I have never edited someone else's answer before and I am not sure what's best way to point out unclear parts.
Would Wikipedia style be a good approach - to leave short remarks like "confusing part" or "what does this mean?"
The answer is the accepted answer to this question.
For example:
You still can push to a repository that's not bare, but you will get rejected as you can potentially move a branch that someone is working on in that working directory.
Should I edit it like this?
How can I push if I will get rejected?
What does it mean to "potentially move a branch"?
You move it or you don't.
Should I just comment here with "unclear, example needed" (wikipedia style).
Or should I I put these concerns in comments which is very illegible and I'll probably need like 3-5 comments to clear stuff out?
Because take a look at very next sentence:
So in a project with no working folder, you can only see the objects as git stores them. They are compressed and serialized and stored under the SHA1 (a hash) of their contents. In order to get an object in a bare repository, you need to git show and then specify the sha1 of the object you want to see. You won't see a structure like what your project looks like.
What does the first sentence this mean? How do I otherwise not see objects as git stores them? How is this different?
Then what does it mean to "get an object in a bare repository"?