You shouldn't be writing your answers specifically tailored to the specific scenario asked about in the question or specifically tailored to the specific user asking the question. Your answer should certainly solve their specific problem, but your answer shouldn't be quite so specific.
Instead, you should write your answers for a different audience. You should write your answers keeping in mind that hours, days, weeks, months, even years after the original question was asked and the spoon-feed answer was marked as an answer, the question and its answers will still exist. Importantly, the question and its answers will still very much turn up in Google search results.
The audience you should be writing your answer for is the audience that will have arrived to the page because their specific problem is somewhat related enough to the problem you're answering to the point where this page has turned up in search results.
The better and more all-encompassing your answer is, and the easier your answer is to understand without the specific context of the question's specific problem, the more likely you are to get a good long-term answer. And if you're playing the reputation game and want to get large amounts of reputation, the best way to do this is by having answers which serve as good long-term answers. And the more likely the question is to turn up in search results, the better off you are.
You are right--often times new users (particularly those who are also new programmers) just want the "Right here, right now" answer and don't care about an explanation or any warnings or caveats, they just want to be able to turn in their homework assignment. But these askers also probably aren't even going to upvote, and you're lucky to even get an accept check-mark out of them.
But that doesn't actually mean that they're never asking interesting questions--sometimes they actually are. Sometimes, they've stumbled into asking an actually good question without realizing (or caring about anything that makes it interesting).
If the question is a legitimately interesting question, post a complete-explanation answer. Why? Because legitimately interested Stack Overflow users who know where to find the upvote button will stumble across your answer days, weeks, months, and even years later, and they will reward your good answer with upvotes. Or in some cases, if the answer is especially good, they might even drop a bounty on your answer.
Consider this example.
This is that user's only Stack Overflow post. All they did is ask this question. And clearly, all they wanted was a here-and-now answer. They got it, and marked it as accepted. You probably don't have the reputation to view this, but the accepted answer actually has three downvotes (one of which is mine).
Meanwhile, the second answer has to date 49 upvotes.
And perhaps more importantly, look further down. The third answer, yes, has just 3 upvotes, but I considered the third answer the best option by a long shot, so in addition to giving it an upvote, I rewarded it a +100 bounty (the equivalent of ten upvotes).
It's also worth noting here that this example was originally asked in August 2010. The accepted answer was posted on the same day.
The answer which has received 49 upvotes was posted in October of 2010 (so a few months later).
The answer which has 3 upvotes and +100 bounty was posted in September of 2013, three years after the question was originally asked.
And I didn't stumble across any of this until January of this year. That's over a year since the answer I awarded bounty to, and nearly four and a half years after the original question was asked. I found the post, upvoted the good answers, downvoted the bad ones (including the accepted one), and awarded a bounty.