Until recently a simple Google search was great for finding answers on Stack Overflow. I generally don't restrict searches to site:stackoverflow.com because it's a pain to type and I occasionally get useful answers elsewhere.
Starting around Dec 10 2014, I began noticing that search results typically include only 1 or 2 hits from Stack Overflow with the rest pointing at useless blogs, tutorials or spam sites. At first I thought it was me and spent a lot of time re-wording queries and trying again to see if I could get better results. Didn't make much difference. At the moment I am finding it difficult to get the depth of answers on SO without using site:stackoverflow.com
Does anyone know if Google recently update one of the algorithms causing Stack Overflow posts to show up a lot less frequently or prominently in results?
This would be a major pain in the arse if they did!
Update Dec. 24: Well it now seems like it is Official and that Google has admitted that the Penguin algorithm has started updating on some kind of continuous basis.... and pretty much right around the time I started noticing search being less useful. According to one of the SEO Blogs HERE there were a bunch of updates in early December, and these are probably causing what many of us are seeing. Apparently Penguin is supposed keep sites that use links to increase their SEO out of Search Results. Unfortunately the SO usage pattern is such that it looks to Google like one of the link bait sites (many answers often include links to other sites with Documentation or a solution) causing SO to be penalized. The odd thing about the latest algorithm changes is that it appears to be having precisely the opposite effect, and is promoting a bunch of useless spammy blogs. Bummer... Google just got a whole lot less useful where SO is concerned.