I have noticed a thing while asking new questions. I often try searching SO for the answer for some time. With no success, I try and write the title in the Ask Question page, and what do you know, the answer appears magically.
Today I finally managed to come across a reasonable example of this. My question's title was "Finding the next sibling that matches a query".
Here are the search results for that string:
And so on. However, inputting that in the Ask Question title box is a whole different story:
Here, the first link answers my question.
I know the normal search finds posts based on them containing the search terms. But how does the "this question might exist" search find the results so much better?
I believe this kind of search, as it seems to work better than the normal one in most cases, should at least exist in the normal search options, if not be the default one.
Any opinions?
[jquery] next sibling
feature of my web search engine.