The tag summary states that it refers to the VB.NET Shared keyword:

In VB.NET, the Shared keyword is roughly equivalent to the static keyword used by many other languages.

However, the actual usage is all over the place:

The vast majority of questions with this tag don't relate to VB.NET at all, and should really be using other tags:

This tag is so mis-used that it seems to be beyond help, so I'd suggest burning it rather than re-tagging loads and loads of questions.

  • 1
    No, it needs to stay alive to help vb.net programmers ask questions about that important keyword. No vb.net expert is going to be thrown off by [flash] or [c++] questions, that tag only means one thing when it is paired with [vb.net]. It is a contextual tag, not unlike [exception], [performance], [memory], [debugging], etc. Apr 15, 2015 at 10:01
  • @HansPassant I'd agree that it's a useful keyword tag for VB.NET programmers; the problem is that it gets mis-used almost all of the time. Perhaps it could be renamed to shared-keyword (similar to delete yield as register like this) instead?
    – GoBusto
    Apr 15, 2015 at 10:18
  • There is no current practice of tagging -keyword onto the keywords of a language. I fail to see a compelling reason to make a special rule for this one. Wouldn't work anyway, it will quickly come back. Again, it is completely unambiguous when used in a [vb.net] question, that problem does not need to be fixed. If you want to remove it from non-vb.net question then have at-it. Apr 15, 2015 at 10:31
  • @HansPassant Would renaming to [shared/static] or [static/shared] be useful, if it is technically feasible?
    – Zev Spitz
    Aug 13, 2015 at 7:27


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