How do I post text so that it is formatted as code?

What do I need to do so that my code shows up properly—not escaped or removed—when posted? And how do I get the correct syntax highlighting?

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1 Answer 1


For inline code (that does not hold newlines), any of the following will work:

  • Enclose with backticks: `<html>`.
  • Embed within <code> tags, and manually encode HTML entities: <code>&lt;html&gt;</code>
  • Select the partial text and hit CtrlK (K on OS X) or click the {} button above the editor (pictured below)

For blocks of code, to preserve newlines, use one of the following methods:

  • Use the {} button above the editor (pictured below)
  • Paste your code, select the full lines, and hit CtrlK (K on OS X)
  • Use fenced code blocks by surrounding your code with ``` or with ~~~
    • Opening and closing fence have to be on their own line, and can be indented with up to three spaces
    • More than three backticks or tildes can be used, as long as the closing fence uses the same character and is at least as long as the opening fence
  • Indent everything four (4) spaces or one (1) tab
    • Ensure there is a blank line between the top of the block and other text
  • Encase in <pre> or <pre><code> tags (in that order; using <code><pre> is invalid), and encode HTML entities (like &lt; for <) yourself
    • In <pre> blocks, HTML tags are applied rather than rendered as text. But in <pre><code> blocks with Syntax highlighting (see below), all HTML tags are stripped out. A lang-none language hint (see below) prevents syntax highlighting and keeps HTML tags.
      (Code highlighting is disabled by default on meta sites.)

Code copy/pasted from an IDE is often already tabbed. When rendering, tabs are replaced with spaces.

(click here to find the button in the Ask Question Wizard)

gif demonstration

Code within a blockquote

To include code within a blockquote, make sure to include the space after the > as well as the four spaces before the code.

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

>     for(;;) 
        echo 'badger ';

Or, put the blockquote character (and its following space) at the beginning of every blank line, including the one immediately before the code.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        echo 'badger ';

You can also use fenced code blocks within quotes:

> Text before code
> ```
> for (;;;)
>   echo 'badger';
> ```
> Text after code

Code within a numbered or bulleted list

If your code appears inside a list, you must indent an additional four spaces for each level of nesting.

- First bullet (is the deepest)

          echo 'ow ';

- Second bullet

If you want a block of code to follow a list but not be nested under the final list item, you can use an HTML comment as a "breakpoint". If you do this, the code block only needs to be indented with the normal four spaces:

- First bullet
- Second bullet

<!-- -->

      echo 'ow ';

Syntax highlighting

Highlight.js is used to add colour to the code, but only if the language can be uniquely determined given the tags of the question, or if manual hints have been provided.

For any code block, you can use these HTML comments to specify the language:

<!-- language: lang-or-tag-here -->

    code goes here

<!-- language: lang-or-tag-here -->

    code goes here

<!-- language: lang-or-tag-here -->

code goes here

<!-- language: lang-or-tag-here -->

code goes here

You can also specify the syntax for all codeblocks in your post with the language-all hint:

<!-- language-all: lang-or-tag-here -->

    code goes here

More text not in code blocks

    code goes here

Alternatively, if you use fenced code blocks, you can specify the language right after the first fence:

code goes here

code goes here

This goes for fenced code blocks elsewhere as well:

> ```javascript
> for (;;;) {
>   console.log('badger');
> }
> ```

See the full specification and list of languages hints.

Note that:

  • The HTML comments must not be indented
  • The blank line between <!-- language: ... --> and the indented code block is required
  • The space between language: and the language is required
  • When using a tag to specify language, the tag name is case-sensitive
  • If you combine the fenced style with the HTML comments, the HTML comments are ignored

If no language is defined then no highlighting occurs at all. But in the preview, or if multiple language tags define very different languages and no manual definition is used, a default highlighting is used in which Prettify makes a best guess.

There is a delay before the preview text highlighting is applied after you stop editing your markdown source, of around 5 seconds.

Stack Snippets – Executable JavaScript/HTML/CSS snippets

Stack snippets can group a JavaScript, HTML and CSS code snippet and make them runnable. This feature can be accessed by the icon that looks like a page with a <> on it. Alternatively, you can press CtrlM (M on OS X).

Toolbar button to access Stack Snippets

The code snippet tool allows you to format code automatically using the Tidy button on the left. You can use this option to take care of replacing tabs by spaces, correct code indentation, and general improvement of readability

Once you save your snippet, you’ll get something like this in the editor:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

    // JavaScript code

<!-- language: lang-css -->

    /* CSS code */

<!-- language: lang-html -->

    HTML code

<!-- end snippet -->

If you delete the begin snippet and end snippet comments, you’re left with three adjacent code snippets that are not executable. You may also keep a single block of code which will have the correct formatting and indentation.

Using mobile devices

  • One sometimes needs to press and hold the regular single quote to get the backtick.

Backticks in text

  • To include a backtick without accidentally starting some inline code, escape it: \`
    • like \` so yields: like ` so
    • <kbd>Alt Gr</kbd>+<kbd>\`</kbd> gets `|` yields: Alt Gr+` gets |

Backticks within backticks

  • To use literal backticks within a code span, use any unique number of multiple backticks as the opening and closing delimiters: both ``literal backtick (`) here`` and, for example, ``````literal backtick (`) here`````` yield literal backtick (`) here. This works in comments too.
  • To use literal backticks at the start and/or end, add one space to both the opening and closing delimiters: `` `<html>` `` yields `<html>`, and `` $` `` yields the Perl $` operator. In comments, the additional space in the delimiters is not supported. Instead, escape the backtick: `\`<html>\`` and `$\`` to get `<html>` or $` in a comment.
  • If something looks like a html-tag and is not in a markdown code-block (indented), it is either interpreted as HTML (a very limited subset is allowed) or silently dropped. Please block posts containing unsupported HTML Feb 23, 2016 at 18:38
  • In chat only ctrl-k works on OS X, not cmd-k. OS X 10.12.6, Chrome 66.0.3359.181.
    – MoxieBall
    Jun 18, 2018 at 18:57
  • 1
    It would be nice to know how to do a code backslash in a comment. Update: apparently that is backtick backtick backslash backtick backtick.
    – NetMage
    Nov 27, 2018 at 20:40
  • @animuson: Prettify is used to add colour to the code ... I assume, this is outdated? Apr 22, 2022 at 23:15
  • Is it possible to syntax-highlight a code in case it's in quote?
    – Artfaith
    Apr 27, 2022 at 3:22
  • 1
    @Faither Apologies for the late reply, but you can use code fences (with language hint) inside a quote (see updated answer). Jul 12, 2022 at 13:57
  • @rene that image is a good addition to have (prompted by the recent duplicate question), but I feel like there should be an expanded explanation. Mar 7, 2023 at 0:36
  • @KarlKnechtel yeah, I'm pondering on the best edit, given the standard editor and ask wizard editor are different in their feature set. it is not only confusing / mismatching toolbar images.
    – rene
    Mar 7, 2023 at 18:16
  • So how do you enter code-formatted double-backslashes in a comment?
    – Wyck
    Mar 1 at 13:45
  • 1
    @Wyck \\ two backslashes surrounded by DOUBLE backticks
    – Jason C
    Mar 1 at 15:10
  • For a longer block of a MATLAB script, the block quote ``` actually worked, others not! Apr 8 at 17:08

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