For some weird reason, the 2nd and 3rd page of (newest tab) is filled with old questions at the end of the page (the top of the page looks normal):

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/regex?page=3&sort=newest&pagesize=50 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/regex?page=2&sort=newest&pagesize=50

Here is a screenshot for the 3rd page:

Questions from '08

I made sure to do a hard refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R) and the same thing is shown.

I only observe this for these 2 pages. Other pages (and even on other tags) don't seem to be affected.

2014-02-28 19:01:00

This happens again, but this time on the 1st page of newest tab. I know this is due to caching, but it makes it hard to browse the list of questions for some time. Would you please track down the cause of this issue?

  • The server side cache gets mangled like that sometimes, it happens pretty often and sorts itself out at some point. Feb 9, 2014 at 21:32


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