This isn't really a question, it's a request. I request that you give us the old (a.k.a. actually usable, unlike the new one) theme back, at the very least in a form of an opt-in.
(No, seriously, the new theme is just bad. Stop this madness.)
This isn't really a question, it's a request. I request that you give us the old (a.k.a. actually usable, unlike the new one) theme back, at the very least in a form of an opt-in.
(No, seriously, the new theme is just bad. Stop this madness.)
There was a request for feedback all the way back in November. You had the opportunity to voice your concerns.
If you're really unhappy with it, use or make a userstyle and stick that on instead.
The web designers get paid for working at Stack Exchange 40 hours per week. I mean, they gotta do something!