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Note: new documentation rep rules have just gone into effect! - the numbers below now reflect the current state of the world.

a histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Note: new documentation rep rules have just gone into effect! - the numbers below now reflect the current state of the world.

a histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizes

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Note: new documentation rep rules have just gone into effect! - the numbers below now reflect the current state of the world.

What follows reflects reputation earned on docs and Q&A between July 21st and September 6th14th:

  • Net reputation earned via Docs since the start of the public beta: 989424,329721 points (for comparison, 1922,294620,610852 points were earned outside of docs during this time)
  • Median rep earned by Docs participants who've earned rep since the start of the public beta: 96 points / user (for comparison, 10 points / user was the median earned outside of Docs in this time)
  • Number of users who've earned reputation via Docs in public beta: 9,256623 (531581,640323 users earned reputation outside of docs during this time)
  • Most reputation earned by a single user from Docs in public beta thus far: 53,814868 points (max earned by a single user outside of docs over the same period: 1619,046056 points)
  • Most reputation earned (by all users) for a single example in public beta: 14736,760025 points (yup, that Array Initialization thing) (max rep for a single post: 45,834804 points, for our old friend the branch prediction answer)
Name                     Rep Change 
------------------------ ---------- 
ExampleDoc UnupvotedRep Source Removed   -20398   -39336  
Example Unupvoted  
Doc Rep Source Removed   -2684416486     
Doc Link Unupvoted         -21080        
Doc Link Upvoted          1548115975      
Proposed Change Approved  6233853840      
Example Upvoted          977900391870     
# of Users Privilege level before docs beta % Docs Rep Earned % non-Docs Rep Earned 
---------- -------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- 
39163553946401    new user / none                  4.7302 %            5.5665 %                
342228342213     Newbie                           0.5462 %            1.0102 %                
611362611330     VoteUpMod                        3.1424 %            3.8988 %                
283870283855     PostCommenting                   45.4523 %            5.12 %                
313003312992     VoteDownMod                      2927.5594 %           25.4033 %               
13286      EstablishedUser                  1.7693 %            2.5352 %                
17891      PostEditing                      8.3120 %            5.7472 %                
23226      CloseQuestion                    25.6411 %           15.8883 %               
3321       ModerationTools                  87.3285 %            6.1716 %                
7532       TrustedUser                      23.5417 %            6.6466 %                
3255       ViewSiteAnalytics                1011.3872 %           20.7883 %               

a histogram with irregular bucket sizesa histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizesAnother histogram with irregular bucket sizes

What follows reflects reputation earned on docs and Q&A between July 21st and September 6th:

  • Net reputation earned via Docs since the start of the public beta: 989,329 points (for comparison, 19,294,610 points were earned outside of docs during this time)
  • Median rep earned by Docs participants who've earned rep since the start of the public beta: 9 points / user (for comparison, 10 points / user was the median earned outside of Docs in this time)
  • Number of users who've earned reputation via Docs in public beta: 9,256 (531,640 users earned reputation outside of docs during this time)
  • Most reputation earned by a single user from Docs in public beta thus far: 5,814 points (max earned by a single user outside of docs over the same period: 16,046 points)
  • Most reputation earned (by all users) for a single example in public beta: 147,760 points (yup, that Array Initialization thing) (max rep for a single post: 4,834 points, for our old friend the branch prediction answer)
Name                     Rep Change 
------------------------ ---------- 
Example Unupvoted        -39336     
Doc Rep Source Removed   -26844     
Doc Link Unupvoted         -210       
Doc Link Upvoted          15481      
Proposed Change Approved  62338      
Example Upvoted          977900     
# of Users Privilege level before docs beta % Docs Rep Earned % non-Docs Rep Earned 
---------- -------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- 
3916355    new user / none                  4.73 %            5.56 %                
342228     Newbie                           0.54 %            1.01 %                
611362     VoteUpMod                        3.14 %            3.89 %                
283870     PostCommenting                   4.45 %            5.12 %                
313003     VoteDownMod                      29.55 %           25.40 %               
13286      EstablishedUser                  1.76 %            2.53 %                
17891      PostEditing                      8.31 %            5.74 %                
23226      CloseQuestion                    25.64 %           15.88 %               
3321       ModerationTools                  8.32 %            6.17 %                
7532       TrustedUser                      2.54 %            6.64 %                
3255       ViewSiteAnalytics                10.38 %           20.78 %               

a histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Note: new documentation rep rules have just gone into effect! - the numbers below now reflect the current state of the world.

