55 votes
3 answers

All the [option]s have been expended

The option tag says in big letters do not use (I was going to use it for this question about Scala's option class) Can we either burninate the tag cause it says we cannot use it or change the wiki (I ...
ford prefect's user avatar
  • 7,190
222 votes
5 answers

You are no longer required to show your [id]

There are 364 about 850 questions with the id tag (as of 2020-08-10). The id tag has the following description: ID: Unique attribute in DOM, or any other point of architecture. "Any other ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
184 votes
3 answers

What's up with China?

The number of uniques for China seems to have increased 5 fold or more this last few weeks. Has anything changed regarding the accessibility of in China starting Friday, June 26th ...
VonC's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Can users be sanctioned for (admitting to) using SO's first party AI formatting assistant?

This isn't a proposal - I'm just wondering how this contradiction will be resolved and starting a discussion on it. Currently, Generative AI is banned on Stack Overflow. The SO corporate office ...
Willa's user avatar
  • 350
146 votes
2 answers

Goodbye "off-topic", hello "community-specific reasons"?

This is what I now see when I vote for closing: i.e. the "off-topic" reason has been replaced with "A community-specific reason". Is this permanent (and somehow I missed the announcement), or is it ...
desertnaut's user avatar
  • 59.2k
77 votes
9 answers

Should questions about obfuscated code be off-topic?

Per another Meta it came to our attention that there was a user posting potentially malicious code. There's no real rule about that, but, for unrelated reasons of moderation, the account that posted ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.2k
129 votes
2 answers

What are the rules governing multiple accounts (i.e. sockpuppets)?

I noticed some users have a separate account (sock puppet) that operates as a chatbot. Are we allowed to have multiple accounts? What can we use those accounts for? What are the rules governing ...
248 votes
32 answers

Should the "Time to take a stand" question be closed / moved?

Please read the question carefully, I'm NOT requesting removing the post Joel Spolsky posted a very touching and inspiring post: Time to take a stand. On one hand, I really appreciate his stance and ...
Maroun's user avatar
  • 95.1k
178 votes
3 answers

Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?

I'd like to start with saying that I emailed @Shog9 back in August with the text below, because I'm not a particularly good writer, and I was hoping he'd be able to write up a nice post here. A couple ...
user247702's user avatar
113 votes
2 answers

The 'Crossover' job ads have a funny smell

There's something about Crossover which comes across as scammy, or proto-scammy. I've read around a bit and the answers out there on the interwebs don't reassure me much. My question is: does the ...
Benjol's user avatar
  • 65.3k
246 votes
3 answers

What do I get with 100k reputation?

What do I get once I hit 100,000 reputation? I'm getting close. I remember Telerik was handing out licenses at 10,000.
Daniel A. White's user avatar
131 votes
3 answers

New help center article and banner on the site about GPT-Generated content

We’ve just published a new Help Center article outlining our expectations and rationale for GPT-generated content on Stack Overflow and decided, together with moderators, to add a banner for all users ...
Cesar M's user avatar
  • 101
102 votes
2 answers

What if I see someone, like Nick Craver, doing something bad?

... like messing up the Help Center? What if I see someone doing something bad? I have a log file being written by another process which I want to watch for changes. Each time a change occurrs I'd ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.3k
324 votes
1 answer

Suggested edit queue is full

Link to edit post below every post on Stack Overflow is disabled for me with a tooltip saying "Suggested edit queue is full". Currently there are only 135 edits in queue: I'm not sure if ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
116 votes
74 answers

Developer Survey 2019: Any Topic Suggestions?

I’m Anita, a Product Manager here at Stack Overflow. October’s nearly over, and it’s beginning to look a lot like survey season. That’s right, we’re planning the Developer Survey 2019! Thanks to ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

How do I ask if a question was resolved?

What is the best way to ask someone if they ever found an answer to their question? For example, I was looking at this question, and it was asked seven months ago. What is the best way to ask if the ...
luke.a.w.93's user avatar
336 votes
9 answers

How to format reputation when Jon Skeet hits 1 million+ rep next year?

Based on Jon Skeet's past reputation gain, he will hit 1 million some time in July next year. We have until then to decide on how to format his colossal reputation. The choices for the short format ...
Bohemian's user avatar
  • 419k
-57 votes
3 answers

Is it true that moderator overreach is turning away a large number of users?

There is this post on meta that makes an announcement to the mods on some of the new requirements they will be needed to present before suspending a user who supposedly used AI to generate an answer. ...
user avatar
101 votes
6 answers

How should file names be formatted?

Many posts contain files' names and also the code contained in them. Usually I have found the file names formatted as code (, in bold ( or without format at all. What's the ...
jchanger's user avatar
  • 739
83 votes
6 answers

Got no answers, got too low reputation for a bounty, just give up?

I hope this is the right place for the following issue: my question got only one non-helpful comment. Now two months later, I have still not been able to come up with a solution on my own. As I have ...
mortpiedra's user avatar