There is a tag called rubular. Rubular is a website for testing Ruby regexes. As far as I see, the questions tagged with rubular tag only mention regex, and there is nothing particular about rubular. Sometimes, the poster claims that the behavior of rubular is different from the behavior of Ruby on a local machine, but it turns out that it was the poster's mistake.
There is a tag called jsfiddle. JSFiddle is a website for testing HTML, JavaScript, and CSS codes. As far as I see, the questions tagged with JSFiddle tag only mention HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and there is nothing particular about JSFiddle except for a rare cases that mention some features of JSFiddle, which is not frequent enough to make it necessary to have such tag.
Since these are popular websites, the posters (mostly beginners in the respective fields) often link their question to these pages with their attempted code. But the questions have nothing to do with these websites. I don't think it makes any sense to have such tags. They should be removed. If there are similar tags that I don't mention referring to similar web services, they should be removed as well.