What follows reflects reputation earned on docs and Q&A between July 21st and September 14th:

  • Net reputation earned via Docs since the start of the public beta: 424,721 points (for comparison, 22,620,852 points were earned outside of docs during this time)
  • Median rep earned by Docs participants who've earned rep since the start of the public beta: 6 points / user (for comparison, 10 points / user was the median earned outside of Docs in this time)
  • Number of users who've earned reputation via Docs in public beta: 9,623 (581,323 users earned reputation outside of docs during this time)
  • Most reputation earned by a single user from Docs in public beta thus far: 3,868 points (max earned by a single user outside of docs over the same period: 19,056 points)
  • Most reputation earned (by all users) for a single example in public beta: 36,025 points (yup, that Array Initialization thing) (max rep for a single post: 5,804 points, for our old friend the branch prediction answer)
Name                     Rep Change 
------------------------ ---------- 
Doc Rep Source Removed   -20398     
Example Unupvoted        -16486     
Doc Link Unupvoted       -80        
Doc Link Upvoted         15975      
Proposed Change Approved 53840      
Example Upvoted          391870     
# of Users Privilege level before docs beta % Docs Rep Earned % non-Docs Rep Earned 
---------- -------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- 
3946401    new user / none                  4.02 %            5.65 %                
342213     Newbie                           0.62 %            1.02 %                
611330     VoteUpMod                        3.24 %            3.88 %                
283855     PostCommenting                   5.23 %            5.12 %                
312992     VoteDownMod                      27.94 %           25.33 %               
13286      EstablishedUser                  1.93 %            2.52 %                
17891      PostEditing                      8.20 %            5.72 %                
23226      CloseQuestion                    25.11 %           15.83 %               
3321       ModerationTools                  7.85 %            6.16 %                
7532       TrustedUser                      3.17 %            6.66 %                
3255       ViewSiteAnalytics                11.72 %           20.83 %               

a histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizes

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What follows reflects reputation earned on docs and Q&A between July 21st and August 10thSeptember 6th:

  • Net reputation earned via Docs since the start of the public beta: 729989,097329 points (for comparison, 819,465294,557610 points were earned outside of docs during this time)
  • Median rep earned by Docs participants who've earned rep since the start of the public beta: 9 points / user (for comparison, 10 points / user was the median earned outside of Docs in this time)
  • Number of users who've earned reputation via Docs in public beta: 89,402256 (330531,759640 users earned reputation outside of docs during this time)
  • Most reputation earned by a single user from Docs in public beta thus far: 35,707814 points (max earned by a single user outside of docs over the same period: 716,633046 points)
  • Most reputation earned (by all users) for a single example in public beta: 110147,601760 points (yup, that Array Initialization thing) (max rep for a single post: 24,247834 points, for our old friend the branch prediction answer)
ChangeName type              Total      Rep Change 
------------------------ ----------------- 
Example Unupvoted                  -2939939336     
Doc Rep Source Removed             -1963826844     
Doc Link Unupvoted                   -105210       
Doc Link Upvoted                     8132 15481      
Proposed Change Approved            5742662338      
Example Upvoted                 977900   712681  
# of Users Privilege level before docs beta % Docs Rep Earned % non-Docs Rep Earned 
---------- -------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- 
38264843916355    new user / none                  4.7473 %            45.8156 %                
342360342228     Newbie                           0.5554 %            01.9901 %                
611501611362     VoteUpMod                        3.1314 %            3.7989 %                
283916283870     PostCommenting                   4.3745 %            5.2012 %                
313036313003     VoteDownMod                      29.55 %           25.8840 %               
1328713286      EstablishedUser                  1.7176 %            2.5853 %                
17891      PostEditing                      8.3931 %            5.8274 %                
2322923226      CloseQuestion                    25.5664 %           1615.0088 %               
33223321       ModerationTools                  8.0232 %            6.2217 %                
7532       TrustedUser                      2.6854 %            6.64 %                
3255       ViewSiteAnalytics                10.6438 %           20.8278 %               

a histogram with irregular bucket sizesa histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizesAnother histogram with irregular bucket sizes

