I agree, there are some fundamental problems with triage as it's working today. Far too many questions that should be closed are being voted as "Should Be Improved" and correctly-applied close flags are being invalidated as a result. Bad questions aren't being closed, and people are getting frustrated with their flags.
The problem is that there's a disconnect between what people read into "Should Be Improved" and what it actually does. That was the subject of this Meta question, and Shog9's answer led to some changes in the flagging dialog, but I don't think that's addressing the core problem.
For someone unfamiliar with how the whole system works (most reviewers), you can see how they would look at this question and say "yes, that question should be improved". Technically, it should be improved, but it's a terrible question and should be put on hold until the unlikely event that it is improved. The community should not be responsible for improving it.
I think this still needs to be clarified in a way that makes it obvious to reviewers that "Should Be Improved" will remove close vote flags on it and kick it over to the community to edit.
The second part of the problem is one that Shog9 brings up here. Triage of questions should be quick, and should be about identifying three core groupings: questions that are OK as they are, ones that the community can improve, and everything else (off topic questions, complete trash, or ones that require the asker's intervention).
Shog9 points this out in his answer, and has commented on this elsewhere, but SE saw a lot of people choosing the "Unsalvageable" option but not going through with it. That's because when you choose that option, it doesn't just move on, it requires you to choose a reason why something was unsalvageable. That's expanding triage from being just a quick separation of three classes of content to requiring you to do a diagnosis at the point of triage. It discourages people from choosing that option.
I think triage review needs to be reworded and simplified. "Should Be Improved" still has a place, but it needs to be reworded to reflect its purpose: sending things to be edited by the community. "Unsalvageable" should be a one-click action and should do something with the post to indicate the quality. Feeding into the close votes queue would be an option (maybe with a lowered threshold for close votes).
A fourth "Act on this now" option could be made available for those who want to do something with the content on the spot, populated with the selection of options from the current "Unsalvageable" menu.
A similar question to this meta question has been marked as duplicate which is wrong it is not the same as the duplicate
... you may want to back that up a bit if you feel strongly about it. It was closed by Community, which means the OP agreed it was a dup after the duplicate was proposed.