I am not allowed to do any of the following:
- edit my improvement request
- dismiss my improvement request to submit a new one
- add an additional improvement request
Please make one or more of these options available. I frequently jot down something as an improvement request and then think of something more to add to it, but cannot do so.
Here are some (maybe?) examples. I can't pin down cases where I did a create-retract-create thing, since many of the links to my earlier requests don't show the text, presumably because I retracted them (?).
Multiple missing examples in a topic. I sometimes think of an example that should be included and then think of another. Here's one where I have multiple examples requested. Another issue with posting a request with for multiple examples is that someone might partially address it. At least for this type of request, it might be nice to let individuals post mutliple improvements and for the improvements to all be separately dismissed/satisfied.
Here's another one, though the solution here was not "add all these examples" but instead "make a Docs area for the tag".
Multiple pieces of feedback on an example. Here's one where I have several issues with or ideas about an example, lumped together into one request.
No-longer-relevant feedback on a topic. Yesterday, I fulfilled my own two-day-old request to split up a topic. It was a complicated operation and I accidentally failed to indicate that I was handling/addressing that request. I should be able to dismiss it myself now, I think. (This is just a create-retract, not create-retract-create, of course.)
Refining ideas for how to split a topic. (Same link as the last bullet.) I might request "let's divide it into X, Y and Z" and then, after discussion with people on chat or further browsing of Docs, "No, better to divide it only into A and B". I'd like to update my request in a case like this. Of course, I could have made a vague request from the get-go, like "Let's divide this", but no one is likely to take that up, I imagine.