What follows reflects reputation earned on docs and Q&A between July 21st and August 10th:

  • Net reputation earned via Docs since the start of the public beta: 729,097 points (for comparison, 8,465,557 points were earned outside of docs during this time)
  • Median rep earned by Docs participants who've earned rep since the start of the public beta: 9 points / user (for comparison, 10 points / user was the median earned outside of Docs in this time)
  • Number of users who've earned reputation via Docs in public beta: 8,402 (330,759 users earned reputation outside of docs during this time)
  • Most reputation earned by a single user from Docs in public beta thus far: 3,707 points (max earned by a single user outside of docs over the same period: 7,633 points)
  • Most reputation earned (by all users) for a single example in public beta: 110,601 points (yup, that Array Initialization thing) (max rep for a single post: 2,247 points, for our old friend the branch prediction answer)
Change type              Total Rep Change 
------------------------ ----------------- 
Example Unupvoted                  -29399     
Doc Rep Source Removed             -19638     
Doc Link Unupvoted                   -105       
Doc Link Upvoted                     8132       
Proposed Change Approved            57426      
Example Upvoted                    712681  
# of Users Privilege level before docs beta % Docs Rep Earned % non-Docs Rep Earned 
---------- -------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- 
3826484    new user / none                  4.74 %            4.81 %                
342360     Newbie                           0.55 %            0.99 %                
611501     VoteUpMod                        3.13 %            3.79 %                
283916     PostCommenting                   4.37 %            5.20 %                
313036     VoteDownMod                      29.55 %           25.88 %               
13287      EstablishedUser                  1.71 %            2.58 %                
17891      PostEditing                      8.39 %            5.82 %                
23229      CloseQuestion                    25.56 %           16.00 %               
3322       ModerationTools                  8.02 %            6.22 %                
7532       TrustedUser                      2.68 %            6.64 %                
3255       ViewSiteAnalytics                10.64 %           20.82 %               

a histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizes

What follows reflects reputation earned on docs and Q&A between July 21st and September 6th:

  • Net reputation earned via Docs since the start of the public beta: 989,329 points (for comparison, 19,294,610 points were earned outside of docs during this time)
  • Median rep earned by Docs participants who've earned rep since the start of the public beta: 9 points / user (for comparison, 10 points / user was the median earned outside of Docs in this time)
  • Number of users who've earned reputation via Docs in public beta: 9,256 (531,640 users earned reputation outside of docs during this time)
  • Most reputation earned by a single user from Docs in public beta thus far: 5,814 points (max earned by a single user outside of docs over the same period: 16,046 points)
  • Most reputation earned (by all users) for a single example in public beta: 147,760 points (yup, that Array Initialization thing) (max rep for a single post: 4,834 points, for our old friend the branch prediction answer)
Name                     Rep Change 
------------------------ ---------- 
Example Unupvoted        -39336     
Doc Rep Source Removed   -26844     
Doc Link Unupvoted         -210       
Doc Link Upvoted          15481      
Proposed Change Approved  62338      
Example Upvoted          977900     
# of Users Privilege level before docs beta % Docs Rep Earned % non-Docs Rep Earned 
---------- -------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- 
3916355    new user / none                  4.73 %            5.56 %                
342228     Newbie                           0.54 %            1.01 %                
611362     VoteUpMod                        3.14 %            3.89 %                
283870     PostCommenting                   4.45 %            5.12 %                
313003     VoteDownMod                      29.55 %           25.40 %               
13286      EstablishedUser                  1.76 %            2.53 %                
17891      PostEditing                      8.31 %            5.74 %                
23226      CloseQuestion                    25.64 %           15.88 %               
3321       ModerationTools                  8.32 %            6.17 %                
7532       TrustedUser                      2.54 %            6.64 %                
3255       ViewSiteAnalytics                10.38 %           20.78 %               

a histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Another histogram with irregular bucket sizes

Update as of yesterday (edited, forgot to save)
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forgot that bit
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Update numbers, add another histogram
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Correct some inaccurate numbers by using a more accurate time for the start of the beta; update numbers; add breakout by privilege-level
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added 217 characters in body
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