This reference question has been frustrating me for a while: Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?
I'm not opposed, in general, to creating reference Q&As that are just link collections, especially about symbols. The What does this regex mean reference question is, in my opinion, the single most useful regex reference on the entire internet, and I go there whenever I don't understand some regex syntax. The trouble with PHP's symbol question - and some others like it - is that it's not just a link collection. Instead, it's also an answer collection, with a whole bunch of answers explaining the meaning of some arbitrarily chosen symbol. Worse, questions about the meaning of particular symbols get closed as duplicates of this generic reference question, because there's some answer there - several dozen full screens of text down the page - that provides an answer.
Now, some of the answers there are good, as far as their content goes! It would be a pity for the content to be lost forever. But the format is awful. Providing explanations of the syntax and meaning of every symbol in the PHP language in answers to one 'question' and then closing all actual, specific questions about symbols as duplicates of it seems like a really dumb goal, for a few reasons:
- We lose the ability of answers to compete with each other
- Voting on answers becomes somewhat meaningless as a result
- Googlers, rather than clicking through to a question that asks exactly what they want to know and reading the answer, instead have to do that, then click through to a 'duplicate' that doesn't even obviously contain an answer to their question and sift through a massive list of links to find what they're interested in.
It seems to me that nobody benefits from having the answers to multiple symbol-specific questions located in a single place instead of just collecting links to a broad array of narrowly-specified questions, as the regex community has done.
But now that we've got that situation, what do we do? How do we salvage the cumbersome mess that we've got into a useful reference?