The question mould is:
How does X work? I've read the [Wikipedia article / original paper / documentation / other resource] but I can't make sense of it. Please explain X to me in plain English.
where X is a concept, algorithm, pattern, etc. (Not a code dump.)
I've come across a number questions fitting this mould. I never really know how to react. The result could perhaps be quite useful, but it doesn't quite seem to be a natural fit for Stack Overflow as a Q&A site.
One reason is, it isn't clear what the appropriate scope of a good answer would be:
- Explain which part? (Some of it? All of it?)
- To what level of detail?
The appropriate result is ill-defined and unbounded: could be anything between a one-liner and a 100-page treatise.
- What is the appropriate reaction to such a question?
- When is such a question valid?
* Feel free to edit this if you want to add more examples.