One of the main purposes of the tags is to rapidly find the right questions to answer based on the knowledge of the user who's browsing the site. For example, assume I'm an experienced programmer in JavaScript, and I want to find all the questions concerning JavaScript: I will add javascript to my favourites and browse it when I want to answer some question.
Now, if some user only uses jquery on their question, I will not be able to find it under javascript, because there isn't such tag. I will then lose the opportunity to answer all the questions that are only tagged with jquery.
"But you could always take a look at jquery too..." Yes, I could, but jQuery is not the only existing famous JavaScript library, and checking for any other library would become impossible, I cannot waste all of my time looking for any question which is not tagged javascript, but still concerns JavaScript.
So, in the end, and IMHO this is valid for every programming language (not just JavaScript), the asker should always include the javascript tag, and, when the problem also concerns a specific library, the relative tag too (e.g., jquery). So, as a reviewer, you should accept suggested edits which add the javascript tag to questions tagged only with jquery. It is also safe then, to assume that someone tagging only with javascript doesn't want to use any other external library, and solve the problem in plain JavaScript (although you can always ask in the comments), and someone tagging with both javascript and jquery would like to receive a jQuery based answer, if possible.