- Votes, per reputation and account age
- Votes, per referrer
- Votes, per amount of score in the relevants tag: c++, optimization, cpu-architecture
Should any of these points be relevant for upvotes/downvotes instead of the actual questions content?
How many of those 163 upvotes come from users that don't regularly visit SO?
Well, let's vivisect that:
- Votes, per reputation and account age
Someone trusted was upvoted (devil shits on biggest heap, or the post was really helpful for many viewers).
Drive by votes are likely gotten from referrers, low rep users with less insight how voting should work are likely to upvote crap also.
- Votes, per amount of score in the relevants tag: c++, optimization, cpu-architecture
You mean score of the voter? Same as the 2nd point IMHO.
Sorry to answer with counter questions, but I think that's another important point to consider.
Finally votes are anonymous, and there are no (public) SEDE queries available to track these backwards by properties available from the voters profile.
It can shed some lights about which tiers of users push towards one or another direction.
Well, I was often contemplating about the butterfly effect my vote will have on a post. The most time I'm concluding like
- If there's a reason to close, I almost always also DV the post
- If it's worth it, I'll garnish that with a comment
- Rarely I close vote without a downvote along, because the post formally matches all the policies we gave in the help center, but is too broad or another custom reason might apply
Well, getting upon that specific one you mentioned:
Deoptimizing a C++ program
It's only helpful for someone who was asked solving that silly task given from specific course material (and the question was seen several times. Sorry I can't find the backup anymore, but I'm pretty sure I've seen it).
That's not a real world programming problem, and that the question was closed is the correct reaction.
The most probable audience that profits from the question and answer is just a bunch of students, that like to cheat to get their exams right.
It's questionable, if we should encourage such at Stack Overflow.
Probably also the professor asking for such stuff should be kicked ass, because "to put the cart before the horse" is probably the wrong teaching strategy.
It might be a reasonable exercise to explore how you can get wrong with assumptions about CPU instruction caching, but as asked it's not really useful.
Well, I at least agree, that it would be interesting why there are so much upvotes and get some statistics about these.
But as mentioned it's actually not possible, unless a mod (or even SE dev) would let have us insight about that.