Yes, this is how SO behaves normally; when such a content is posted, it's flagged for moderator attention who removes it, or is removed as a result of community flags.
This comment wasn't appropriate regardless of the gender of anyone involved and should be removed, but the question got deleted before it could be done. We allow anyone to post anything and moderate it after. If you find this unacceptable you'll have to find a website that only allows approved, censored posts to be made.
To expand on the last thing I said; I don't mean to sound unwelcoming or to suggest in any way that you should leave. I am merely pointing out that you should be prepared for such accidents, because even with perfect moderation, a malicious, insulting intent can get through and will sting. The fact that we curate this site to a really nice level is one thing. The fact that some people out there don't care about others is another. Pretending it's not true would be an insult to the all hard work the moderators are doing on SO.